
third subdivision


"Keely does not define the structure of the interatom, but from the fact that the "triple" vibrations cause it to further subdivide, we may assume it to consist of portions arranged in the same manner as in the lower subdivisions. Certain it is that Keely found the interatomic to subdivide into three "etherons" of the fifth subdivision. We may therefore conclude that the internal structure of the interatom is fundamentally the same as that of the first, second and third subdivisions. Its fundamental vibratory mode is the same as that of the atomic subdivisions the harmonic or true fifth of the mass chord. Its vibratory frequency, however, is higher than any of the preceding. The interatom is subject to the general laws of mass and is ponderable." Snell Manuscript

"The electric current is the "first and second order" of the atomic vibration, a dual force, the flow of which is altogether too tenuous to displace any molecules. The highest conditions associated with electricity come under the fourth descending order of sympathetic condensation, in the atomic subdivision, which is altogether too remote to take any direct part in etheric disturbances." [Snell Manuscript]

"Thermal radiation (and its accompaniment, thermal vacuum or cold) comes below the first atomic (probably atomic). Since its vibratory frequency is so low and its effects so considerable, it probably will be found to vibrate in the dominant mode. [Snell Manuscript]

In comparing the tenuity of the atmosphere with that of the etheric flows, obtained by Mr. Keely from his invention for dissociating the molecules of air by vibration, he says, "It is as platina to hydrogen gas. Molecular separation of air brings us to the first subdivision only; intermolecular, to the second; atomic, to the third; interatomic, to the fourth; etheric to the fifth; and interetheric to the sixth subdivision, or positive association with luminiferous ether. In my introductory argument I have contended that this is the vibratory envelope of all atoms. In my definition of atom I do not confine myself to the sixth subdivision, where this luminiferous ether is developed in its crude form, as far as my researches prove. I think this idea will be pronounced, by the physicists of the present day, a wild freak of the imagination. Possibly, in time, a light may fall upon this theory that will bring its simplicity forward for scientific research. At present I can only compare it to some planet in a dark space, where the light of the sun of science has not yet reached it. . . . [More Science]

See Also

celestial thirds
clustered thirds
diatonic third
enharmonic third
fifth subdivision
Figure 1.3 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
Figure 1.3.1 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy according to Keely
Figure 11.01 - Octave composed of Equal Thirds and Triads
Figure 13.06 - Atomic Subdivision
Figure 2.2 - Nested subdivisions of Matter from Molecular to Compound Interetheric
Figure 7.7 - Keelys Morphology - Infinite Subdivision of Matter
fourth subdivision
introductory third
Keplers Third Law
Locked Potentials and Subdivisions
Major Third
Minor Third
molecular subdivision
negative thirds
Part 14 - Keelys Mysterious Thirds Sixths and Ninths
Prime Third
second subdivision
seventh subdivision
sympathetic thirds
Table 1 - Relations of Thirds
Table 1 - Relations of Thirds see also
Table 14.01 - All phrases in HyperVibes containing the term thirds
Table 14.02 - Neutral Thirds - Energy Radiates from Center - Force Contracts to Center
Table of Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
The Seven Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
third element
Third Law of Thermodynamics
third octave
triple subdivision
12.07 - Keelys Thirds Sixths and Ninths
13.04 - Atomic Subdivision
13.05 - Seven Levels Subdivisions Planes or Realms of Mind Matter and Energy
13.28 - Differentiating Thirds
14.04 - Thirds as Currents
14.05 - Thirds as Differentiations
14.07 - Thirds in Magnetic Action
14.08 - Thirds as Assimilatives
14.10 - Thirds as Ratios within a Whole
14.28 - Thirds as Polar and Depolar Parameters
14.33 - Mind Force - Light - Etheric Subdivision
16.08 - Polar Link in Thirds
7.12 - Third
7.3 - Law of Love - Reciprocal Interchange of State on Multiple Subdivisions

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday July 31, 2018 05:48:34 MDT by Dale Pond.