The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines
An amalgam of articles from Implosion Magazine, Nos. 29 (pp 27-31), 53 (pp. 24-29) & 109 (pp 9-17), written 8th July 1954.
"The scientist states that pressure is exerted outwards in all directions equally, whereas natural pressure (e.g. air pressure) is exerted inwards from all directions equally." [Viktor Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 114, p.29.]
A few years ago my so-called pioneering patents were applied for in 26 countries. In almost every country the patent assessors declared that I was mad and some of them even refused to evaluate the patent applications. Of these about half have been granted to date. The remainder are about to be granted, although their possible practical application has not been understood by a single patent assessor. The substantiation of these patent claims, however, could not be refuted in the preliminary assessment. During this period the German patent attorney, who had been preparing my foreign patent applications, told me that all at once there had been second thoughts and that my patents had been granted one after the other. The truth of my observation had thus been recognised as correct. Their granting was therefore compulsory. This change of opinion had been provoked by very strenuous counter-arguments during the preliminary hearings as well as through the publication of various articles in so-called 'serious' scientific journals. As a case in point for example, the magazine 'Das Universum' reported that the smaller Swiss lakes were already as good as ruined, where contemporary turbine systems had been installed in the upper and lower reaches of their affluent streams. Indeed in many large Swiss lakes and in many German and other lakes, the mysterious deterioration of both lake and river water had been elected. In its issue of the 9th of June 1954, the Hamburg periodical 'Der Spiegel' reported that at present at least 10,000 million marks would have to be outlaid in Germany in order to rectify the most blatant depredations in the mismanagement of water resources. The German rivers are polluted to such an extent that even the best filtration plants are virtually useless. An extended period of drought will have catastrophic effects on drinking-water supplies and water for general use. Signs prohibiting bathing and other warnings bear witness to the fact that the spread of infantile paralysis has been traced to a virus that evolves in polluted waters, which are becoming diseased for unknown reasons. The strongest chlorination or other methods of poisoning have not been of much use. All attempts to eradicate the potato beetle and other agricultural pests with poisons have likewise come to nothing. The opposite has occurred, for increasingly pernicious parasites are appearing
against which even penicillin is powerless. The sicker the organism, the more agile its destroyers become.
In the aforementioned patent applications it was stated in no uncertain terms, where the causes of these regressive symptoms, including cancer, were to be sought, which imperil all growth and highly evolved forms of life. In these applications I made the observation that it was the method of moving water techno-academically which in every respect is destructive and which is solely responsible for the economic decline, the rise in social privation and the constant increase in political unrest. Techno-academic motion is so called, because it is taught in all academies and universities in the form of the centrifugence of medial structures (earth, water and air) and in every dictionary it is described as an 'unnatural' (unreal) form of acceleration. In spite of this it is used today in all areas of industry in its exceptionally centrifugating form, because no other method of acceleration is known. It will therefore continue to be used everywhere until a more rational source of power is discovered.
Observations over many years of the almost motionless stationary trout in rushing mountain streams led to the discovery of the best and cheapest source of mechanical power. It is a form of energy that promotes healthy growth and will free humanity from the technology that presently enslaves it. Founded on a biological vacuum, it will provide the basis for a quantitative and qualitative increase in productivity, thereby solving the pressing problem of more and more people and less and less food. The political turmoil now apparent everywhere can easily lead to the third and last World War, which if atom bombs are used, will mean the end of civilisation. This should certainly be reason enough to consider the following seriously even though it may appear utopian at first sight, an aspect that should offer no further impediment once the academic expertise derived from the misinterpretation of fundamentals collapses like a house of cards. Nor should it be rejected because many occupations that are more or less parasitic will be eliminated in the process. We are here concerned with the existence or non-existence of millions of people in all countries of the world.
For more than a century it has been known that water emits ionising radiation, if it is discharged through a system of straight jets under pressure (see figs. 1-36). Hitherto unknown, however, was the following: If these rays are braked by a filter composed of fatty substances (paraffin wax) and conducted in bundled form into a vacuum-tube, then they incandesce on the inner surfaces, producing a dark red, strongly pulsating glow when the tube is earthed. This effect is similar to sheet-lightning. If these rays are amplified in Leyden jars and then conducted into inflammable liquids or gases, they ignite the latter. This is how the fire started in the Hindenburg, which was filled with hydrogen and became earthed when its ballast-water was released. The
[6] This also relates to the effects of Lord Kelvin's influence machine — ca, 1880. - Ed.
American airship, the Akron, which was filled with helium, collapsed (imploded) and crashed on a cool and misty morning, because for hitherto unknown reasons the helium-filling reverted to water. In the first case fire was created and in the second case - water. With fire an approximately 1,800-fold increase in volume occurs, whereas the reverse metamorphosis of helium into water is associated with an 1,800-fold reduction in volume. This reduced volume is the 'biological vacuum', which is the result of chain-reactions and is an ideal source of motive power. In biotechnical machines a vacuum is initially created through the volume-reducing function of the whorl-pipes through which, in a process of repulsion, energy can be drawn off.

Through Patent No. 1.057.6767 granted by the French Patent Office, who accepted it in an almost unabridged form, the OEEC was made aware of my views, which in this way came to the attention one of the foremost water and air research institutes. Via a Viennese intermediary, my advice was sought as to whether this could explain the apparently unstoppable increase in the infection and decay of water, sap and blood, which is also responsible for every kind of water catastrophe. The actual impetus for these enquiries arose as a result of Professor Otto Warburg's study of cancerous tumours under the microscope. He determined that they were nourished principally by oxygen [8]. Plants too are supposed to obtain up to 80% of their nutrients from the positively overcharged atmosphere.
I reject this assertion, because oxygen is no nutrient, but the substance that fertilises the oppositely-charged (geospheric) fructigenic ethericities. These enter the plants via the protoplasm at the tips of the roots (see fig. 15). In more highly organised life-forms they enter the hermetically sealed blood- or sap-streams by way of the intestinal filtration systems; in other words, by way of diffusion. They then proceed through the diffusive orifices of the leaves, needles, gills and lungs and make possible the intermixtures upon whose character and capacity of accommodation the formation of pathogenic or animating entities depends, which at this time are in an atomic state.
Animating energies come into being when etherealised (helium-like) ethericities of carbone and the condensed waste of solar energy in gaseous form, so-called oxygen, become bound together and emulsify. This happens when the intermixture of diffuse substances takes place where a process of reduction occurs in lieu of oxidation.
Whether animating or de-animating life-forces come into being is dependent on the way these substances intermix. The life-giving impulse can only be stimulated, if etherealised carbone (helium-like) ethericities bind the waste products of solar energy that materialise in the form of gas, i.e. so-called oxygen. On the other hand, decomposive, life-removing forces will be stimulated if the process of interaction proceeds in the reverse order. That is to say, if the oxygen ethericities bind the maternal ethericities of carbone. When heated, oxygen becomes aggressive, whereas with cold it becomes passive.
[7] This patent is not to be confused with French patent No. 1.057.576, which relates to the double-spiral pipe described under 'Processes and Equipment for the Conveyance of Liquid, Gaseous or Aeriform Media', p. 107 of this book. It may thus apply to another patent, perhaps for a Repulsator or Repulsine. On the other hand, since both numbers are virtually the same except for one digit, it may also be a typographical error. — Ed.
[8] See Gastons Naessens' research into the effect of nitrogen on cancer. The Persecution and Trial of Gastons Naessens by Christopher Bird. — Ed.

Therefore, if water, sap or blood are over-illuminated, over-warmed or water
is accelerated above its boundary velocity by pressure- and heat-intensifying techno-academic devices, such as steel ploughs, pressure turbines and pumps, pressure screws (propellers), Pelton wheels, etc., then the decomposive energies mentioned earlier come to life. These positively overcharged, invasive emanations are x-ray-like in nature and pierce every form of resistance. They penetrate right through to the negatively charged cell-nucleus and in the surrounding growth and life-forms cause the cell-nuclei to split. There
nuclear fission really begins in earnest. Such radiation generates immense heat (viz. nuclear reactors) when moderated or braked with pure carbone (graphite rods).
As a negatively supercharged trace-element, uranium is present in all cells, which also explains the decay of cells and tissues normally referred to as cancer. In the forest this is manifested in the enlargement of the annual rings in over-illuminated, shade-demanding species of timber. Thus is also revealed the cause of the huge spread of the scourge of the technical age - cancer, whose actuator comes to life in decadent cells through over-acidified food, in drinking and cooking water, and in air polluted by exhaust fumes. Here too we encounter tree-cancer, to which these decadent cells give rise and which is transferred to the tree by over-acidified nutrients. Iron molecules are particularly dangerous, if they are swept up into the atmosphere along with the fumes from iron-smelting blast-furnaces, for as catalysts they contribute to the interaction between low-grade elements and inaugurate conditions conducive to lung cancer.
We are here concerned with bacteriophagous[9] threshold substances, which are first animated at a later stage of development. For this reason the view that this relates to viral entities released by water, sap and blood, is an error of the first order. It is the intermixture of the diffuse substances mentioned earlier that first makes fertilisation possible. It is the way in which impregnation takes place that determines whether the emergence of pathogens results or not.
These explanations provoked a veritable storm of protest in academic circles, forcing me to equip myself and go into action with somewhat heavier artillery. In response to the objections raised during the preliminary patent assessment, I then submitted the following supplementary explanation:
1. As inseparable trinities, the media of earth, water and air are the natural accumulators of biomagnetic and bioelectric dynagen concentrates. These are extremely sensitive to pressure and heat and may only be accelerated artificially in the original (primordial) way, i.e. planetarily, wherein cooling effects must predominate. Any abnormal increase in heat, no matter from what cause, triggers unnatural interactions between basic elements at the expense of the negatively surcharged, biomagnetic dynagen concentrates.
2. All over-illumination and over-heating immediately provokes the release of decomposive energies; whether heating is the result of sunlight or
[9] Bacteriophagous: According to Collins English Dictionary a bacteriophage is 'a virus that is parasitic in a bacterium and multiplies within its host, which is destroyed when the new viruses are released.' Here the meaning of bacteriophagous has little to do with bacteria as such, but tries to express the notion of highly subtle, autonomous entities within entities endowed with the potential to impart life- or death- decisive influences. Viktor Schauberger also explains them as threshold conformations or structures which are neither corpuscular, nor metaphysical in nature. — Ed.
processes of combustion is immaterial. In warmed up rivers and streams this is associated with losses in the carrying capacity and tractive force[10] (the deposition of sediment and the sinking of the groundwater table). The products of this emulsion give rise to all kinds of inflammation in all organisms, as a result of which, due to the lack of qualigen, the regressive course of cancer then becomes inevitable. In the tissues minute explosions occur, which result in their destruction.

[10] Tractive force: This refers to the force described hydraulically as 'Shear force' — the force that acts to 'shear off' or to dredge and dislodge sediment. In German the term for shear force is 'Schubkraft', meaning 'to push, to shove' as well as 'to shear', whereas Viktor Schauberger uses the word 'Schleppkraft'. The verb 'schleppen' means to drag, draw or pull. Viktor Schauberger's choice of 'Schleppkraft' here is quite specific, since in his view the movement of sediment is due to the sucking action of fast flowing, dense cold water downstream, rather than to the mechanical impact of the water coming from upstream. In view of this subtle change in emphasis, in lieu of the hydraulically correct term 'shear force', the term 'tractive forces' will be used. This dynamic is similar to the effect of wind on roofs, where a roof is blown off not by force from the windward side, but rather by the sucking effect of vortices created on the leeward side. -Ed.
Goethe called Nature's principal, formative essence the 'Eternally Female' and 'All-uplifting'. I have named it 'Qualigen'[11]. This can only come into being, if all medial masses (water, earth, air, etc.) are accelerated 'originally' - planetarily and predominantly centripetally by means of patented devices designed to create this form of motion. The design and the alloys used in the construction of these devices, which are continually being improved, are the exact opposites of those used in all areas of industry for the techno-academic acceleration of mass.
My allegations in this regard were construed an as affront to the honour and prestige of the Establishment and I was requested to provide written proof of these provocative assertions to the university professors I mentioned by name. This I also did and without exception they all had to capitulate. I could prove to them that as a result of techno-academic systems of motion - a predominantly centrifugal form of mass-movement - an atomic (electrolytic) excess pressure builds up in the structure of the basic elements, thereby producing an increase in temperature; in other words, a feverish condition. In contrast, an atomic (magnetic) low or negative pressure is generated through a form of planetary mass-motion in which centripetence predominates. This gives rise to a concentrative, negative pressure, which functions as a biological vacuum. It was discovered as early as 1908 by Professor Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch, who recognised that neither breathing nor expansion of the lungs would be possible if the biological vacuum were not to exist. He was declared a fool all the same and dismissed without notice when he told his superior, Professor Mikolitsch, the following:
"Were there no vacuum between the surface of the lungs and the pleura, no intake of breath, nor resistanceless expansion of the lungs would be possible. Everything would suffocate were this biological vacuity to be filled with normal, atmospheric pressure through any form of perforation."
Professor Sauerbruch was unaware that this vacuum comes into being through the planetary movement of the blood. Had he known, then medicine would have taken a completely different course.
I was further able to prove that because contemporary machines operate using centrifugence, resistances to motion with a reactive function[12] are
11 Here the German word is 'Qualitatstoff', which literally means 'quality-matter, or substance'. With this Viktor Schauberger intended to describe a higher, 4th or 5th dimensional magnitude of pure quality as a thing in itself and as the driving force in the raising of quality of whatever kind as a 'quality-producer' or 'quality-generating substance' or energy. The English expression term 'qualigen' used here, is a contraction of the two words 'quality' and 'generator'. — Ed.
12 Active and reactive energies, temperatures, etc.: 'Active' essentially relates to the more physical dimension, to what is outwardly physical and perceptible, physically palpable, gravitationally affected or oriented, and life-negating, i.e. to energies that tend to curb, limit and brake life, evolution and development. 'Reactive' on the other hand relates to more metaphysical dimensions, to what is inwardly physically intangible, levitationally affected or oriented, and life-affirming, i.e. to energies that tend to foster, re-animate and accelerate life, evolution and higher development. - Ed.
generated, which increase by the square of the rotational velocity. In a certain sense this can be interpreted as the application of a brake by a violated Nature. With the use of my patented suction-screws (see figs. 4 & 5) on the other hand, performance and efficiency are increased in the same ratio through molecular processes wherein quality is built up, with the result that over-unity energies can be generated.
The product of this involuting motion, which always converges to a point while at the same time curling in upon itself, is biomagnetism. That it is also contingent on the presence of catalytic influences will not be further discussed here. As such, biomagnetism extends itself longitudinally and radiates its surplus energies vertically and, for example, draws the trout along in its wake. The trout can so regulate this upsuctional force with its gills that even its motionless stance and equally well-known mastery of gravity becomes understandable in the light of the above. The weight of physical masses only exists in the atmospheric living space. Above this the force of levitation prevails as inverted gravitation. Consequently, all pressure- and heat-intensifying motion must inevitably function all the more irrationally, uneconomically and development-impedingly, the more it is accelerated and strengthened. To this end raw materials are squandered to such a degree that a growing dearth of them is unavoidable.
An exact chemical analysis revealed that over-acidified products of emulsion are created by present systems of mass-motion. In contrast, a 100% biomagnetically surcharged concentrate of qualigen is produced by planetary forms of motion. When infused into drinking water, it greedily binds excessive agglomerations of oxygen and purges the body. Cancerous tumours and growths become neutralised in the process and it is therefore the natural preventive of cancer and indeed the means of healing it. Science was never able to discover these things as all it knew was the opposite form of mass-motion that has caused all the havoc in the world. Growth is none other than biomagnetism has been solidified by the diffuse effects of light and heat. As a logical consequence, therefore, over-illuminated and / or overheated mountain springwaters must sink and their sources dry up.
An investigation carried out with a microscope has confirmed that crystalline structures form under technical forms of motion; that planetary motion produces morphous structures (see fig. 6). These are the typical indicator of high-grade interactions of diffuse substances, whose products of emulsion effortlessly overcome all physical weight and mental inertia. This heaviness will be increased, however, if any form of medial mass is made to move in the way that occurs today throughout the civilised world. In this case the ur-source of all life - water - will suffocate, its decomposition progressing all the more rapidly the more this hapless techno-academic system of motion increases in scope and intensity.


The Suction-Turbine Rotor
The rotor of a suction-screw which narrows towards the base. Despite its operation using geological water-pressure, the flow-through material is not degraded, because here too centripetence prevails and the falling temperature gradient produced by it.
Viktor Schauberger's Microscope Evidence

Biomagnetism is quality. Its adversary is all forms of over-illumination, over-heating or centrifugally engineered increase in pressure. In this case bio-electricity is produced, which, in the form of an atomic force of excess pressure, possesses energies that function electrolytically and over-acidify decompose and kill all forms of life and growth. In the light of this, the deterioration of rivers and lakes becomes quite understandable. Since bio-magnetism is quality, it follows that there is no constant conservation of energy in the presently accepted sense. There is likewise no equivalence between mass and energy and no insuperable force of gravity within the atmospheric envelope. All there is, is a rhythmical interplay between bipolar component forces, which ultimately inaugurates the final degeneration. In their interactive function as atomic pressural or suctional forces and through the biological vacuum thereby created, they also produce the best and cheapest driving force for machines.
As a result of all this the scales fell from the eyes of an ecclesiastical scholar, when I explained to him that the earthly remains of life (mineral and metallic trace-elements) were essential for the processes of reproduction, regeneration and upward evolution. Whereupon he responded, "My, but what a joke it would be, if we too had got hold of the wrong story! If the true rigmarole of the resurrection can only begin, when all the various cadavers are moved planetarily in the
womb of All-Mother Earth, a motion the techno-academic school-aristocrats have now turned inside out and into the opposite, then after we've gone every last remnant of culture must also disappear!"
"Indeed," I responded, "it would also be just as futile to sprinkle a dead body with a bucket of holy water. On the contrary, in a grave that is too warm, where the oxygen is aggressive, everything categorically goes to the Devil, and on Earth, due to the absence of qualigen, everything rots away alive."
Accordingly there are only two possibilities: Either this unfortunate form of mass-motion must be prohibited by law, or this thoroughly ruined and polluted work of creation must be blown sky high with the most efficient atomic bombs as soon as possible. - Amen.
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