Bob Proctor
"There are three certain steps for achieving prosperity in all areas of your life. Number one, build the image in your mind. Number two, turn it over to Spirit (Let Go And Let God). Number three, expect with your heart and soul that Spirit will reward you openly for your faith." [Bob Proctor, You Were Born Rich, page 105]
Dialogue on Awakening
"When you become aware that all the planning and managing you have to do is to clearly align your focus on the feeling you wish to have from your experience, you will have defined the meaning it holds for you. All the details necessary to facilitate that meaning, that occurrence, will happen without any additional effort on your part." Dialogue on Awakening, 3rd edition, page 170
Emmet Fox
"What you think upon grows. Whatever you allow to occupy your mind you magnify in your life. Whether the subject of your thought be good or bad, the law works and the condition grows. Any subject that you keep out of your mind tends to diminish in your life, because what you do not use atrophies. The more you think of grievances, the more such trials you will continue to receive; the more you think of the good fortune you have had, the more good fortune will come to you." [Emmet Fox from Make Your Life Worthwhile, 1942]
Harvey Spencer Lewis on Creative Visualization:
"Come, step back from your close view of the obstacles that seem to surround you. Close your eyes to them for a while and create a new picture. Leave the past and the present out of your consideration and make a new life, a new day, beginning with tomorrow. Build it up part by part in your mind and in your conversations and contacts with those around you until you have a perfect picture of the future that is just beyond today’s horizon. Then step forward bravely into this picture; and with determination start your journey along the line that leads to your new life. You will find yourself master of the picture and of those realities, and you will find in it the greatest happiness and rewards, and every effort, every thought devoted to it." [Harvey Spencer Lewis]
The mystic knows only too well the value and danger, the goodness and the evil, that lies in the power of mentally creating. We know that if we hold in our minds a picture and give it the vibrations of living possibility, and if we prophetically proclaim that it is to be or will be, we bring it about; we create it in the world of actuality, by transferring it from the world of reality to material manifestation.
We know that as each hour of the day passes, the things which we have held in our imagination and which we now allow to pass into the chamber of mental alchemy are likely to be crystallized immediately in earthly form.
We must, therefore, be pure minded. We must be Pure and Holy in our imaginary concepts. We must keep the chamber of mental alchemy so clear and so wholesome and of such a high standard that no evil thought, no evil admission, no unholy concept of our earthly imagination may take form there and grow and be born in the world of actuality."
[Harvey Spencer Lewis]
The Mechanism of Manifestation
Q: Given that all things are our creation, we create everything in this gross physical matter, this denser matter.
B: And to some degree, in many of the more rarified non-physical levels as well.
Q: Emotion being the same energy as light?
B: In a sense. Everything in physical reality is a manifestation to some degree of what you would call light.
Q: If you bring your desire, therefore your emotion, into alignment with the gross physical matter - let's take for instance your body - and you, with your desire, raise that molecular structure through emotion to a higher vibration, do you take the physical matter out of the evolutionary process? What I mean, what I'm getting at is that if you desire something, say an instantaneous manifestation, if it was coming through as simply a physical point of view, it would take time, through the evolutionary process to manifest on the physical plane through emotion with desire.
B: Yes.
Q: Does that speed this process up to within the speed of light and bring it into instantaneous manifestation?
B: It can, yes. You will find that even though you may not have perceived it through the physical channel, what you have said gave us great cause for laughter, not action. Because the idea you have expressed is the mechanism of evolution, regardless of the speed.
Q: Hmmm. Desire.
B: Yes.
Q: Pure thought.
B: Yes.
Q: On the demonstration plane through the physical.
B: Yes. That is the mechanism of evolution, regardless of the speed.
Q: Okay. We've been talking a lot. Other people have been expressing the scenarios, as far as letting go and changing their lives and I have noticed in a most dramatic way that desire does manifest really through this body.
B: Yes.
Q: .when (-?) matter (-?) are released. And with trust and what we have traditionally called faith.
B: Yes. It is the mechanism; it is all you need. That's it; it's that simple.
Q: Yes (-?) an affirmation, advancement (-?) that came to me in a dream. It was introduced to me by another channel.
B: Thank you for allowing us to reflect what you already know to be true.
Q: One more thing.
B: All right.
Q: When you choose a vehicle to come into on this demonstration plane, what are your criteria?
B: It depends on what it is you wish to learn.
Q: When you came to us to talk to us or to demonstrate your knowledge to us, what was your criteria for entering this particular vehicle you're in right now?
B: First of all recognize: it is not so much that we are here to demonstrate our knowledge to you; we are here to reflect your knowledge to you. The idea, as was expressed by the physical channel before we commenced this channeling, is that together my consciousness and the consciousness of the physical channel before you, prior to this physical channel's life, created the agreement to do what we are doing with you now. It was, as you say, 50-50, or 100% - 100% on both of our parts to agree to assist in the transformation of this world in the way we are doing so.
Everything is always by agreement. Like vibration attracts like vibration; that was the criteria. It was that the existence of the transformation was perceived, and that the desire to assist the transformation occurred in the physical channel and in us; and so we made the agreement to work together.
Q: It would be a process of remembering that state, then.
B: Yes! All learning is the process of remembering more and more of who and what you are as a creator. Thank you.
Q: Thank you.
Manifesting and Integrity
Q: Okay. I am wanting to move to the Pacific North West.
B: Have a good time.
Q: Thank you. And I'm needing to manifest a great deal of money.
B: Oh, why?
Q: Well, I need to buy some land and...
B: So what? Who says money is the only way that that idea can come?
Q: This is true.
B: Understand once again: if you are acting like the idea that excites you the most, then if those symbols need to be in your life, they will be, because every idea is always supported automatically by all the necessary symbols to allow that idea to continue to manifest in creation.
If you find yourself needing, truly needing the land, even though you may think you need it (money), you may not. But if you truly need the land, it will be there. Because everything that needs to be there to support the idea you are willing to be, will be there. If money is necessary to get the land, money will be there. If there is some other way that the land will come to you, some easier way, then that will be the way.
So simply assume that whatever is necessary will come to you in the easiest fashion. Therefore, do not put an expectation upon it that may represent an actually more difficult way for the situation to occur - by assuming if money is not there, it won't happen. Then you are only saying that, "This situation will only come through this door; that is the only way I will let it happen; that is the only way it will be valid for me." Thereby closing all the other doorways through which the situation could have come more easily.
Q: So basically; just...
B: Act upon your excitement and trust that every idea comes complete with all the ingredients necessary for the manifestation and continuance of that idea.
Q: Thank you. One more quick question.
B: Yes.
Q: I created a situation where I did a job for a client who's feeling ripped off, and I was thinking about taking it to arbitration. I want to turn that situation around - any suggestions?
B: Simply the idea that if you know you are functioning through your own integrity, then obviously what you are doing is creating for yourself an opportunity to explain yourself and clarify yourself, which may also clarify a few things about yourself to yourself, and allow you the freedom of knowing that you can have clear communication with anyone you desire. Do not forget you may also be providing a service for that individual.
Q: Right. Thank you.
B: Sharing!
See Also
11.07 - Idea plus Will plus Spirit - Manifestation
14.15 - Movement Caused by Spirit
As a Man Thinketh
Celestial and Terrestrial Domains
Celestial and Terrestrial Forces in Iris Blossom
celestial attraction
celestial attractive
celestial current
celestial flow
Celestial Intermediate
Celestial Kingdom
celestial luminous
celestial mind flow
celestial mind force
celestial outreach
celestial propulsive
Celestial Radiation and Terrestrial Outreach
Celestial Radiation
celestial reflection
celestial space
celestial sympathetic outreach
Celestial Sympathetic Radiation
celestial sympathetic reflection
celestial sympathetic streams
celestial sympathy
celestial thirds
Evolutionary manifestation
Figure 11.04 - Celestial and Terrestrial Forces Come Together to Manifest as All That Is
Figure 2.16 - Alchemical Graphics showing Celestial and Terrestrial Realms
Figure 3.16 - Idea Preceeds Manifestation in Material Form using Cubes and Cones
Figure 3.25 - Celestial Seeks and Condenses at Center
Infinite Exciter
Law of Attraction
manifest them in your body
material manifestation
Mental Manifestation
Mind In Matter
Mind Over Matter
neutral terrestrial centre
polar terrestrial force
Sai Baba
sympathetic celestial streams
sympathetic celestial
sympathetic terrestrial flow
sympathetic terrestrial streams
terrestrial attractive
terrestrial center
terrestrial centers of attraction
terrestrial centres
terrestrial chord-masses
terrestrial concordant
terrestrial current
terrestrial envelope
terrestrial flow
terrestrial flows
terrestrial focalized centers
terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
terrestrial interference
terrestrial magnetic envelope
terrestrial magnetic sympathetic flow
terrestrial magnetism
terrestrial matter
terrestrial negative attractive center
Terrestrial Outreach
terrestrial propulsive
triple combination of the magnetic terrestrial envelope
triune sympathetic celestial stream
velocity of the positive and negative interchange of celestial sympathy