

On many occasions I have stated that the rising of sap in trees cannot be explained by physical factors alone - such as the effect of external air pressure. Its explanation is to be found in ongoing metabolic processes in constant pulsation in every cell of the tree. It is therefore a result of the vital activity of the capillary tree-cell. Professor Kurt Bergel of Berlin came to similar conclusions in relation to the activity of the heart and the blood in animal life. He rejects the current view that the motor - the heart - is supposed to pump blood into all parts of the body. On the contrary this work is performed by the millions of highly active capillaries permeating the body. This fluid-raising capillary force is only effective up to a certain height. An external aid is therefore necessary. This Bergel demonstrated with a small experiment. He stood the base of a bundle of hair-thin tubes in water and lightly and regularly tapped it at the top, causing water to flow continuously out of the upper ends of the capillaries.

In his view health and disease are primarily dependent on the faultless or disturbed activity of the capillaries. Professor Bergel furnished definite proof of this in his investigations of a bird's egg. After being incubated for only a short period of time a small red spot appeared on an egg, which on closer inspection proved to be a drop of blood. If the egg is incubated further, then a network of arteries can already be distinguished on the skin of the yolk-sack. Rhythmical pulsations can still be detected just before it cools off. [Our Senseless Toil, page 38-39]

Through Patent No. 1.057.6767 granted by the French Patent Office, who accepted it in an almost unabridged form, the OEEC was made aware of my views, which in this way came to the attention one of the foremost water and air research institutes. Via a Viennese intermediary, my advice was sought as to whether this could explain the apparently unstoppable increase in the infection and decay of water, sap and blood, which is also responsible for every kind of water catastrophe. The actual impetus for these enquiries arose as a result of Professor Otto Warburg's study of cancerous tumours under the microscope. He determined that they were nourished principally by oxygen [8]. Plants too are supposed to obtain up to 80% of their nutrients from the positively overcharged atmosphere. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

I reject this assertion, because oxygen is no nutrient, but the substance that fertilises the oppositely-charged (geospheric) fructigenic ethericities. These enter the plants via the protoplasm at the tips of the roots (see fig. 15). In more highly organised life-forms they enter the hermetically sealed blood- or sap-streams by way of the intestinal filtration systems; in other words, by way of diffusion. They then proceed through the diffusive orifices of the leaves, needles, gills and lungs and make possible the intermixtures upon whose character and capacity of accommodation the formation of pathogenic or animating entities depends, which at this time are in an atomic state. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

Therefore, if water, sap or blood are over-illuminated, over-warmed or water is accelerated above its boundary velocity by pressure- and heat-intensifying techno-academic devices, such as steel ploughs, pressure turbines and pumps, pressure screws (propellers), Pelton wheels, etc., then the decomposive energies mentioned earlier come to life. These positively overcharged, invasive emanations are x-ray-like in nature and pierce every form of resistance. They penetrate right through to the negatively charged cell-nucleus and in the surrounding growth and life-forms cause the cell-nuclei to split. There [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

We are here concerned with bacteriophagous[9] threshold substances, which are first animated at a later stage of development. For this reason the view that this relates to viral entities released by water, sap and blood, is an error of the first order. It is the intermixture of the diffuse substances mentioned earlier that first makes fertilisation possible. It is the way in which impregnation takes place that determines whether the emergence of pathogens results or not. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

If such ennobled water is drunk, which accumulates normally insoluble trace-elements in a 'released' state and binds its oxygen content up to a maximum of 4%[13], then the dissolution of normally insoluble sediment accretions takes place, enabling sclerosis, encrustation of the blood, sap and lymph vessels to be healed. The organisms thus treated regain their metabolic functions as well as their reproductive abilities. In this way senile men almost fully recover their virility. After extended consumption of regenerated drinking water, even people who wear glasses can use weaker ones, because the capillaries of the eye, which supply it with high quality nutrients, will be purged of deposits. Rheumatic disorders are cured within a short space of time, for through this general detoxification the joints move freely and painlessly again and are provided with a film of essential oils. Kidney and gall stones also dissolve after only a few weeks of drinking such healing water and are passed out in gravel-like form with the urine. All those suffering from cancer can get relief from their tearing pains almost immediately, because the almost oxygen-free water binds the excess oxygen in the blood[14], thus eliminating dangerous hyperacidity. It is therefore not only possible to prevent cancer in this way, but even to cure this dreadful disease, if this all-healing water is drunk in good time. The healing of rheumy eyes with the aid of gold earrings also occurs in a similar way. Situated in the earlobes - the coolest location, they function bio-catalytically and make any form of water secretion impossible. If one burns one's finger, then almost intuitively one grasps the earlobe, where the relatively strongest falling temperature gradient prevails, and an almost instantaneous relief from the burning sensation is felt. Catalysts in the form of the emanations from gold and silver not only function oligodynamically (they kill pathogenic bacteria), but also build up apathogenic bacteria, as happens in the vicinity of high springs. Having recognised this, a very open-minded doctor, the director of the old peoples' home at Lainz near Vienna, attempted to cure the sclerotic symptoms of seriously rheumatic W.W.II soldiers by administering the finest gold and silver dust. He only achieved a partial cure, however, because this can only be done with the infusion of precious metals in an organic state.

[13] This is slightly equivocal and can be interpreted in two ways: Either 4% of the 100% oxygen content is bound, or, up to 4% of the 100% oxygen content is bound, namely 96%. In view of what has been stated in "The Liquefaction of Coal by means of Cold Flows" on p. 95 of this book, it would appear that the latter interpretation is what is intended here. — Ed.
[14] The free oxygen radicals are bound. — Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]

15 "Every mm3 of water contains about 10,000 billion water molecules. Each contributes to the cooling effect of evaporation. Droplets rise in spiral paths towards the light (photophoresis)." Walter Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 5, p. 29.
"In mixed forests all the species of trees have different root systems. There are flat-rooted, heart-rooted and deep-rooted trees. The root zone is thus widely diversified and reaches a depth of about 5 metres. Such a forest cannot be torn apart by storms."
Aloys Kokaly, Implosion Magazine No. 54/55, p. 39.
"In the growing season, 1 hectare of forest evaporates about 50,000 litres of water, or 50 m3 per day. in the process a quantity of heat will be extracted through evaporative cooling, which is sufficient to cool 3 million litres of water by 10°C. The sap in the stomata under the surface of the leaves is over-cooled, thereby becoming heavier and sinks down to the root-area, which it then cools, creating a zone of coolness, whereas the warmer and lighter sap rises in the sap ducts. (From an infinite number of the tiny stomata in the leaves and needles, which represent the finest imaginable sieve, the spiralling light ray draws out the minute particle of water and screws it up into the sky.)" Aloys Kokaly, Implosion Magazine, No. 62, p. 10. — Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]

therefore false economic system. Further comment is now totally superfluous. In any case, it was an outsider, who rediscovered the secret of naturalesque mass-motion, and who thus perhaps rescued the whole of humanity from a ghastly end, namely to perish hopelessly from the putrefaction of water, sap and blood. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]

Under natural conditions, this very water, like plant juices or higher-grade bloods, is raised by indirect means to the highest mountain peaks through its [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

See Also

plant juice

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday July 29, 2024 05:15:10 MDT by Dale Pond.