The octaves of the elements of matter "grow" from seed, just as all things grow from seed. From the moment the elements unfold from their seed, they are in a constant state of transition, from the beginning of their cycle to the end. Elements are not fixed created things. They are pressure conditions of light waves. Those conditions of light pressures are constantly changing from infancy to old age in the elements of matter just as they are in the animal kingdom. The inert gases are cosmic elements which will not combine with any other elements. They constitute the recording system of this creating universe. They constitute the recording system of this creating universe. They surround the zero from which motion springs and to which it returns. They represent minimum motion in the wave, just as amplitudes represent maximum motion. They are the seeds of the octaves of matter, and each octave has a different seed just as different trees have different seeds.

Inert Gases1

Elements are waves, and waves disappear and reappear. God's recording system does not allow any creating thing to disappear without recording the actions and reactions of its stages of appearance. All states of motion are recorded in the inert gases. In the inert gases are the souls of their bodily manifestations in the universe of motion. In them is desire for expression and the patterned form of that desire.

The cosmic inert gases fill all space between the stars of heaven. They insulate states of motion from each other by their balancing zero. They bring all motion into being through the will of the Creator, true to the pattern of desire. They are the source of balancing cosmic rays which interchange between zero and matter. They vitalize matter with the omnipotence of creative desire which lies within the zero of these cosmic rays.

Inert Gases1

There are nine cosmic gases; the first and the last being one. Alphanon begins the cycle and ends it. There is no beginning and no ending.

The list of cosmic gases follows: alphanon, betanon, gammanon, *helium, *neon, *argon, *krypton , *zenon (xenon), and *niton (radon). [*Indicates those known.] [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 271-272]

15. The electrochemical records of the zero-seed of all things are the zero elements which are known as the inert gases, from which center of the fulcrum-zero of polarity all polarizing body forms extend to manifest vitalizing life, and return as depolarizing forms to manifest devitalizing death.

16. The inert gases are God's recording and repeating system. They record, remember and repeat all actions-reactions of all things from eternity unto eternity. They broadcast all of Creation to all Creation and, likewise, receive the broadcasts of all Creation for rebroadcasting to all Creation.

17. The inert gases are zeros in the universal equilibrium. Polarity divides and extends the One Light into electric thought-wave cycles, which appear from the One Still Light as pairs of moving lights and disappear into that still Light for reappearance forever without end.

18. The inert gases are the "spiritual elements" which born and reborn the physical elements, and meticulously make spectrum records of their eternities of rebornings.

19. The inert gases center all elements from within to control their unfolding cycles of polarizing- depolarizing form, and balance them from without by two poles of still Light to control their refolding of form into their zero-seed.

20. The inert gases record purposeful unfoldings and give back to each corpuscle of motion its cell memory of purpose and its instinctive guidance.

21. They likewise give back to awakening Consciousness the records of all cycles of Soul awakening which have been written in the Soul-seeds of all unfolding-refolding body forms.

22. The inert gases write down in God's books of Light all that John, and Bill, and Sue, have ever been - likewise what the ant, the elephant, the tiger, violet and bee have ever been - or have ever done since their beginnings - and give them back to them after every rest period which divides their cycles. [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 66-69]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday January 17, 2022 03:56:57 MST by Dale Pond.