

noun: the substance that the cells of living things are made of. It consists of the cytoplasm and the nucleus.
noun: the living substance of a cell (including cytoplasm and nucleus)
noun: (Biol.) The viscid and more or less granular material of vegetable and animal cells, possessed of vital properties by which the processes of nutrition, secretion, and growth go forward; the so-called " physical basis of life;" the original cell substance, cytoplasm, cytoblastema, bioplasm sarcode, etc.

In 1868, T. H. Huxley described protoplasm as the “physical basis of life”. Protoplasm is a clear, colorless and jelly-like substance which seemed to make up the contents of the cell. It was also described as “substance of life” or “living material”.
In 1835, Felix Dujardin was the first person to observe the living substance and called it “sarcode”. But in 1940, J. E. Purkinje gave it a name i.e. “protoplasm – the first substance”.

"The first elemental substance of a thing." Ramsay, Dougald Carmichel; The Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 25

"The complex, jelly-like substance of which all organisms are composed." [Haeckel, Ernst; The Riddle of the Universe - at the Close of the Nineteenth Century]

"The luminous, Etheric, protoplastic element, which is the highest condition of the ether, fills the regions of infinite space, and in its radiating Outreach gives birth to the prime neutral centers that carry the planetary worlds through their ranges of motion." [Keely, Keely and His Discoveries page 270]

"Luminiferous ether," he writes, "or celestial mind force, a compound interetheric element, is the substance of which everything visible is composed. It is the great sympathetic protoplastic element; life itself. Consequently, our physical organisms are composed of this element. This focalizing, or controlling media, of the physical, has its seat in the cerebral convolutions; from which sympathetic radiation emanates. This sympathetic outreach is mind flow proper, or will force; sympathetic polarization to produce action; sympathetic depolarization to neutralize it. Polar and depolar differentiation, resulting in motion. The true protoplastic element sympathetically permeates all forms and conditions of matter; having, for its attendants, gravity, electricity, and magnetism; the triple conditions born in itself. In fact, it is the soul of matter; the element from which all forms of motion receive their introductory impulse." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]

"If all cosmical action is cyclical, matter, when existing free in the ether, must ultimately tend to dissolve into pure ether again, for, if the law of creation is as a cycle, in which, after development and as its fruit, the last term gives the first, then has he grounds for his conjecture that complication in structure is necessary to the segregation of nervous matter, and the construction of a "myo-neuro-cerebral system" and that ether and matter, after developing a molecular economy, as the mother and nurse of a soul or monad of a higher order than the merely material element, through or by this organism, complete the cycle of the economy of material nature, and eventually touch upon the spiritual world again and contribute to it. This true protoplasm, the ether, Keely claims to ... liberate by vibratory machinery as the medium of a motive power, which he calls "sympathetic negative attraction." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2] [cosmical action]

I reject this assertion, because oxygen is no nutrient, but the substance that fertilises the oppositely-charged (geospheric) fructigenic ethericities. These enter the plants via the protoplasm at the tips of the roots (see fig. 15). In more highly organised life-forms they enter the hermetically sealed blood- or sap-streams by way of the intestinal filtration systems; in other words, by way of diffusion. They then proceed through the diffusive orifices of the leaves, needles, gills and lungs and make possible the intermixtures upon whose character and capacity of accommodation the formation of pathogenic or animating entities depends, which at this time are in an atomic state. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

"It is not by one pulse of the air in a second of time from a vibrating string that we hear a sound. Our ear waits till the vibrations are somewhere about 32 in a second, and then there begins to be heard a very low and not very distinct sound of little service as yet in the musical range. It is when the vibrations become more numerous that the sounds ascend and take their place within the horizon of music. Vibrations are the protoplasm of music. As the nebulous mists which hang in the depths of space are, perhaps, the protoplasm of planets; and as the all-prevading ether is, perhaps, the protoplasm from which our so-called chemical elements are built up; and as the living cell is the organic protoplasm out of which all living tissues are differentiated for their proper functions and special ends, so these vibrations of the air are the protoplasm of music." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 19]

See Ether the True Protoplasm

See Also

Celestial Radiation
Etheric Elements
Ether the True Protoplasm
One Substance
Prime Neutral Center
protoplasm of music

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday December 24, 2024 04:31:49 MST by Dale Pond.