In electronics, a vacuum tube, electron tube (in North America), or thermionic valve (elsewhere, especially in Britain), reduced to simply "tube" or "valve" in everyday parlance, is a device that relies on the flow of electric current through a vacuum. Vacuum tubes may be used for rectification, amplification, switching, or similar processing or creation of electrical signals. Vacuum tubes rely on thermionic emission of electrons from a hot filament or cathode, that then travel through a vacuum toward the anode (commonly called the plate), which is held at a positive voltage relative to the cathode. Additional electrodes interposed between the cathode and anode can alter the current, giving the tube the ability to amplify and switch. Vacuum Tube,Wikipedia
"When an electronic tube is evacuated it means that the electric commotion and tensions which were in it have been pumped out of it, leaving it in a zero state of rest. An electric current sent through it records within it the patterns of motion which caused the electric current. The vacuum condition insulates the new pattern of motion from any other patterns of motion, which would otherwise occupy the tube. That same pattern can be projected from that tube and repeat itself anywhere in the universe. That tube is a correct miniature zero universe of stillness which is creating a multiple universe of motion. If you will but study that effect you will gain much of Nature's processes. The more that science develops this principle of creating its own patterns by starting them from zero without interference from other pressures and patterns, and then multiplying them by gravity control within them, the more progress we will make in the practically new science of electronics." [Atomic Suicide, page 149-150]
"A vacuum tube, with no electricity dividing it, is the normal rest condition of the universe." [Atomic Suicide, page 149]
"As we described in previous pages, a tungsten wire thus electrocuted in a vacuum tube leaves a residue of the inert gas helium. That helium is the Soul-seed of the tungsten body. It is the Soul-record of that body which is its identity in a unitary universe. It is the zero of tungsten's multiplicity." [Atomic Suicide, page 245-246]
For more than a century it has been known that water emits ionising radiation, if it is discharged through a system of straight jets under pressure (see figs. 1-36). Hitherto unknown, however, was the following: If these rays are braked by a filter composed of fatty substances (paraffin wax) and conducted in bundled form into a vacuum-tube, then they incandesce on the inner surfaces, producing a dark red, strongly pulsating glow when the tube is earthed. This effect is similar to sheet-lightning. If these rays are amplified in Leyden jars and then conducted into inflammable liquids or gases, they ignite the latter. This is how the fire started in the Hindenburg, which was filled with hydrogen and became earthed when its ballast-water was released. The [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
If this current is conducted into vacuum tubes, then they emit a strongly pulsating blood-red glow horizontally along the elongated transverse axis and a dazzling, motionless, colourless and temperatureless radiance vertically up the elongated longitudinal axis, which fills the whole space. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
If the horizontally radiating energy-form is conducted into [a] vacuum tube then on the inner periphery a strongly pulsating, blood-red glow appears. It [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]
this energy-form is conducted into a glass bulb super-saturated with air containing oxygen, then about the same number of water-droplets appear as the seed-volts measured on the electrometer. With this we are already presented with the birth of water and the form of motion that induces it. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]
The vertically propagating energy-form, which in a vacuum tube produces an intense and dazzling light - or a Sun in statu nascendi as it were - likewise describes a cycloid-space-curve path, but one in which the transverse radius reduces. The faster the water-droplet falls and the higher the vacuum-bulb is positioned on the longitudinal axis, the more dazzling and intense the light becomes. The further the vacuum-bulb is removed from the source of the horizontally emitted energy-form, the darker the strongly pulsating blood-red glow becomes. If heavily insulated shields (such as paraffin wax), which have a braking effect, are interposed around this radiant energy-bundle, then under the influence of atmospheric light and heat, positively charged water is produced. However, if the same process is repeated with the exclusion of light and heat, then negatively charged water results. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]
See Also
Crookes Tube
Energy from Vacuum
Etheric Elements
Figure 3.6 - Tornado Vacuums up Everything for Redistribution
Figure 7.11 - Russells Vacuum becoming Matter on Three Vectors
gas-filled tube
glass bulb
Longitudinal Waves in Vacuum
principle of electronics
The Inert Gases
Vacuum Energy
Vacuum from Vibratory Induction
12.30 - Thermal Radiation and Thermal Vacuum or Cold
15.11 - Dissociating Water with Vacuum
2.13 - Vacuum
Chapter 6 - The True Nature of Electricity and Gravitation - V, page 149