
planetary motion

It has become clear to some that the origins of all manifestations of life and motion lie in chemo-physical and electromagnetic causes, which on their part are triggered by plus and minus temperatures.

Will and counterwill are functions of the temperatures that arise for one reason or another. Work is a function of the temperatures that lie above or below the turning point or point of intersection - the anomaly point - in which all life arises (zero point). It is of similar nature to what we experience as the 'present', which is a function of an on-going extremely high velocity flow. This flow is an eternal motion-of-creation, which in turn gives rise to a constant creation-of-motion.[1] Thus we arrive at the fallacy and the explanation of the life that lies between birth and burial, which is the illusion that clothes evolution with reality. Temperature is thus the difference between differences, out of which the ceaseless movement of evolution arises, which is itself the product of tensions resulting from the contrasting directions of movement.

The movement of the planets is mirrored in the movement of earthly bodies and thus the possibility also exists to order the course of such planetary systems by means of a particular physical motion. Conversely, it is also possible to exploit planetary motion to produce physical motion, which will enable us to harness a constantly waxing motive force for our own use. Opposites have their appointed directions of movement and find their expression in the mutual interaction of living and moving matter. [From Schauberger, The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature - Special Edition Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2,1993, section 3.1]

An exact chemical analysis revealed that over-acidified products of emulsion are created by present systems of mass-motion. In contrast, a 100% biomagnetically surcharged concentrate of qualigen is produced by planetary forms of motion. When infused into drinking water, it greedily binds excessive agglomerations of oxygen and purges the body. Cancerous tumours and growths become neutralised in the process and it is therefore the natural preventive of cancer and indeed the means of healing it. Science was never able to discover these things as all it knew was the opposite form of mass-motion that has caused all the havoc in the world. Growth is none other than biomagnetism has been solidified by the diffuse effects of light and heat. As a logical consequence, therefore, over-illuminated and / or overheated mountain springwaters must sink and their sources dry up. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

An investigation carried out with a microscope has confirmed that crystalline structures form under technical forms of motion; that planetary motion produces morphous structures (see fig. 6). These are the typical indicator of high-grade interactions of diffuse substances, whose products of emulsion effortlessly overcome all physical weight and mental inertia. This heaviness will be increased, however, if any form of medial mass is made to move in the way that occurs today throughout the civilised world. In this case the ur-source of all life - water - will suffocate, its decomposition progressing all the more rapidly the more this hapless techno-academic system of motion increases in scope and intensity. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday July 4, 2022 05:34:47 MDT by Dale Pond.