Making depolar, neutral, void. Voiding polarity. [see The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
The Neutralization of Magnets
"Thus, either present elements are the true elements, or else there is the probability before us of obtaining some more high and general power of nature, even than electricity, and which at the same time might reveal to us an entirely new grade of matter, now hidden from our view and almost from our suspicion. - [FARADAY]
Question. How can a magnet be robbed almost instantaneously of its magnetic power?
Answer. The peculiarity of the sympathetic conditions which conserve a magnet to polar and anti-polar currents of the earth, prove perfect sympathetic equation between reception and distribution in that part of the electrical field which is classified, in my system, as interatomic vibratory oscillation.
This oscillation represents, in its corpuscular field of action, an alternating wave-motion of one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred vibratory exchanges per second, between polar reception and depolar distribution, thus establishing its perfect sympathetic concordance to that third of the electric triple stream which represents the sixths in vibratory sympathetic physics. The sympathetic action of the magnet, when electrically sensitized, becomes subservient to polar attraction as a medium through which a portion of its flow is diverted; no longer latent, but highly active as long as its magnetic sympathy (as electrically induced) continues, and it will then associate itself with every medium in nature in which this element exists in its latent state, from steel to oxygen at a low temperature.
We have now reached a starting-point from which to obtain a conception of the manner in which a magnet can be neutralized, that is, robbed of its coincident unity, or subservience to polar negative attraction." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
"All vibrations that are negative in their character as toward destroying the harmonic relations that exist between the magnetic current and its coincident polar, to carry out the simile, close up the aperture whereby illumination (or transfer) is continuously conducted.
The thirds, on the subdivision of the one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred vibrations, represent the negative antagonism, whereby this peculiar condition is brought about, viz., forty-two thousand eight hundred on the positive; the same on the negative and on the neutral, as associated with the sympathetic negative transmitter.
The keeper is first placed on the magnet, which has an attachment whereby a transmitter can be centrally associated with it; the other terminal having three connections that can be attached to this medium. The impulse is given simultaneously to the three leads after setting the instrument to represent forty-two thousand eight hundred vibrations on the harmonic, the same on the enharmonic and on the diatonic.
If this impulse is given properly, the neutralization will take place within fifteen seconds." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
"In the Center is placed a resonating intensifier, through which the sympathetic currents pass. By a spiro-vibrophonic arrangement these currents are diverted toward the neutral center of the earth. This device is the sympathetic multiplying agent for the polar field, and the negatizing agent for the anti-polar field. When under action it is entirely subservient to the transmitter, both in regard to high intensification and thorough neutralization of polar and depolar interchange." [see Rhythmic Balanced Exchange], [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
An exact chemical analysis revealed that over-acidified products of emulsion are created by present systems of mass-motion. In contrast, a 100% biomagnetically surcharged concentrate of qualigen is produced by planetary forms of motion. When infused into drinking water, it greedily binds excessive agglomerations of oxygen and purges the body. Cancerous tumours and growths become neutralised in the process and it is therefore the natural preventive of cancer and indeed the means of healing it. Science was never able to discover these things as all it knew was the opposite form of mass-motion that has caused all the havoc in the world. Growth is none other than biomagnetism has been solidified by the diffuse effects of light and heat. As a logical consequence, therefore, over-illuminated and / or overheated mountain springwaters must sink and their sources dry up. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
economy and industry secular science instructed and taught the opposite 'winding'. Therefore, in lieu of the evolution-fostering (ennobling) spirit, it raised and reinforced the demon in the form of development-impeding electricism, as if by conveyor belt, to such an extent that the magnetism-generating Earth, which moves in cycloid-spiral-space-curves, is now incapable of neutralising the decomposive energies and their effects produced by millions upon millions of human beings. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
Magnetism and electricism are the subordinate functions of two metaphysical energetic magnitudes, 'levitism' and 'gravitism' which reign supreme over [after?] coming into being and passing away. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
ALTHOUGH I am confident that the foundation on which I have been building is firm, and will never fail, I also feel that there are probably errors in raising the superstructure. "Truthful deductions must ultimately harmonise; like light, they will shine by their own effulgence." "If, however, we determine that we will not receive any truth against which objections can be raised, we shall remain in a state of universal scepticism, for against truths of every description objections have been and may be suggested." Appearances are often contrary to facts— "the straight stick looks crooked in the tide." And the question has always to be decided, whether the objections neutralise the positive evidences in favour of the truth of any assertion. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, General Remarks on Harmonies of Tones and Colours, page 12]
combinations of dissonance, rests, sounding neither scale nor chords. Dissonance does not express opposition or separation, for there is no principle in musical tones which is productive of contraries; the dissonances follow the attraction of the tonic, or key-note, and the neutralization of the musical disturbance is implied in the disagreement in their motion with the repose of the unit, or key-note. So far is this from producing separation, that the apparent discord is simply a preparation for growth, the life of harmony causing an inherent tendency towards closer union. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Combinations of dissonance, rests, page 24]
See Also
13.03 - Voiding Polarization
2.22 - Voiding - an Effect of Desire and Will Force
3.7 - Non-synchronized Voiding at Plane of Inertia
Figure 3.24 - Non-synchronized Voiding at Plane of Inertia is Regenerative
Light from the Void
center of neutrality
Figure 3.24 - Non-synchronized Voiding at Plane of Inertia is Regenerative
Neutral Center
Sympathetic Depolarization
2.22 - Voiding - an Effect of Desire and Will Force
2.25 - Regauging or Control of the Neutral
3.7 - Non-synchronized Voiding at Plane of Inertia
13.03 - Voiding Polarization