noun: anything that provides inspiration for later work, idea
noun: a small hard part produced by a plant that can grow into a new plant of the same type
"When our learned men are forced to admit that "all motion is thought", that "all nature is the language of One in whom we live, and are moved, and have our being", the attempts to evolve life out of chemical elements will cease; the Mosaic records will no longer be denied, which tell us that the Creator's law for living organisms is that each plant seeds, and each animal bears, after his kind; not that each seeds and bears after another kind. The doctrine of evolution, as made known to us in Geology, is a fundamental truth; proving that "there has been a plan, glorious in its scheme, perfect in system, progressing through unmeasured ages, and looking ever toward man and a spiritual end"." [True Science]
"Radioactivity has so nearly reached its maximum at this point that the speed of the cosmic seed shed by these isotopes has been measured at 180,000 miles per second, which is approximately the speed of light nearing its ending point at tomion where the octave again begins at alphanon." [The Secret of Light, page 145]
"Compressed motion heats bodies which endeavor to escape. Expanded cold freezes bodies to keep them from escaping. That is the principle of body-forming. That is the principle of growth from a seed to a tree. The seed generates heat from the moisture of the sun-warmed ground. The seed explodes in its endeavor to escape from its compression prison. The explosion creates heat which is cooled and that which unfolds is refolded. Cell by cell is thus added by the interchange of motion between red light and blue, and between heat and cold as the father interpenetrates the mother womb of Nature to generate bodies, and the bodies escape from their wombs to return to their source." [Atomic Suicide, page 94]
"That includes every creating thing, and its pattern, as being thought-recordings which act for awhile then refold into little electronic tubes, which we call seeds, for intervals of rest. When we turn the electric current on to those electronic tube seeds, we can see and hear the record all over again, whether it be ourselves, a tree or a solar system. Is not that a lesson in immortality?" [Atomic Suicide, page 151]
"Fig. 62 is the seed. When it is ready to extend - or to be reborn as an oak, or man, or carbon atom, it divides and becomes the fulcrum of itself. The Mind-projection mirrors then provide a cube wave-field for projecting idea into measured form of idea." [Atomic Suicide, page 256]
"The cube projector never appears with the seed until it "germinates," which means that the conditions for its rebirth are normal for that rebirth. If it never again germinates on this earth it still is and maintains its one plane existence eternally. It cannot be destroyed for it is Mind-Idea of Mind-thinking, and that is what constitutes all Nature." [Atomic Suicide, page 256]
"Fig. 63 is the body end of the cosmic bridge. It is that which is projected. It is motion compressed into a spherical image of the transient form that is eternally recorded in the hole which is within the four rings of the seed. That sphere is also composed of eight parts, and is centered by the zero of its Source." [Atomic Suicide, page 258]
"Chemically these zero points of beginnings and endings are the inert gases of the elements, the patterned seed record from which the octave waves of the elements of matter appear. The inert gases are the seed from which patterned waves of the elements spring as oak trees spring from the patterned inert gas which centers the acorn. The plane upon which the inert gases rotate is 90 degrees from the plane of carbon's equator, which is upon the wave's amplitude." [Russell, Mirrors and Lens of Cosmic Cinema]
"The total lack of knowledge of the purpose and workings of the inert gases and their relation to growth control from the seed, and their power multiplication principle which causes all effects of motion to step-up from their zero cold static condition to white hot heat and power conditions." [Russell, Russells Optic Dynamo-Generator]
"In this Universe, the octaves of the elements of matter "Grow" from seed, just as all things grow from seed. Elements are not fixed created things. They are pressure conditions of light waves. The inert gases are the cosmic seeds of matter in this Universe. They surround the zero from which motion springs and to which it returns. They are the seeds of the octaves of matter, and each octave has a different seed just as different trees has different seeds. The inert gases are the recorders in cosmic seed of this creating universe of infinite continuity." [Russell]
"Records of Motion are seeds for repetition of motion. In the seed is desire for manifesting imaged forms of idea. All forms are wave forms. All wave forms unfold from seed records of those wave forms." [Russell, The Secret of Light, page 137]
"That is something which the physicist can more readily understand when you tell him that the imperishable, invisible seed within that acorn is an inert gas, or a combination of several octaves of inert gases." [Atomic Suicide, page 233]
Polarization and lenses
One of the great unanswered questions of all time is the question of how the seed unfolds true to the pattern of whatever species it represents, whether man, oak, birch or pine tree, bird, insect or elephant. In each case the seed is a microscopic still center, surrounded by an infinitesimal volume of inert gas, which is again surrounded by a minute amount of nourishment for the reborn body to feed upon during its first stage of generation into a body.
The answer lies in this lesson just closed. God's bookkeeping and recording system lies within the inert gases. They are the libraries of all Cosmic records. The mechanics of making those records is the electric wave system of light projected through light-pressure lenses to make micro-cosmic film negatives which are Nature's prototypes of micro-film negatives made by man for recording his actions. The spherical and radial systems of curvature control the shape and form of every particle of growth which unfolds into any species of body into its proper pattern. Bear in mind, however, as we have before stated--that every creating thing which unfolds from its seed refolds back into its seed simultaneously. THUS IS GOD'S LAW ENDLESSLY FULFILLED
God begins each electric thought-wave at a point of His White Light at the intersection of the three inner planes of the cube, which are at right angles to each other. This point of beginning is the wave fulcrum. It is also the point of idea-conception in Mind. It is the centering eye of the inert gas of the elements which springs from that plane. It is, likewise, the cathode center of man's electric current and the beginning of the wave-shaft which extends two ways to divide the red half of the spectrum from the blue, to create separated father and mother bodies. Here also is where time and all other dimensions begin, as well as all other effects, such as life, compression, polarization and heat. Here also is where all depolarizing dimensions and effects…… [Russell?]
vital subtle-matter concentrates. This is the reason for the deterioration and dying out of water, without which there would be no growth, no life and no restoration of living standards on this Earth, for diseased water = inferior quality life. In regard to the systems of motion outlined briefly above, this results when, via the indirect route of the structure enlargement and character deterioration mentioned earlier, the seed of decay is ur-fertilised in the ur-cell of life by the irradiating cadaverine poison, which arises from the allotropic fat-concentrates exposed to pressure-intensifying forms of water movement. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
In order to throw more light on their origins, there are two types of seeds:
1. Those responsible for all physical forms of growth, which according to their degree of maturity fall down and upon returning into the earth, germinate and produce the increased and qualitatively ennobled forms of growth. These are the provenances of sweet-matter (carbones), or the
2. Seminal fruits, which having fulfilled their reproductive function, become dormant, die off and become the seminal substances, as it were, for the creation of quality-matter, which after decomposition are then transmuted through 'cycloid-space-curve-motion'. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
It is hardly worth elaborating further about the opposite case in which the components of pressural force that produce decomposive energies predominate by almost 100%, i.e. the formative (cooling) components of suctional force have been totally disregarded. Therefore with the best will in the world, no flowing magnetism (levitism) can come into being, due to the almost complete lack of the most fundamental prerequisites for growth and increase. On the contrary, everything that now grows (solidifies) already contains the germ of decay, so that in every seed, whether or not it serves an increase in raw or ((subtle matter|subtle (energetic) matter)) or even in energy itself, the fiendish demon must rise again. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
No scientist can or will dispute the fact that up to now the axial->radial motive impulse, the seed-of-decay-developing impulse, has been exploited everywhere without exclusion or exception. The situation has thus arisen where those forced to work in the wrong way, the enormous host of working people, have had to mis-earn their daily bread by the sweat of their brows. In a manner of speaking, the Devil incarnate has emerged from the seeds of the Spirit, from these mysterious capsules, the vitamin-molecules mentioned at the beginning, and taking these development-ready raw-material concentrates with him, has descended into the depths. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
Good seed in good earth produces a multiple of itself in fruit. The seed grows and its multiplication proceeds with the aid of contra-directional influences. These influences are higher forms of organisation stemming from the Earth and the Cosmos. Substances that are ripe must either fall upwards or downwards. When water is decomposed inner-atomically, then what finally remains is the substance - water, the H-substance[2]. This H-substance is the polarity, which strengthens itself through these influences. It is the ur-child that draws in essences and energies from above and below and in this way it grows. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Letter to Werner Zimmermann]
A key-note developing its harmony may be compared to a seed striking its root downwards, and rising upwards. On striking a note, it sounds from within itself, in a rapid and subdued manner, the six kindred tones necessary to its harmony, and all which do not belong to that individual harmony are kept under; thus all harmonies are in sevens. Each seven forms an ascending and descending series; the ear is aware of the tones, but not of the order in which they rise. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Diagram II - The Twelve Keynotes1, page 23]
"So long as music was taught primarily for worship, and to proclaim the immortality of man by the inestimable gift of the Royal Ransomer, it culminated to wonders upon wonders." "Noble teachers yield noble teaching, and from such seed the reaping is noble music. To rear the musician with knightly, faithful, and pure feelings, he must believe in his mission and its reward. The law of his life must be the advancement of his art, or rather God's art, given for the honour of the Deity and the elevation of humanity." "The Apostle Paul tells us that we are to teach one another in music, and the greatest doctor in theology, the mightiest defender of the Faith, has been the giant Handel in his oratorio of The Messiah. We are told that 'the nineteenth century is weary of the religion of Christ,' and the bright smile of the English boy and the sweet face of the English girl are no longer to be gladdened by the teachings of the holy mystery. The Devil is the strongest opponent to music in its right intention." [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Fragments from Dr. Gauntlett's Last Note-book, page 51]
Bob Proctor
"The law of gender decrees there is a gestation or incubation period for the manifestation of all seeds, and, make no mistake about it, the image of wealth you chose to build on the screen of your conscious mind and then turned over to your subconscious mind is a seed; and it is growing into physical form, in the most fertile field of which you could ever conceive." [Bob Proctor, You Were Born Rich, page 98]
"Know that ye are going through a period of testing. Remain true to all that has been committed to thee, and know that each day is an opportunity, and an experience. Speak a word for thy ideal. Not as to force an issue but ever constructive. Sow the seed of truth, the seed of the spirit. God will give the increase." [Cayce (3245-1)]
"Speak a word for thy ideal. Sow the seed of truth, the seed of the spirit." [Cayce3245-1]
"Ye may sow good seeds, ye may sow perfect seeds, but unless it is in keeping with that ye have purposed in thine heart, what can the harvest be?" [Cayce 3660-1]
The great Genetic Scale, major and minor, the seed-bed and nursery of all, is that from which first of all the natural scale of the fifth arises into existence; and three fifths are generated in the major ascending side and three also in the descending minor side of the twofold genesis, giving us six fifths in all. At the top of the ascending genesis we find the major octave scale standing solid and in its perfect order and proportion; and at the bottom of the descending genesis we have the minor octave. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 66]

Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"Again, I tried to make them understand the Power of Faith.
In the gospels, it has been stated I said that if a man had faith the size of a mustard seed he would be able to move mountains.
This statement is a misinterpretation of what I truly said and it reveals how little my disciples and gospellers understood my teachings when we were on earth.
If a person were to have 'faith' the size of a mustard seed - what does that mean? How can you measure faith in such a way?
Faith is faith.
It is a 'power of total conviction' in the mind, possessing the mind and cannot be restricted in 'size'.
Faith, arising out of your need to believe in something, because such a belief will serve your purposes in some way, can be powerful and strong, but never could it be estimated in 'size'! Belief is even stronger. Belief is the offspring of hearsay and logic. Because you have heard something and been convinced that what you have heard or read is true, you develop a deep belief in what you have heard. You believe it to be true. You believe in a total, complete way which defies contradiction.
I was constantly telling the people: 'Believe you will receive - and you will receive'.
However, I knew at the time, that it would be well nigh impossible for the people to ever have the faith which would cause miracles to happen, since no matter how much I might explain Truth to them, they would still never have the intense knowing given me in the desert.
But now, as I relate, in small measure, the story of my sojourn on earth in Palestine, it is with the intention that you, my reader, will begin to perceive and understand the knowledge I was given during my enlightenment.
My intention is to give you knowledge. Hearsay is when you are told something but you cannot really prove it is true. Knowledge is when you are told something - or read something - and because what you have now heard or read complies logically and realistically with all related items of knowledge already in your mind, and you can understand and believe it in a realistic, logical way, the new information becomes knowledge. You KNOW that what you now 'know' is TRUE. You have a sense of 'conviction'.
In the LIGHT OF CHRIST's SPIRITUAL TRUTH, doctrines become meaningless & are swiftly jettisoned from the illuminated mind.
page 65
Letter 3-09
Up to this time, some of you have had faith in 'Jesus Christ' but you have been like precocious children. Your faith has been partially blind and accepting, yet interwoven with much doubt.
Therefore, whatever you needed to be done for you, you depended on 'Jesus' for the work to be accomplished. Whereas, in fact, much of what you believe you have derived directly from 'Jesus' has been your own 'faith in Jesus' made visible in the form of things asked for.
Whilst this child-like 'faith' is very important to your well-being, those of you who are capable of moving onward on the spiritual path to perfection, must now reach a deeper level of true knowledge of the relation between mind and 'matter'. Without this foundation, people will continue to flounder in religious myths and will be locked into the misery of the human condition.
When I was on earth, I spoke Truth to the people, but it was continually misinterpreted. What I really said regarding faith, was this:
'You see this great big tree. It has grown out of the tiniest seed imaginable. See the vast trunk and branches and foliage. All that enormous growth has come out of a small seed.
'How did such a thing come about? From whence came all the wood in the tree and the foliage which adorns it! Is not this as much a miracle as are the miracles I perform for you, day after day? Is not the growth of this tree as much the work of the 'Father' as the healing which takes place in sick people? 'I ask you - what is a seed? Can you tell me? No - you cannot. But I will tell you.
'It is a tiny entity of 'consciousness knowledge'. It is the 'consciousness knowledge' of what it will become. It is a fragment of 'consciousness' drawn from 'Divine Creative Consciousness'.
'It is a fragment of mind power drawn from 'Father Mind Power' ... which, when planted in the earth and watered by rain, will begin to clothe itself with the visible 'matter' of which it possesses knowledge, deep within itself. This knowledge is true, it is firm, it is strong and undeviating. This self-knowledge embodied in the seed, is a conviction in 'consciousness'.
'All of life forms arise out of this one-pointed self-knowledge - a 'conviction of consciousness'.
This 'conviction of consciousness' is what separates the inanimate soil and rocks from all that lives and grows upon the face of the earth. Where there is no 'conviction of consciousness' or 'knowledge of identity' there is no growth. The consciousness within soil and rocks remains 'consciousness' in a dormant form.
as powerfully as does a mustard seed know its own identity,
you would be able to do anything you wanted to do.
'If you could carry within your mind, a seed - the perfected plan of your most heartfelt goals, and know beyond all doubt, that it can grow and come into perfect fruition, you would see this wonderful seed take on a life of its own which would presently manifest in your life.
'And you could surely move the mountains in your lives - those mountains which stand across your path and prevent you from achieving all that you would like ... mountains which, in times of recklessness and evil thinking have been created by yourselves.
'If you only understood creation and existence, you would be able to live lives of total freedom, limitless achievement and transcendent joy. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 3, page 64-65]
LIFE is an active stream of consciousness having its origins in Universal Consciousness.
IT unites and ignites dormant SEEDS in plants, animals and human beings, and impels them to grow according to an innate plan which science calls DNA. [The Christ Letters, A12]
"Each seed you plant contains a huge amount of universal information," said Anastasia. "Nothing man-made can compare to it for size and accuracy. This information allows the seed to know precisely, down to the millisecond, when it needs to come to life and grow, what juices to take from the earth, and how to use the emanation from the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. It knows what to grow into and what fruits to bear.
"Fruits are intended to give man sustenance. These fruits can effectively fight and resist any illness of the human organism more powerfully than any man-made medicines that exist today or will in the future. But to do this, the seed has to know about the person's condition. In order for it to be saturated during the ripening process, the fruit needs the correlation of substances for healing a specific person and his illness, if he has one or a predisposition toward one." [The Seed is the Doctor - from V. Megre Book : Anastasia]
See Also
Atomic Suicide - Fig 62 - scalar seed
2.10 - Beginning
2.11 - Beginning as Undifferentiated One
2.16 - One Appearing as Extended
2.18 - One Becomes Two
2.24 - The Duality of One
consciousness seeds
cosmic seed
dimensionless seed
electronic seed tube
electronic tube seed
Electronic Tube Seed
father seed of life
Law of Cycles
microscopic seed
nucleus of consciousness
Organic Heirloom Seed Suppliers
recording seed
seed of the father
seed of the octave wave
seed-of-decay-developing impulse
seed of gold
Seminal fruit
seminal substance
The Inert Gases
Vacuum Tube