Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) was an Austrian man who spent much of his life as a forestmaster in his native country, and as an inventor who had a deep understanding and appreciation for the life energy dynamics of what he quite clearly called water's life cycle. He put forth the scientific idea that water is indeed alive, and as such it can be sterile, immature or mature depending on the cluster size, treatment, motion and temperature of the water. An early invention was for a wooden pipe to carry water. It was believed by Schauberger that in order for water to mature it must not be exposed to sunlight and be allowed to flow undisturbed, meaning to be able to move in a snakelike fashion. What is actually happening in a naturally coursing stream is that there is a longitudinal whirling flow which forms along the length of the stream. In several books on his life and work such as 'Living Energies' by Callum Coats, there are detailed diagrams Schauberger produced that show the electrical and temperature gradient cycles in forests and rivers and their importance to the quality of the water contained therein.
'Understand and duplicate nature' was one of Viktor's most famous sayings, denoting his simple philosophy. In practice this deep understanding of the treatment of water would lead him to create several machines, such as the repulsine, that use the principle of vortex motion in their design. In the repulsine, air is passed through a narrow corrugated chamber created by two plates with impelling blades along the outer edge, so as to create a suction turbine. In one experiment Viktor plotted the resistance of three test pipes to water flow. He found that the first, glass, increased at about a 40 degree angle on the chart. Copper was a little less, about a 30 degree angle. A spiraling copper pipe plotted a variation over various flow rates, however at one point on the graph it drops below zero, denoting the 'sweet spot' where the flowrate temperature and volume of the water all match up. Schauberger found that the ideal temperature for water is around +4°C where it is at its densest, before it starts expanding from heat or expanding to crystallize. So in his inventions the suction action would be used to further cool the water - if it can be controlled to stay in the sweet spot by its own suction action, then efficiency goes up considerably.
Viktor Schauberger was also an avid farmer. He devised a heart-shape spiral plough in which soil is turned out in a longitudinal spiral as it passes through the blades of the plough. He also found that the copper content of the soil is important, and to use copper or copper coated tools is much better than steel ones. The reasons involve electrical charge of the water and how it interacts with dissolved minerals in the soil. [no source given]
Viktor Schauberger on his observation of Nature, particularly water:
The Schauberger’s principle preoccupation was directed towards the conservation of the forest and wild game, and even in earliest youth my fondest desire was to understand Nature, and through such understanding to come closer to the truth; a truth that I was unable to discover either at school or in church.
"In this quest I was thus drawn time and time again up into the forest. I could sit for hours on end and watch the water flowing by without ever becoming tired or bored. At the time I was still unaware that in water the greatest secret lay hidden. Nor did I know that water was the carrier of life or the ur-source of what we call consciousness. Without any preconceptions, I simply let my gaze fall on the water as it flowed past. It was only years later that I came to realise that running water attracts our consciousnesses like a magnet and draws a small part of it along in its wake. It is a force that can act so powerfully that one temporarily loses one’s consciousness and involuntarily falls asleep.
"As time passed I began to play a game with water’s secret powers; I surrendered my so-called free consciousness and allowed the water to take possession of it for a while. Little by little this game turned into a profoundly earnest endeavour, because I realised that one could detach one’s own consciousness from the body and attach it to that of the water.
"When my own consciousness was eventually returned to me, then the water’s most deeply concealed psyche often revealed the most extraordinary things to me. As a result of this investigation, a researcher was born who could dispatch his consciousness on a voyage of discovery. In this way I was able to experience things that had escaped other people’s notice, because they were unaware that a human being is able to send forth his free consciousness into those places the eyes cannot see.
"By practising this blindfolded vision, I eventually developed a bond with mysterious Nature, whose essential being I then slowly learnt to perceive and understand. [Viktor Schauberger]
''Nature is not served by rigid laws, but by rhythmical, reciprocal processes. Nature uses none of the preconditions of the chemist or the physicist for the purposes of evolution. Nature excludes all fire on principle for purposes of growth; therefore all contemporary machines are unnatural and constructed according to false premises.
Nature avails herself of the bio-dynamic form of motion through which the biological prerequisite for the emergence of life is provided. Its purpose is to ur-procreate [re-create the primary, the essence of] ‘higher’ conditions of matter out of the originally inferior raw materials, which afford the evolutionally older, or the numerically greater rising generation, the possibility of a constant capacity to evolve, for without any growing and increasing reserves of energy there would be no evolution or development.
This results first and foremost in the collapse of the so-called Law of the Conservation of Energy, and in further consequence the Law of Gravity, and all other dogmatics lose any rational or practical basis.'' [Viktor Schauberger, source : from "Implosion" no. 81 re-printed in Nexus magazine Apr-May 1996]
Schauberger was born on 30th June 1885 in Austria into a family who had been foresters for over 400 years and who had originated from a German Aristocratic land owning family dating back to 1230 AD at which time they had lost their lands in Germany. Viktor was happy to continue his family tradition and once wrote "From my earliest childhood it was my greatest ambition to become a forest warden like my father, grandfather, great grandfather and his father before him" (p18 Living Water by Olof Alexandersson) As a boy he showed great interest in everything to do with nature. He would roam the whole day among the forests around Lake Plockenstein which was almost untouched by human hands. From this background Viktor learnt to trust his observations and intuitive awareness, as had his father and his grandfather. He learnt from them that water when in shaded mountain areas produced plants and vegetation at their richest, and that fields irrigated by water transported to them at night yielded greater harvests than neighbouring meadows and fields. From his research in adult life Viktor was able to explain the significance of water's properties and devise various methods for promoting and maintaining water at its optimum level of purity and vitality. Viktor's knowledge of the properties of water proved to have ecological and economic benefits. During the winter of 1918 a series of storms had brought down many trees up in the hillsides, while further down in the valley the town of Linz was suffering from a serious shortage of fuel. All animals and men had been taken to serve the war effort and there were no large watercourses by which to transport the timber. However Viktor was able to bring down the logs through a small stream which ran through narrow gorges. Viktor had observed that the mud banks that built up after the increased flow from a thaw was dispersed during clear cool nights when the water temperature was at its lowest.
Using his knowledge Viktor waited for the time when the water current would be at its strongest, which was during the early hours of the morning when the moon was full. Viktor directed when the right moment would be for the timber to enter the water and in one night 1600 cubic metres of timber were brought down the mountain to a temporally constructed pond in the valley.
After World War l Viktor was employed by Prince Adolf Schauberg-Lippe who gave him responsibility for over 21,000 hectares of almost virgin forest land in Bernerau, Steyerling.
Viktor used his position to investigate the forests and its streams, one of the first anomalies he encountered was a previously opulent mountain stream had unexpectedly dried up after the old stone hut which stood over its source had been dismantled, exposing the spring to the light and sun. Various explanations were considered and finally the suggestion to rebuild the stone hut was followed up and after a while the spring returned. Viktor grew quite sure that water responded to the shade of the forests from which it sprang. He begun to perceive water as the life blood of the earth and surmised that it must be allowed to follow its own course if it is to remain unspoilt. Viktor concluded that watercourses are shaped by winding curves and shaded banks to protect itself from direct sunlight and that its low temperature and natural flow was the condition necessary for water to preserve its supportive and carrying strength.
Another phenomena that captured Viktor's imagination was gathered from his observation of the trout's ability to jump high watercourses with apparently so little effort. Again this phenomena occurred during the moonlight hours of the night. On one particular occasion when Viktor was sitting waiting to catch a fish poacher he observed the manner of how a particularly large fish used the currents of the water to jump up and over its upper curve. After decades of such observations, Viktor concluded that a natural watercourse allows for a natural build up of energy that flows in the opposite direction to the water, it is this energy that is used by the trout. "In a suitably formed waterfall this energy flow can be distinguished as a channel of light within the streaming water. The trout seeks out this energy flow and is sucked upwards as if in a whirlpool" (p22 ibid.) A repetition of this phenomenon repeated itself giving rise to Viktor's new ideas of motion: "I did not trust my generally observant eyes anymore, when suddenly an almost head-sized stone begun to move in a circular path in the same way as a trout before leaping over a waterfall. The stone was egg-shaped. In the next instance the stone was on the surface of the water, around which a circle of ice quickly formed. It appeared to float on the water surface, lit by the full moon. Then a second, a third, followed by other stones in sequence went through the same movements. Eventually nearly all the stones of the same egg shape were on the surface. Other stones of irregular or angular shape remained below and did not move. At the time I naturally had no idea that it was a case of synchronicity of events, leading to a unique form of movement. This movement overcomes the force of gravity and allows the stones of regular shape to come to the surface of the water." (p.23 ibid.)
Victor later used these observations to initiate designs for generating power and motion that worked in harmony with nature in that they did not produce toxic emissions. For Viktor nature is the foremost teacher so that the task of technology is not to correct nature but to imitate it, 'kapieren und kopeiren' was the principle that guided him throughout his life, 'first understand nature and then copy it.'
The years after the war brought radical changes in the way the land was used, deforestation scourged the land as a means of producing revenue. The ecological changes this brought was first noticed along the water courses. The removal of the forest canopy and the rich vegetation beneath brought a warming and drying effect upon the soil. Water falling as rain found it increasingly difficult to penetrate the soil. Under natural conditions, water sinking deeper and deeper into the soil undergoes rapid cooling until the weight of this mass of water above equals the pressure of the deeply drained water. The latter warmed by the earth's heat, wants to rise as its specific weight falls. During this heating the water is able to attract and bind metals and salts, carbon being particularly important. The water/steam molecules becoming CO+H2. It is this separation of the oxygen from the hydrogen molecules that creates the gas needed to force the water up towards the earth's surface as springs or even as great geysers. During this process salts are dissolved and carried away with the gas to be deposited in layers near the surface which is kept cool by the refrigerator effect of the vegetation. In turn the roots of the vegetation are given a constant supply of nutrition. This process of water maturation and soil enrichment is broken when the plants and trees are cut down and this leads to several imbalances:Water Disturbance Pattern - A thin brush has been drawn through a tray of glycerine-treated water with a dusting of powder on the surface. [http://www.lightnet.co.uk/frontier/viktor.htm]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyOGdjWDVM4 - excellent video on his history and ideas.
https://youtu.be/a0PwEwLG9No - another excellent video

Articles, Books, Resources
The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature
The Trout by Viktor Schauberger
Schauberger patents
Viktor Schauberger's son's web site
Our Senseless Toil
ChatGPT summarizes the four Collum Coates books on Schauberger's work and theories. This is an awesome summarization.: https://chatgpt.com/share/6748526c-c37c-800d-90ca-9d64c56c8004
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
3D printed Vortex patterns
differential densities
Implosion Magazine
Life Force
Newtons Apple
Our Senseless Toil - download pdf: https://svpwiki.com/pdffiles/SCHAUBERGER_-_OUR_SENSELESS_TOIL.pdf
The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex
Water and Consciousness article by Schauberger
William Baumgartner replicated some Schauberger designs
16.13 - Differential Densities