Device that accumulates, usually Keely's Etheric Force or Reich's Orgone Energy.
"A dynamo-electric machine is placed at any given spot; its object, being put in action, is to withdraw from the earth its neutral electricity, to decompose it into its two conditions and to collect, upon accumulators, the electricity thus separated. As soon as the accumulators are charged, the electricity is disposable; that is, our lamps can be lighted. But what is marvelous in all this is that the forces of nature can be transformed at will. Should we not wish for light, we turn a knob and we have sound, heat, motion, chemical action, magnetism. Little seems wanting to create intelligence, so entirely do these accumulated forces lend themselves to all the transformations which their engineer may imagine and desire. But let us consider how greatly superior is our cerebral mechanism. In order to light a theatre we require a wide space, a dynamo-electric machine of many horse-power, accumulators filling many receptacles, a considerable expense in fuel, and clever mechanicians. In the human organism these engines are in miniature, one decimeter cube is all the space occupied by our brain; no wheels, no pistons, nothing to drive the apparatus, we suffice ourselves. In this sense, each of us can say, like the philosopher Biaz:- Omnia mecum porto. Our cerebral organ not only originates motion, heat, sound, light, chemical actions, magnetism, but it produces psychic forces, such as will, reasoning, judgment, hatred, love, and the whole series of intellectual faculties. They are all derived from the same source, and are always identical to each other, so long as the cerebral apparatus remains intact. The variations of our health alone are capable of causing a variation in the intensity and quality of our productions.[Keely, Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
These explanations provoked a veritable storm of protest in academic circles, forcing me to equip myself and go into action with somewhat heavier artillery. In response to the objections raised during the preliminary patent assessment, I then submitted the following supplementary explanation:
1. As inseparable trinities, the media of earth, water and air are the natural accumulators of bio-magnetic and bio-electric dynagen concentrates. These are extremely sensitive to pressure and heat and may only be accelerated artificially in the original (primordial) way, i.e. planetarily, wherein cooling effects must predominate. Any abnormal increase in heat, no matter from what cause, triggers unnatural interactions between basic elements at the expense of the negatively surcharged, biomagnetic dynagen concentrates.
2. All over-illumination and over-heating immediately provokes the release of decomposive energies; whether heating is the result of sunlight or [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
Just a slight positively surcharged motive or stimulative influence is enough to discharge the blood of the Earth, the extremely pressure-sensitive accumulator of the true life-forces in statu nascendi, which it accumulates in order to transform them into reactivated formative (levitative) or disintegrative (retrogressive) energies. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
Otis T. Carr
"We use this statement that we use an electrified sender. It's a central power core. Now this is what we call an 'accumulator.' In a vernacular sense, it is a factory. It is a storage cell, an accumulation of storage cells which provide an electromotive force in the same manner that any known battery produces an electromotive force." [Otis T. Carr]
See Also
Electrical Power Accumulators
Leyden Jar
Orgone Accumulator
Orgone Energy
Polar and depolar intermittent accumulator
Electrical Power Accumulators
Law of Accumulation