The beliefs that impact you the most are the ones you hold to be true.
If you are miserable it is because of the beliefs you hold to be true.
See Part 24 - Awakening Your Genius for ways of changing your beliefs.
"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows." [Epictetus c.55-c.135]
In every case, however, it was always those who suffered either from too great a trust or from a belief in salvation already bordering on insanity, and therefore incapable of judging for themselves, who had to pay the penalty. Thus they became the victims of those, who already knew how to manipulate history so cleverly, that in the end all that was left for the unsuspecting co-travellers on this road, was to be hung along with the guilty. And thus they were doubtlessly sympathetic towards the present English Labour Party, when it no longer felt obliged to support those elements of British foreign policy of the preceding decade, which in the House of Commons had been criticised by the rank and file of the Labour movement. So much briefly for politics per se in regard to the universal analysis of day-to-day political decision-making, which plays such a major role in these present times that it is just as difficult to obtain an overview and assessment of it, as it is the contents of pastoral letters, or the quite uncanny silence of those, who as perhaps the most successful businessmen, have the keenest interest in the present state of affairs, but who say absolutely nothing about it for the time being. For many centuries my forefathers served as foresters under the bishop's crook and being in this particular profession, experienced things an outsider could never even imagine. This is because the foresters's whole approach to life predisposes him to expect the full measure of certain human weaknesses. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
Since there would be little point in providing a long and detailed preliminary scientific explanation, a simple example that can be understood by everyone will suffice to explain the nature of this form of motion, which we all have to thank for all we see around us or are otherwise aware of. Only one thing remains hidden from us and that is the 'reactive' temperature-form. This actually involves higher undetectable temperature differences, which reveal the presence of two opposing 'ur-primordial' primary substances, which explain the profound mystery of the genesis of all life or inner motion. Since this will invalidate all forms of contemporary belief and science, it seems to be the real reason why an explanation is shunned in such circles. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
Magnetism and electricism are the two opposing metaphysical energy-forms, which regulate life and death and which dwell in every solid, liquid and gaseous (aeriform) mass (matter) in an allotropic and latent transitional state. They await the all-important developmental impulse in order to be transformed into higher-grade (life-affirming) or lower-grade (life-negating) forms of energy. In the former case a magnetolytic dissociation process plays the mediatory role and in the latter an electrolytic. The belief that magnetism was a passive and uninteresting by-product of electricism arose merely because nobody was aware of the type of motion that gives rise to higher-grade energy-forms. Nor were they aware of the associated dynamic shapes with which latent bipolar dynagens and their carrier-substance can be accelerated in such a way naturalesquely that, in accordance with the equation F = ma, the force responsible for the increase in substance and qualitative improvement (ennoblement) arises with whose aid the relatively highest grade energy-form can come into being. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
put it bluntly, instead of being radially->axially wound up, the ur-works were wound up like a clock-spring in the opposite way, i.e. axially->radially. To date this false 'winding' has been taught and learnt in all schools and preached from all pulpits. Only the Catholic Church, if merely symbolically, has indicated the naturalesque way to transform high-grade matter into Spirit (energy). However they were unable to recognise the truth, because they believed and also fostered the belief, that after death the earthly remains of fatty-matter, out of which allotropic threshold substances - vitamin-molecules - come into being, decay into dust and ashes. Therefore, due to electrolytic processes of decomposition (unnatural form of interment), the metaphysical fat-concentrates cannot come into being, which are the source of spiritual energy that makes all life invincible, free and independent. Perhaps this was considered undesirable so as to ensure the docility of slave-workers by spiritually castrating them through suppression of the build-up of quality substances, thereby making a constant supply of working oxen available. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
The scheme endeavours to prove that the development of harmonies of sound and of colours is regulated by the law of Evolution as gained from the Scriptures
—Youthful impressions regarding my great-uncle Dr. Darwin's views
—My cousin Charles Darwin's views touched upon
—The scheme involves the belief that life developing from the Almighty is the general
key to disentangle the intricacies of the Natural Sciences
—A remark of Sir John Lubbock's quoted
—The development of Numbers, the stream of Time, the Sevens of Creation, &c., may eventually be proved to proceed by the same laws, . . . . . . . 9 [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Table of Contents1 - Harmonies]
Reflections on the scheme
—Our present powers are as darkness groping after light
—A quotation from Milton compared with the scheme
—Major and minor chords respond to our feeling
—Milton had a glimpse of the laws of Evolution
—Evade the belief of the development of trinities from unity and the scheme falls into ruin, . . . . . . 43 [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Table of Contents4 - Harmonies]
The following scheme endeavours to show that the development of the musical gamut and the colours of the rainbow are regulated by the same laws. I wish it to be clearly understood that I have gained the evolutions from the mysterious type of Life—a golden thread running throughout the Scriptures, from the first chapter of Genesis to the last of Revelation;—life developing around us and within us from the Almighty, who is its Eternal Fountain. My youthful impressions included the belief that the views of Dr. Darwin, my great-uncle, contradicted the teaching of the Scriptures, and I therefore avoided them altogether. Having endeavoured for years to gain correctly the laws which develope Evolution, I suddenly discovered that I was working from Scripture on the same foundation which he had found in Creation; and as Creation and Revelation proceed from the same Author, I knew that they could not contradict each other. It is considered by many that my cousin, Charles Darwin, gained his first ideas of Evolution from his grandfather's works; but I know from himself that he was ignorant of them, and that his theory of Evolution was arrived at by his close experiments and observations of the laws of creation alone. Only a few months since, after reading his work on "the Movements of Plants," published in 1881, and wishing to be certain that I had not an incorrect belief, I asked the following question—"Did you gain your views on Evolution by your wonderfully acute observations, ignorant of your grandfather's ideas?" The reply was, that he had done so entirely from his own observations. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Introduction1 - Harmonies, page 9]
It is my firm belief that, if a powerful intellect takes up the radical idea contained in the following pages, it will be found to be the directing force or general key-note which will gradually disentangle intricacies in all the natural [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Introduction1 - Harmonies, page 9]
THIS scheme is grounded upon the belief that a key has been gained which unites grandeur with simplicity, the laws of which are wonderfully simple, although most complex in their working, explaining all the intricacies which arise in the developments of harmonies. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, The Method of Development or Creation of Harmonies1, page 15]
THE above quotation from that beautiful work, The Pendulograph, shows how firmly its author believes that the Almighty Himself will be proved to be the key to His works; a belief frequently expressed also in a striking work, Nature and the Supernatural, by the Rev. J. W. Reynolds, M.A. For many years I have been endeavouring to resolve some of the intricacies of natural harmony with the same views. In the pursuit of knowledge it is eminently important to "avoid profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called" (I Tim. vi. 20), and to remember that facts gained from the study of God's marvellous works, that "ought to be had in remembrance" (Psa. cxi. 4, Prayer Book Version), and the truths of Holy Scripture, can never really oppose each other. Research shows us countless varieties developed by trinities springing from unities, and we find true scientific depth in the Scriptural phrases, where the whole earth is continually mentioned as worshipping the Almighty. This truth is beautifully expressed in the Te Deum Laudamus—"Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; heaven and earth are full of Thy glory." [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme1, page 43]
"Science and Revelation are mutually, though gradually, clearing each other; but as a little warmth of the rising sun only calls up the very mists which are to be dissipated by its more powerful shining, so a vague and chilling popular unbelief is to be dispelled, not by withholding knowledge, but by shedding abroad all possible light. Christianity has one most dangerous mental foe, and that is ignorance." Ignorance is the parent of Atheism; but we should carefully distinguish between "sinful doubt" and candid inquiry, the former of which generally arises from a too great love of, and belief in, our own mental powers. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme3, page 45]
I gladly confess that my ruling wish has been to feel my own ignorance deeply, and to trust to the Divine Teacher that my eyes might be opened to see more and more the wonders which may be drawn from the Scriptures, when scientific minds are led to the belief that Creation and Revelation explain each other. As this conviction gains ground, scientific truths will make a more rapid progress, and "the generalisation of Science will no longer be doubtful, but assured." [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme4, page 46]
If the foregoing harmonies of sound and of colour have been rightly developed from the Scriptures, I trust they will be considered as steps gained towards the belief that Evolution is the law of the Almighty for the continuance of activity throughout the universe, and towards an increasing study of Creation and Revelation as mutually explaining each other. According to my belief, the Scriptures must be based on the principle which is explained of keyed instruments at the conclusion of Chapter II. In the development of musical harmonies the beginning and the ending are unfathomable. It is the same in the Scriptures. No musical note or colour can be separated from those below and above it. Neither can any portion of the Bible be separated: every part embraces the past, [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme4, page 46]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"When I had moments of doubt that this could be so, the changes in the phenomena stopped taking place, and much later, I discovered that:
It was at this point, that I came to realize the powerful effect that CONVICTION or unwavering FAITH had on the environment when stating a command or even a belief.
What was even more startling was my mind-opening, 'cosmic consciousness' realization that all I had been witnessing was really the 'Creative Power' of Divine Mind Itself made visible in the 'shimmer of tiny motes'.
Not only this, its appearance could be profoundly affected by the activity of human thought." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 11]
"I was shown the following vivid vision.
First of all, I saw a new-born babe as 'light', a life-form of 'Creative Power'.
As the baby grew into childhood, then manhood, I saw the pure LIGHT of the 'Creative Power' gradually dimmed and then obscured altogether in him, by a dense wrapping of chains and thongs.
I questioned the meaning of the vision and there came to my mind a clear understanding which may be expressed in the following words:
'From birth to death - people believe and insist that their five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, correctly predicate the 'reality' of themselves and the universe around them.
Therefore, because they draw their mind power direct from Divine 'Creative Power', it is done to them according to their beliefs. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 17]
"I was also shown the LAWS OF EXISTENCE controlling the human ability to create new circumstances and environment, relationships, achievement or failure, prosperity or poverty.
- Whatever man profoundly BELIEVES himself to be, good or bad, that will he become.
- Whatever man FEARS others will do to him, so will they do.
- Whatever man HOPES that others will do to him, he must first do to them, since he is then creating a 'consciousness pattern' which will return to bless him to the extent he has blest others.
- Whatever disease man DREADS so will he become prey to it for he will have created a 'consciousness pattern' of the very thing he least wants to experience.
- Whatever is sent forth from man's mind and heart - returns to him in due course in some form or another, but remember that like always breeds like. Strongly emotional thoughts are 'consciousness seeds' planted within a man's own orbit of consciousness. These will grow, bearing a like harvest for his reaping.
These are the fruits of free will." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 18]
"Again, I tried to make them understand the Power of Faith.
In the gospels, it has been stated I said that if a man had faith the size of a mustard seed he would be able to move mountains.
This statement is a misinterpretation of what I truly said and it reveals how little my disciples and gospellers understood my teachings when we were on earth.
If a person were to have 'faith' the size of a mustard seed - what does that mean? How can you measure faith in such a way?
Faith is faith.
It is a 'power of total conviction' in the mind, possessing the mind and cannot be restricted in 'size'.
Faith, arising out of your need to believe in something, because such a belief will serve your purposes in some way, can be powerful and strong, but never could it be estimated in 'size'! Belief is even stronger. Belief is the offspring of hearsay and logic. Because you have heard something and been convinced that what you have heard or read is true, you develop a deep belief in what you have heard. You believe it to be true. You believe in a total, complete way which defies contradiction.
I was constantly telling the people: 'Believe you will receive - and you will receive'. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 3, page 64]
“Now put man in possession of a science that will teach him that thought is matter, governed by another power, and also that his own belief is the cause of his trouble, and to correct his belief is his cure. Then he will see that he cannot become the dupe of such persons as he is now. It would teach him that there are two ways of doing everything in regard to disease. There is a way of making disease and also a way of unmaking it. The science of this world is to make disease and the science of truth is to destroy it. One is the science of an opinion and superstition and the other is the SCIENCE OF TRUTH.” [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby]
Article: Errors of False Reasoning
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"..MAN IS JUST WHAT HE THINKS HE IS TO HIMSELF. If I really believed in anything, the effect would follow whether I was thinking of it or not." [Quimby]
“I take the ground that God never made a belief. A belief is of man and is intended to satisfy him instead of true wisdom. If God ever spake, he spoke the truth which liberated men and bound him with no obligations. When man speaks, he always tells a lie; that is, in explaining a phenomenon, he imposes a belief and invents opinions which blind people to truth. Science is the voice of God, opinions that of man. So when man speaks in his own knowledge, he gives an opinion; but when he tells a truth, that is of God.” [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Article: Elements of Progress, Aristocracy, Freedom, Conservatism & Abolitionism]
When a man once acknowledges that a belief contains the seeds of disease or poison, then he will learn to analyze beliefs and see what they contain, taking for a standard that nothing cannot produce any one thing. So as a belief to the one that believes it is something and will produce the very thing contained in the belief; to the one that knows a belief is nothing, it produces nothing. [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby]
"I found that my thoughts were one thing and my beliefs another... if I really believed a thing, the effect would follow whether I was thinking of it or not." [Quimby]
"Make man responsible for his beliefs and he will be as cautious in what he believes as he is in what he sees or does." [Quimby]
"For a belief is a chemical change produced in the mind by language which conveys an idea of an invisible thing that cannot be seen but described. The image being created in the mind according to description, the matter is kept condensing and phenomena is produced on the body according to the belief." [Quimby, The Quimby Manuscript]
""In my investigation I found that my ignorance would produce phenomena in my subject that my wisdom would not correct. At first I found that my thoughts affected the subject, and not only my thought but my belief. I found that my thoughts were one thing and my belief another." [Quimby]
“When the storm of ignorance and superstition was raging and all the ships or minds were tossing to and fro, and even Jesus' disciples were in danger of being swamped by the errors of the age, when their barque or belief was just sinking into heathen idolatry, and when their enemies disturbed the walls or belief, then in the darkness of the night or error, when there was no eye to see or heart to feel, no arm to reach out or voice to be heard, Jesus was seen walking upon the water of their belief saying to the waves, Be still, and the winds and waves obeyed him and there was a great calm. This was the state of the minds in the days of Jesus. The people's belief was their disease and to embrace their errors was to take their disease. Then misery was what followed their belief and their happiness was the unlearning of their errors.” [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Spiritual Interpretation, page 526]
“Here I will say a word or two to the reader. If you can make the reader believe anything no matter how absurd it is, he will prove it to be true by his experiments. This proves that our beliefs make us act and our acts are directed by our belief, for the wisdom or knowledge is in the belief. People are not aware of this; this was what Jesus tried to prove so all his acts and talk went to prove the truth of what I have said. Make man responsible for his belief and he will be as cautious what he believes as he is in what he says and does, for he will see that just as he measures out to another just so it will be measured out to him. But does the clergy follow this rule? Do they not dictate to their audience what to believe and what not to believe without the least regard to their health? Now to suppose a man can believe one thing and still have a contrary effect is not true.” [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby; My Object in Introducing My Work, page 389]
"It ain't what ya don't know that hurts ya. What really puts a hurtin' on ya is what ya knows for sure, that just ain't so." [Uncle Remus]
"A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance (false beliefs) that tyranny begins." [Benjamin Franklin]
"A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind." [Robert Bolton]
"Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs." [Maxwell Maltz, PsychoCybernetics]
"As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality.
There is no physical body, no matter what the conditions, that cannot be achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought." [Abraham-Hicks]
Fixed beliefs (dogma and doctrine) without thinking or thought. When fear is felt because of lack of awareness emotional reaction results. So it boils down to fear engendered by lack of awareness (and the perceived, by them, inability to achieve greater awareness). Their minds are frozen in/with beliefs, dogma, indoctrination (Stockholm Syndrome). Entire books could be (have already been) written about the so-called liberal (fearful) state of mind. This deplorable, and correctible, state of mind is not limited to discrete classes or groups of people.
Emil Cioran
“In itself, every idea is neutral, or should be; but man animates ideas, projects his flames and flaws into them; impure, transformed into beliefs, ideas take their place in time, take shape as events: the trajectory is complete, from logic to epilepsy . . . whence the birth of ideologies, doctrines, deadly games.
Idolaters by instinct, we convert the objects of our dreams and our interests into the Unconditional. History is nothing but a procession of false Absolutes, a series of temples raised to pretexts, a degradation of the mind before the Improbable. Even when he turns from religion, man remains subject to it; depleting himself to create fake gods, he feverishly adopts them: his need for fiction, for mythology triumphs over evidence and absurdity alike.” [Emil Cioran]
See Also
As a Man Thinketh
Belief System
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
How Idea Becomes Matter or Disease
Mental Manifestation
Pygmalion Effect