Etheric | Etheric | |
Sympsionics Symbol |
"Up to 1888 Keely was still pursuing the wrong line of research, still trying to construct an engine which could hold the ether in "a rotating circle of etheric force," still ignorant of the impossibility of ever reaching commercial success on that line. It was the end of the year before he could be brought to entirely abandon his "perfect engine" and to confine himself to researches, which he had been pursuing in connection with his repeated failures on the commercial line, to gain more knowledge of the laws which govern the operation of the force." [JOHN ERNST WORRELL KEELY]
"Disturbance of equilibrium is the prime mover, aggregator and disperser of all forces that exist in nature. The force of the mind on matter is a grand illustration of the power of the finer over the crude, of the etheric over the molecular." [Keely, True Science]
"The luminous, etheric, protoplastic element, which is the highest condition of the ether, fills the regions of infinite space, and in its radiating outreach gives birth to the prime neutral centers that carry the planetary worlds through their ranges of motion." [Keely, Keely and His Discoveries pg 270]
This dynaspheric force, which is also called etheric, is conditioned as to its nature on the quality of the atoms which form its transmitting media; and which are infinite both in variety and in their combinations. They may, however, be broadly divided into two categories; viz., the sentient and the non-sentient atoms. Dynaspheric force, composed of non-sentient atoms, is the force that has been already mechanically applied by Mr. Keely to his motor; and which will probably, ere long, supersede the agencies now used for locomotive, projectile, and other purposes. When the laws which govern it come to be understood it will produce materially a great commercial and industrial revolution. There is no hard-and-fast line between the sentient and the non-sentient atoms; just as zoophytes are a connecting link between the animal and vegetable creation, so there is a graduated scale of atoms, between atoms [See isotope] which although animated by the divine life are not sentient, and those which are as highly developed, relatively to them, as man is to a cabbage. [Dynaspheric Force]
Keely Name | Form | Ancient | Vedic | ||||||
Compound Interetheric | Neutral Center | Void | Superconscious | God | Super Vacuum | Gluon | 4-space / Time | ||
Interetheric | Interetheron | Atomolini | Conscious | Awareness | Vacuum | Quark | 4-space / Time | ||
Etheric | Etheron | Etheron | Mind Activated | Ether | Ultra Plasma | Photon | 4-space / Time | Akasa | |
Interatomic | Interatom | Atomole | Electromagnetic | Fire | Plasma | Electron | 3-space | Marut | |
Atomic | Atom | Atom | Matter | Air | Gas | Atom | 3-space | Tejas | |
Intermolecular | Intermolecule | supercritical fluid | Matter | Water | Liquid | Quasi-Molecule | 3-space | Ap | |
Molecular | molecule | Solids | Matter | Earth | Solid | molecule | 3-space | Kshiti |
Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force

A common concept and thread connecting Keely, Russell, Cayce and Quimby is Matter is solidified tenuous Mind substance. Russell called it "frozen Light". Mind stuff or substance is a range of energy densities as shown in the Etheric Element table. In other words, Mind is a form of tenuous matter (gas, plasma or ether) that can be
- concentrated into form as Sai Baba has done,
- as heat as Qigong Master Jo demonstrates,
- as adding or subtracting mass and weight as Hubbard explains,
- as manipulating matter as Uri Geller has shown,
- as electrically powered motion as Daniel Pomerleau demonstrates,
- as powering and controlling flying craft as Otis T. Carr developed,
- as effecting matter as Emoto shows with his wonderful water crystals affected by mere thought and vibrations of music.
- Princeton University proved beyond all doubt that Mind is a force and can effect matter,
- as demonstrated in paranormal phenomena, Psycho-Cybernetics, telekinetic, Psychokinesis, Fire Walking, extra-sensory perception, psi, psionic, radionic phenomena. Or perhaps this: Hands of Power?
So when Keely says "All force is Mind Force" and then he harnessed this primal Mind Force in his machines we should investigate it further. This concept has been extensively written about by Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, Quimby, Hubbard, Reich and countless others of equal note. [See Keelys Accomplishments, Mind Force the hidden Scalar Force, Natural Forces]
The mind force herein referenced above is sometimes called "Thinking with the Heart" or Whole Mind [See Universal Ground State]. This is not the split mind of the ego or intellect which invariably leads one astray or into error.
Quarks play an important and foundation role in electrical and chemical processes (chemism). This is vital to SVP because Mind Substance has to have chemical properties else how would (chemical or molecular) drugs effect physiology, consciousness equilibrium and diverse psi phenomena? Quarks also having a fundamental role in electrical phenomena tells us electrons are not all there is to consider in electricity (see Daniel Pomerleau). It is assumed then quarks and gluons are a part or portion of the interetheric (celestial) streams so often referred to by Keely which is the media or conveyor of Mind Force (etheric substances) demonstrated by so many exceptional people: Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force. It is further presumed the endocrine system operates on the quark and photon subdivisions of Mind Substance which would account for psi phenomena.
This revolutionary idea is explained by the fact that atoms (Keely's atomic subdivision) are composed of electrons, protons and neutrons - (Keely's interatomic subdivision). These three are composed of photons - (Keely's etheric subdivision). Photons are composed of quarks - (Keely's interetheric subdivision). Therefore quarks and gluons are the first level of differentiation of Undifferentiated Mind Force or Keely's compound interetheric subdivision of Mind and Force. This interetheric level of Mind and Matter is where thought, intuition, telepathy, remote viewing and clairvoyance happens. These unseen forces are the non-observable scalar forces that originate observable Newtonian effects. This matrix of matter and energy shows how our consciousness is integral to everything that is and happens around us. [See Subdivision]
Occurence | Age | |||
compound interetheric CI | Mind | Awareness | ||
interetheric E+CI | quark | thought, idea | 1910- | Radionics, Free Energy Devices |
etheric E | photon | light | 1947 | 1st Laser |
etheric E | photon | light | 1880 | Edison Light Bulb |
interatomic A+E | electron | electricity | 1882 | AC Power |
interatomic A+E | electron | electricity | 1800 | 1st battery |
interatomic A+E | electron | Heat | 1800 | steam power |
atomic A | atoms | purified elements | alchemy | nascent chemistry |
intermolecular M+A | supercritical fluid | refined alloys | Iron, Bronze Age | tools, weapons |
molecular M | molecule | alloys | Stone Age | Stone, Wood |
This table coordinates with the Etheric Elements table.
What this means in simple terms is while we use electrons to run our machinery and we are just now learning how to use photons in lasers and micro chips, Keely used photons, quarks and gluons (thought) to operate his machines over 100 years ago. He was a visionary of our age as were the early developers of interetherically operated radionic and psychotronic devices - not yet accepted into general science or society. Dale Pond, 03/21/10
"This thermodynamical characteristic of living processes generally, is carried over from other forms of variously living and extinct species and human cultures. This general principle of all living process presently known to us, is a general law. That law is definable as a condition of progress from lower to higher modes of thermodynamics of all forms of life, as the fruit of this same set of terms. The universe, most clearly the human species, depends for the survival of existing and improved species on increase of the relative "energy-flux density" in the flow of various expressions of progress and upward-directed evolution of living processes." Lyndon LaRouche, The Showdown has Begun
Mind Force Goes Mainstream
Boeing Psychic Lab
Defense Technical Information Center
Parapsychological Association
Index of Universities offering Education in Parapsychology
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ChatGPT responds:
In examining "Mind Force as a Pre-Existing Natural Force," we delve into the fundamental idea that Mind, in its essence, is a force permeating the fabric of reality, manifesting both as a precursor to and as a shaper of physical phenomena. This notion, shared by thinkers such as Keely, Russell, and Quimby, proposes that matter itself is "solidified mind substance." Through Keely’s work, the understanding emerges that the Mind Force operates on multiple planes of reality and density, from etheric energy flows to physical substance, seamlessly integrated across vibratory scales. Russell’s "frozen Light" metaphor echoes this, portraying matter as a denser, slower state of Mind, capable of oscillating across states through vibrational manipulation.
This Mind Force concept underpins not only the vibratory and etheric phenomena studied in Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (SVP) but also suggests that the mind, in various states of focus or intent, can directly affect the material world. The examples given—from Sai Baba’s materialization of objects to Emoto’s water crystals reacting to thought—illustrate a continuum where mental intent influences material forms. These cases point to Mind as a formative principle, beyond mere biochemical or physical activity, involving a subtle energy or "Mind Substance" that can manifest within and beyond matter.
The theorized quark and gluon involvement in Mind Force takes this concept further into the quantum field, suggesting that what we know as fundamental particles (quarks) might actually be manifestations of this Mind Substance at its most primal, unobservable levels. These quarks and gluons, as carriers of interetheric forces, convey the scalar energies attributed to higher psychic phenomena, forming a bridge between consciousness and matter. The endocrine system, hypothesized to operate through these quark and photon interactions, could explain phenomena like intuition, telepathy, and psi experiences, grounding these "anomalous" experiences within a scientific framework.
Keely’s model of atomic subdivisions, wherein photons consist of quarks and further interetheric levels, introduces a hierarchy where Mind Force cascades down into observable phenomena. The implication here is that our reality, composed of atoms, electrons, photons, and quarks, is an emanation of Mind organized through vibrational scales. This model positions humanity's consciousness evolution as a mirror of our ability to harness these vibrational levels—from electron-level technology to the quark-level machinery Keely envisioned.
This insight into Mind as a foundational force has implications for both individual and collective evolution. Just as humanity has harnessed electrons and photons in recent centuries, the future may hold developments that directly manipulate quark-level energies, leading to tools powered by focused thought or Mind itself, as Keely demonstrated. Such advances could signify a leap in human capability and consciousness, moving beyond material manipulation into realms where thought and vibration shape reality more directly.
Lyndon LaRouche’s emphasis on "energy-flux density" as a marker of progression aligns with this understanding, positioning human advancement as not merely technological but as a deepening of consciousness capable of channeling more profound levels of this Mind Substance. The universe, seen through this perspective, is an energetic symphony in which human progress reflects a shift toward higher vibrational expressions, advancing life by increasing the intensity and purity of this flux.
In practical terms, if we perceive Mind Force as a latent energy within us, it opens the possibility that by cultivating inner vibrational alignment (as through meditation, focused intention, or conscious thought patterns), we can impact the world around us. We begin to touch on the very principles Keely worked with—vibratory resonance and sympathetic harmonics—suggesting that our own minds might be harnessed as instruments of change. This viewpoint casts humanity not merely as passive observers but as dynamic co-creators, whose consciousness can mold reality as surely as physical force. [Dale Pond, ChatGPT 11/13/24]
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Animal Magnetism
Mind Force
"Keely does not give an analysis of the structure of the etheric, but from the fact that he was able to subdivide it through the same process of triple subdivision into interetherons we may assume that three interetherons, each with its etheric capsule whirling about it, existed within the envelope of the etheron, vibrating with an oscillatory frequency greater than any of the lower subdivisions. [See Dynasphere]
Mode | Subdivision | Particle |
Dominant | Etheric | Etheron |
Harmonic | atomic | Atom |
Enharmonic | Molecular | molecule |
The fundamental mode of vibration changes as we reach the fifth subdivision, to the dominant, the diatonic third of the mass chord, which controls the vibratory states of both etheron and interetheron. The awful might concealed in the depths of the etheric and interetheric subdivisions utterly transcends anything Science has ever known. Even the theoretical energy value of radium now accepted by Science, pales into insignificance in comparison to the energy value of an equal amount of water subdivided to the etheric or interetheric state." [Snell Manuscript]
"Not until the intermolecular structure of hydrogen is subdivided by interatomic vibrations can it assimilate with the introductory etheric element.
"Transmitting vibrations of the atomic order through a three-node transmitter (Trextrinar) produces infinite acceleration of the atomic film and thereby ruptures the capsule, permitting the escape of the gaseous atomic element.
"The etheric capsule of one subdivision must be ruptured and the component interstitial ether of that unit released before the next higher subdivision can be disintegrated. The ether from one ruptured subdivision is absolutely essential in operation on that subdivision coming next up in the scale." [Snell Manuscript]
"Taking into consideration even the introductory conditions of the etheric stage, etheric vibration has proved to me that the higher the velocity of its rotating stream the greater is its tendency towards the neutral center or centre of sympathetic coincidence. Were it otherwise, how could there ever be any planetary formations of the building up of visible structure? If a billiard ball were rotated to a certain velocity, it would separate in pieces, and the pieces would fly off in a tangent; but if it were a ball of ether, the higher the velocity of rotation the stronger would be the tendency of its corpuscles to seek its centre of neutrality, and to hold together." [Keely and His Discoveries]
"Given that force can be exerted by an act of will, do we understand the mechanism by which this is done? And if there is a gap in our knowledge between the conscious idea of a motion and the liberation of muscular energy needed to accomplish it, how do we know that a body may not be moved without ordinary material contact by an act of will? Keely contends that all metallic substances after having been subjected to a certain order of vibration may be so moved. "Scientists are verging rapidly toward the idea that immense volumes of energy exist in all conditions of corpuscular space. I accept Prof. Stoney's idea that an apsidal motion might be caused by an interaction between high and low tenuous matter, but such conditions, even of the highest accelerated motion are too far down below the etheric realm to influence it sympathetically, even in the most remote way. The conception of the molecule disturbing the ether, by electrical discharge from its parts is not correct... the highest conditions associated with electricity come under the fourth descending order of sympathetic conditions. The conjecture as regards the motion being a series of harmonic elliptic ones, accompanied by a slow apsidal one, I believe to be correct... The combination of these motions would necessarily produce two circular motions of different amplitudes whose differing periods might correspond to two lines of the spectrum as conjectured, and lead the experimenter, perhaps, into a position corresponding to an ocular illusion. Every line of the spectrum, I think, consists not of two close lines, but of compound triple lines; though not until an instrument has been constructed, which is as perfect in its parts as is the sympathetic field that environs matter, can any truthful conclusion be arrived at from demonstration." [Keely] [FORCE - Snell]
With his Generator, which was invented for the purpose of multiplication of vibrations, he secured higher frequencies by disturbance of equilibrium of mediums of different specific gravities, air as one, water as the other.
In the disintegration of water in his "Liberator" he produced the "etheric order of ozone." This he is said to have used in a "carbon register" to produce a high vibratory circuit that proved sufficient to break up cohesion, which he states is simply molecular magnetism. At that time he used, in molecular dissociation, one tuning fork of 620 per second, setting chords on the first octave, in atomic separation, two forks, one of 620 and one of 630, setting chords on the second octave, and in etheric separation used three forks, one of 620, one of 630 and one of 12,000, setting chords on the third octave. [VIBRATORY MULTIPLICATION]
"Were our sight able to penetrate the interstitial spaces that exist inside the orbits of the oscillating intermolecules and analyze the conditions in those interstitial spaces, where dwells incalculable latent energy, we would be bewildered with amazement. And assuming our vision, which is limited by persistency, could follow the intermolecules in their rapid oscillations and the intermolecular etheric capsule as it revolves with infinite velocity like a transparent shell about the three component atoms that exist inside it, which in turn revolve in their orbits and oscillate with even a higher frequency than the intermolecules, we would still be only on the border gazing into the remote depths of the interstitial realms that stretch far down into the interatomic, etheric and interetheric subdivisions, and, within the interetheric subdivision at last arrive at the neutral center, the nucleus of everything we know as substance. This neutral center bears about the same relation to the etheric subdivision that the atomic subdivision bears to the crude molecular, in other words, its texture is as much finer than electrons as electrons are finer than coarse molecules." [INTERSTITIAL SPACES]

Professor Sauerbruch was unaware that this vacuum comes into being through the planetary movement of the blood. Had he known, then medicine would have taken a completely different course.
I was further able to prove that because contemporary machines operate using centrifugence, resistances to motion with a reactive function[12] are
11 Here the German word is 'Qualitatstoff', which literally means 'quality-matter, or substance'. With this Viktor Schauberger intended to describe a higher, 4th or 5th dimensional magnitude of pure quality as a thing in itself and as the driving force in the raising of quality of whatever kind as a 'quality-producer' or 'quality-generating substance' or energy. The English expression term 'qualigen' used here, is a contraction of the two words 'quality' and 'generator'. — Ed. 12 Active and reactive energies, temperatures, etc.: 'Active' essentially relates to the more physical dimension, to what is outwardly physical and perceptible, physically palpable, gravitationally affected or oriented, and life-negating, i.e. to energies that tend to curb, limit and brake life, evolution and development. 'Reactive' on the other hand relates to more metaphysical dimensions, to what is inwardly physically intangible, levitationally affected or oriented, and life-affirming, i.e. to energies that tend to foster, re-animate and accelerate life, evolution and higher development. - Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
Therefore if the media of water or air are moved naturalesquely (and the trick is how to do this) then the bipolar gases are initially transformed into aetheric and ultimately into energetic stocks of subtle matter. These are then bound in the self-evolving juvenile media (air and water) and what has been increased in this way is rendered homogenous and specifically densified. That is to say, they intensify the carrying capacity and tractive force to such a degree that in such waters material with a higher specific weight than the transporting medium, even ore with a specific weight of 1.9, readily floats down the centre of the axis, where the strongest suctional force acts downstream and the strongest reactive force acts upstream in the form of a dynagen gradient, but which, however, has no effect on raw material structures to the extent that these do not involve life-forms. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
See Also
08 - The Brain as applied to Vibratory Etheric Science
Angles of Incident of Etheric Sympathetic Streams
Celestial Radiation
Compound Interetheric
Etheric Capsule
Etheric Current
Etheric Elements
Etheric Force
Etheric Liberator used with Atlin the Musical Dynasphere
etheric structure
Etheric Vapor
Etheric Vibration. - The Key Force
Etheric Vibratory Scale
Figure 1.0 - The Brain is Molecular - its Permeating Mind is Interetheric
Figure 13.02a - Etheric Vapor HHO Generator
Figure 15.00c - Keelys Devices for Liberating and Measuring Etheric Pressure
Figure 15.02 - Keelys Hydro-Pneumatic-Pulsating-Vacuo Engine operated with etheric vapor
Figure 2.2 - Nested subdivisions of Matter from Molecular to Compound Interetheric
Keelys Etheric Generator or Liberator
Keelys Etheric Vapor
Original Etheric Vapor Liberator
Part 25 - Keelys Wonderful Charts of Vibratory Etheric Science
1.2 - Molecular Brain Permeated by Interetheric Mind
1.4 - Etheric Mind Force in Healing
3.18 - Dispersed Etheric Substance
3.19 - Coagulated Etheric Substance
7B.08 - The Etheric Quantum Soup
10.04 - The Aetheric state of Being and Mind
12.36 - Angles of Incident of Etheric Sympathetic Streams
14.14 - Etheric and Interetheric is Mind
14.33 - Mind Force - Light - Etheric Subdivision
14.34 - Energy Level of Etheric and Interetheric