"A very readable summary (of Zero Point) can be found in Scientific American itself, in an article by Prof. Timothy Boyer in the August 1985 issue, entitled "The Classical Vacuum." As to the origin of the term "zero-point energy," it simply means that for any vibration (acoustic, electromagnetic, etc.) there remains, even at a temperature of absolute zero, a small residual energy that has its roots in the quantum uncertainty principle, a nonvanishing "quantum jiggle," as it were. In the context of the program, the possibility of an enormous reservoir of zero-point energy in Space (the Vacuum) associated with electromagnetic fields derives from the fact that although the residual energy at any given frequency is quite small (at the level of the uncertainty principle), there are contributions to the overall energy density from waves of all frequencies, propagating in all directions, and the sum of all these contributions is calculated to be quite large." Hal Puthoff
Space, Vacuum, non-motion. Some believe energy (specifically Free Energy) can be derived or developed from Space, Vacuum or Zero Point. Apparently Keely did this sometime prior to 1895. [See Keely - Electricity from Space, Apergy - Power Without Cost and Keelys Accomplishments]
Zero Point, as science uses the term, is NOT the same as Keely's Neutral Center. However, many people use the term Zero Point in a way that would be synonmous with "Neutral Center"; i.e., point of convergence or neutralization of forces. [see voiding]
Keely on Residual Zero Point Energy
"True science is bastardized by intimating that the life in matter can be destroyed by any intensity of thermal negation (frigidity). Can finite man make use of an infinite element to neutralize infinity? Thermal negation causes molecular oscillation to diminish, or even seem to cease, but the results brought about from this superficial appearance of matter coming to rest are that the latent energy existing in the molecular zone is transferred to the intermolecular, increasing the oscillations of the intermolecular in the same ratio that the molecular is diminished. All the art that man can employ to induce the same effect on the intermolecular zone ends here." [Keely, Newton of the Mind, Subdivision]
"God extends His LOVE, His power and His knowing, radially, from zero points of omnipresent stillness to other zero points in the measure of His desire to give FORM TO HIS IMAGININGS. The intensity of desire extended from these centering points of rest to those extended points of rest determines the dimension of HIS desire. Thus the entire MECHANICAL principle of all Nature, by means of which its light illusions of motion are produced, is the consequent effect of such radial extensions." [10/18/1994 #1 HATONN (quoting Walter Russell?)]
"That zero point is the Soul-seed of the oak, or of a corpuscle in your blood." [Atomic Suicide, page 252-254]
"That zero point is you. In it is all-knowledge and all-power to extend to as you desire it, and are aware of it within that "kingdom of heaven" within you." [Atomic Suicide, page 255]
"The balancing dark images in figures 64 and 65 show how the zero universe balances every movement in the universe by centering every unit of matter with its accumulated potentials at a zero point within it, which we call gravity, and with another equal zero point at balanced focal points between each pair." [Atomic Suicide, page 259]
"Chemically these zero points of beginnings and endings are the inert gases of the elements, the patterned seed record from which the octave waves of the elements of matter appear. The inert gases are the seed from which patterned waves of the elements spring as oak trees spring from the patterned inert gas which centers the acorn. The plane upon which the inert gases rotate is 90 degrees from the plane of carbon's equator, which is upon the wave's amplitude." [Russell, Mirrors and Lens of Cosmic Cinema]
"God is Light. God is Love.
God's creating universe is founded on Love. It is creating with Light.
''The principle of love is desire to give. God gives love by extending His Light.
God's love is a mirror of Light which reflects His giving of love by the regiving of love.
The law of love is rhythmic balanced interchange between all givings and regivings.
The symbol of love is the wave of dual light which gives and regives equally and rhythmically. This is a dual electric wave universe of interchanging light.'' (Fig. 1)
God's Love is everywhere; His Light is everywhere. There is naught but good in God's omniscient universe. Evil is a product of man's thinking.
God extends His love, His power and His knowing, radially, from zero points of omnipresent stillness to other zero points in the measure of His desire to give form to His imag-
page 219
inings. The intensity of desire extended from centering points of rest to extended points of rest determines the dimension of desire. (Fig. 2)" [Russell, The Secret of Light, PART III: Omnipresence The Universe of Being Postulates and Diagrams]
"Electric and magnetic fields and other fields are subject to a version of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle: it is not possible to have a state in which a field, and the rate at which it is changing, both vanish. Consequently empty Space, even far from any matter, is permeated with continually fluctuating fields. The effects of these fields are very weak under ordinary circumstances, but they can be measured - for instance, by observing a force between parallel metal plates due to the change produced by these plates in the fluctuating electric and magnetic fields in the Space between the plates. This is known as the Casimir Effect, and has been studied experimentally and theoretically for many years." [Steven Weinberg]
What does "Zero Point" mean?
"Boyer traces the historical "creation of the Vacuum" as proceeding in stages in parallel with the historical development of ideas about the Vacuum. To paraphrase, he says that in the 17th century, it was thought that a totally empty volume of Space could be created by simply removing all matter and, in particular, all gases. That was our first concept of the Vacuum. Just get rid of all the gas."
"Late in the 19th century, it became apparent that the region still contained thermal radiation. But it seemed that the radiation might be eliminated by cooling. So the second concept of getting a real Vacuum is to cool it down to zero temperature. Just go all the way to absolute zero. Then we've got a real Vacuum. Right? Well, since then, both theory and experiment have shown that there is a non-thermal radiation in the Vacuum and that it persists even if the temperature could be lowered to absolute zero. Therefore, it was simply called the 'zero point' radiation." [Thomas Valone]
Thomas Valone
It has become clear to some that the origins of all manifestations of life and motion lie in chemo-physical and electromagnetic causes, which on their part are triggered by plus and minus temperatures.
Will and counterwill are functions of the temperatures that arise for one reason or another. Work is a function of the temperatures that lie above or below the turning point or point of intersection - the anomaly point - in which all life arises (zero point). It is of similar nature to what we experience as the 'present', which is a function of an on-going extremely high velocity flow. This flow is an eternal motion-of-creation, which in turn gives rise to a constant creation-of-motion.[1] Thus we arrive at the fallacy and the explanation of the life that lies between birth and burial, which is the illusion that clothes evolution with reality. Temperature is thus the difference between differences, out of which the ceaseless movement of evolution arises, which is itself the product of tensions resulting from the contrasting directions of movement.
The movement of the planets is mirrored in the movement of earthly bodies and thus the possibility also exists to order the course of such planetary systems by means of a particular physical motion. Conversely, it is also possible to exploit planetary motion to produce physical motion, which will enable us to harness a constantly waxing motive force for our own use. Opposites have their appointed directions of movement and find their expression in the mutual interaction of living and moving matter. [From Schauberger, The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature - Special Edition Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2,1993, section 3.1]

Download pdf: Locked Potentials, 369 and Zero Point: https://svpwiki.com/pdffiles/Scale-of-Locked-Potentials-Scalar-Zero-Point.pdf
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See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Fifth Dimension
Fourth Dimension
Free Energy
fulcrum zero
Harmonic Oscillation
Keely - Electricity from Space
Kellner - Electricity from Space
law of etheric compensation and restoration
List of Synonyms for Scalar
Mirrors and Lens of Cosmic Cinema
Neutral Center
Space Charge
Tesla - Electricity from Space
Vacuum Energy