(see fig. 8 & figs. 30-33) operates in accordance with the principle of counter-flowing currents and generates diamagnetism. Under a falling temperature gradient, these devices accelerate the flow-through material almost without diction and with increasing suctional force, if catalytic binding energies are introduced into the flow-through material in order to produce those atomic energies, which exhibit precisely the opposite effects to those that are produced today in ignorance of the disastrous consequences. It was either an abysmal stupidity or the greatest crime of all time to exploit decomposive atomic energies for the build-up of a world-wide economy. How it is produced is still taught and learnt in all technical colleges of the civilised world and as a subject of higher education, is the basis for an unnatural and [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]
(b) Two different types of flow, which we shall describe as F1 and F2.
Through these hitherto unknown forms of temperature and motion the substance in question (i.e. water or air) is decomposed, transformed and built up. In this way, through appropriate regulation, elemental energies are freed. Suctional and pressural forces come into being, which in my apparatuses evolve along a common developmental axis and represent an entirely new means of motion and propulsion. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
If ordinary air is bio-centrifugated above the speed of sound in very specially contoured and suitably alloyed development-facilitating devices, for which an auxiliary mechanical force is required in the order of 0.08 kW per cubic metre of moved air, then the torque-producing current (synthesising current) mentioned above arises, which also accelerates the device that generates it. This further accelerates the intake of air, which again intensifies the strength of the current, resulting in an even higher rate of rotation, which provokes yet a further increase in the torque-producing current, and so on. Ultimately a powerful and highly potent vacuum is created in front of the generating device, while at the same time the expansive pressure described above exerts a squeezing, wedging pressure along its teardrop-like body (see figs. 22[6] & 38). These suctional and pressural forces, which evolve along a common developmental axis in the form of a fully developed dynagen gradient can overcome any weight or form of anchorage. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
Therefore if the media of water or air are moved naturalesquely (and the trick is how to do this) then the bipolar gases are initially transformed into aetheric and ultimately into energetic stocks of subtle matter. These are then bound in the self-evolving juvenile media (air and water) and what has been increased in this way is rendered homogenous and specifically densified. That is to say, they intensify the carrying capacity and tractive force to such a degree that in such waters material with a higher specific weight than the transporting medium, even ore with a specific weight of 1.9, readily floats down the centre of the axis, where the strongest suctional force acts downstream and the strongest reactive force acts upstream in the form of a dynagen gradient, but which, however, has no effect on raw material structures to the extent that these do not involve life-forms. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
This two-fold interplay of perpetual motion can be directly observed and studied in deep, cool cellars, for through differences in temperature, what has grown large in the Sun and then reduced in size by squashing, will be moved 'cycloidally' in the cellar. First refined, then made 'cloudy', it slowly becomes clear after termination of this adolescent period. This is how wise Nature operates, who is known to have unlimited developmental periods at her disposition for all things. We, poor souls, to whom only a single, unique life is available in which we will also be forced to make use of cycloid-space-curve-motion in order to alleviate almost intolerable reactive energies through their abreaction, will have to behave more sensibly in order to become somewhat more blissful while still on this Earth than has been the case due to the efforts of 'active' technicians. In other words, we must reverse the way things are done. Cycloid-space-curve-motion must therefore be given pride of place, which logically leads to the almost cost-free mechanical generation of reactive differences in potential, which in turn give rise to increased and intensified active differences in motion. Harnessed once more, these trigger further high-grade differences in potential of a reactive nature, and so on and so forth until temperatures and reactive forces of such a kind are triggered that it is a veritable art to devise an operating load heavy enough to brake and control these elemental suctional and pressural forces. At the right time, therefore, we must keep our eyes open for the specialists and experts, who function as super-brakes on development!! Most certainly, however, we must replace those, who today brake the normal course of development with the reversed interplay of forces, which they do in such a way as to increase and intensify precisely those kinds of energy that promote decomposition and the expulsion of what is unsuitable for further development. In so doing they trigger a form of perpetual motion, because here too the self-intensifying decomposive and repulsive forces also increase by the square owing to the cycloid-space-curve-motion of the Earth. Sadly they do not see what they have themselves created, namely boundless decline and disintegration instead of an equally [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
(b) To the etherisation of ordinary air-masses through the repulsive precipitation of inferior waste matter (water-like carrier substances) and the enhancement of implosive suctional forces through the generation of an 'organic vacuum', the co-active counterforce to the above high-pressure expansion, by means of Repulsines (see figs. 30-33). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Practical Application of Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion arising from Processes of Cold Oxidation]
(c) the fabrication of naturalesquely designed water turbines, pumps, etc. (see figs. 11-13) with about a 90-fold increase in output and performance under otherwise equal conditions through the combination of both components of motion (pressural and suctional forces in a reactive state) on a common developmental axis. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Practical Application of Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion arising from Processes of Cold Oxidation]
substances of water or air, could also be whirled around at high speed in cycloid-space-curves. At the same time oligodynamic (decay-promoting) and catalytic (growth promoting) secondary influences also evolve and in this way the process of formation and transformation can take place within seconds due to the slip-pressures and suctional forces, which intensify by the square. This is how it is possible to build up the 'ur-primordial' levitative and supplementary forces in the form of metaphysical suctional and pressural forces almost without cost, in other words the creation of an energy-gradient, which 'ur-originates', as it were, from dynamic elements in a latent state. This opens the way for practically exploitable atom-transformation, or expressed otherwise, for the transubstantiation of former matter (fatty-matter) into negatively potentiated dynagens, those spiritual animating and dynamising energies; a transmutation that has been demonstrated many times over two millennia by the priest when making the symbolic sign of the cross over the Holy Grail - the extreme egg-shape (the calyx). All that hitherto was lacking was the practical design - the model - that proves what is actually obvious, namely, that with annihilating fire and decay-promoting forms of heat, no form of culture can develop. These models, which are now operational and available, merely await the 'extreme unction', as it were, in order to set them in motion and thus inaugurate a new age of development, wherein all privation and other problems will come to a natural end. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
It was therefore inevitable that we should be assailed by the catastrophes of Nature that we are presently experiencing. They are exactly the opposite of those experienced by the Atlanteans, who realised the danger of over-stimulating formative and levitative energies only when whole sections of the Earth were wrenched skywards by these elemental (metaphysical) suctional forces. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
It cannot be disputed that contemporary science, which is founded on far too low a level of basic knowledge, has made exclusive use of pressure-intensifying (development-crippling) motion and arbitrary dynamic shapes that in no way correspond to those required by Nature. The formative components of suctional force, which act in an enlivening (cooling) way, were completely neglected. Hence science created even more dangerous degenerative forces as purported successes were achieved to the detriment of the reactive formative forces. A more rapid economic decline was therefore inevitable, the more widespread and more intensive technology, hydraulics and dynamics became. The soil's energies must also become depleted in the same proportion, because the [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
It is hardly worth elaborating further about the opposite case in which the components of pressural force that produce decomposive energies predominate by almost 100%, i.e. the formative (cooling) components of suctional force have been totally disregarded. Therefore with the best will in the world, no flowing magnetism (levitism) can come into being, due to the almost complete lack of the most fundamental prerequisites for growth and increase. On the contrary, everything that now grows (solidifies) already contains the germ of decay, so that in every seed, whether or not it serves an increase in raw or ((subtle matter|subtle (energetic) matter)) or even in energy itself, the fiendish demon must rise again. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
This ideal pressure-producing substance is the driving medium for powering the centrifugal Repulsators, which ur-generate the bio-electromagnetic vacuum, the most powerful suctional force of Nature's that could ever be imagined. These centrifugal Repulsators are described in the patent application at the Reich's Patent Office in Berlin[21]. Their more detailed description will be undertaken at an appropriate moment in the future. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
See Also
upsuctional force
atomic pressural or suctional force
Suction-Turbine Rotor
suctional force
upsuctional force
water-inwinding suctional force