

[9] Bacteriophagous: According to Collins English Dictionary a bacteriophage is 'a virus that is parasitic in a bacterium and multiplies within its host, which is destroyed when the new viruses are released.' Here the meaning of bacteriophagous has little to do with bacteria as such, but tries to express the notion of highly subtle, autonomous entities within entities endowed with the potential to impart life- or death- decisive influences. Viktor Schauberger also explains them as threshold conformations or structures which are neither corpuscular, nor metaphysical in nature. — Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

together on radial lines from the center they appear grouped in various chords and combinations, dropping out and coming in in such succession as to constitute what Ramsay, whose genius was given to set this thus before us, calls "Nature's Grand Fugue." Beginning at F in the center at the top, and moving either to the right or to the left, after a run of 7 notes we have 4 consecutive Octaves, and then comes the Minor fifth, A-E, followed by the Major fifth, G-D; and this by another Major fifth, F-C; the combinations keep changing till at the quarter of the circle we come to F, A, C, E, G, a combination of the subdominant and tonic Major; and after another varied series of combinations we have at the half of the circle the elements of 2 minor chords, D, F, A and A, C, E, and one Major chord, C, E, G; at the third quarter we have a repetition of the first quarter group; and the various chords and combinations dropping out and coming in, fugue-like; finally we return to where we began, and end with the three-times-three chord, in which the whole 25 notes are struck together, and make that wondrous and restful close of this strange Fugue. No one can hear the thrice-threefold chord of this close and ever forget it; it is "the lost chord" found; and leads the saintly heart away to the Three in One who is the Lord of Hosts; Maker of Heaven and Earth, and all the host of them. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 103]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday July 2, 2022 04:03:10 MDT by Dale Pond.