Reflections on the scheme
—Our present powers are as darkness groping after light
—A quotation from Milton compared with the scheme
—Major and minor chords respond to our feeling
—Milton had a glimpse of the laws of Evolution
—Evade the belief of the development of trinities from unity and the scheme falls into ruin, . . . . . . 43
On harmonical parallel between tone and colour
—On the term of "rest," fifths, and the sympathy of music with life
—Relativities of sounds and vibrations of strings
—The doctrines of three pairs, six tones, and the law of "two and fro"
—The germ of the system probably to be found in the adaptability of numbers
—Sudden death of Dr. Gauntlett, . . . . . 48
Harmony expressed by pulsations, ebb and flow, stress and accent
—Necessity of combining religious feeling with natural science in true music
—Remarks on the new College of Music, . . 50