(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy) (click to enlarge)

(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy) (click to enlarge)
A complete reversal then takes place when two centers of gravity and two equators become one. See also Figures 71 on page 529 and Figure 82 on page 581 also 161 and 173 in this lesson. By studying Figures 71, 82, 169, 173 and 174 you can see how bodies are produced through the union of two opposites of two pairs. This study will reveal much to you to apply to the principles of mating and the reproduction of balanced offspring." [Home Study Course, Unit Eleven - Lesson 42.4]
"Figure 174 illustrates the complete interchange between both systems of curvature which control all effects of Creation. The essential point to take note of in this diagram is that north and south have also become one at a point of gravity within which the outside has been contracted toward a point on the inside which is NORTH, while SOUTH is expanded to a wide expanse of space to surround and interchange with it to continue the Cosmic motion picture of God’s inspired imaginings." [Home Study Course, Unit Eleven - Lesson 42.4]To me, and I may be wrong, this diagram shows the complex forces or states within a Bar Magnet, as an example. Visualize a Bar Magnet superimposed on this drawing with the South end at the top and North end at the bottom of the drawing.
At the center "Equator Which Unites" is equilibrium or fulcrum where the polar forces or states are reunited into equilibrium, zero, latent or scalar potential. It is the Fulcrum point of balance or stillness. This the Neutral Center or Undifferentiated Mind Center, gravity center, fulcrum and is "attractive" on the etheric level or subdivision.
"The Gravity Center of every ring is its center of mind control Electric Potential and gravity are 90° in opposition. THIS MIND AND MOTION UNIVERSE" Atomic Suicide, page 163
"N" (north) is always depicted in WR drawings as a point of attraction, aggregation or unition. This, in this drawing, is on the interatomic (electric magnetic) level or subdivision.
"North is the direction of the generative action of displacement." Russell, The Universal One, page 184
The "S" (south) is always depicted in WR drawings as Repulsive, Radiating or Dispersive. This, in this drawing, is on the interatomic (electric magnetic) level or subdivision.
"South is the direction of the radiative reaction of replacement." Russell, The Universal One, page 184
The puzzling part of the this image are the two "zero Equators Which Divides". This is the point at which forces divide into two states or conditions, one assimilating to the Center "N" Equator and the other radiating towards the "N" and "S" ends of the drawing or magnet. But these two forces or states act simultaneously both radiating and attracting concurrently.
"The cathode in Nature is the still point of Magnetic White Light of Mind from which motion begins to compress in two opposite directions to create sex-divided bodies. Gravity begins when compression begins. Polarization and compression are ONE." Atomic Suicide, page 91
The concepts of this drawing are fundamental and essential. They show/explore the inner nature of Polarity and its associated traits or attributes. Studying the concept of "mate-pairs" shows there are more considerations to Polarity than simply North/Male and South/Female conditions. [Dale Pond]
See Also
atomic systems cube wave-field of zero curvature curvature curvature of electric potential pressure curvature of gravity curvature of gravity control curvature of space Dimensions of the Ecliptic for all Systems 103 DISINTEGRATION OF MATTER - THREE SYSTEMS Figure 1.1 - Chord Signatures of Brain Convolutions Figure 14.07 - Love Principle: Two sympathetic waves expanding from two points have one coincident centering locus Figure 16.08 - Two bar magnets becoming one magnet Figure 18.04 - Two Minds - Split and Whole Figure 18.05 - Two Power States of Mind Force Figure 2.8 - Alchemists Artwork showing duality or Polar States Figure 20.13 - Two Rings - Outer and Inner Figure 6.9 - Russell depicts his waves in two ways Figure 9.7 - Two Centers Showing Complex Attraction Dynamics Keelys Three Systems KEELYS THREE SYSTEMS - Snell Magnetic cube of zero curvature Mary A. Atwood Missile From This Gun Laughs At Natures Laws multiplying and dividing two-way principle One Balanced Whole and Two Reciprocating Dynamics plane of zero curvature Table 11.03 - Roots Powers of Two and Indig Numbers Two two centers two controlling points of stillness TWO DIMENSIONS of CONSCIOUSNESS two directional explosion two dividing poles two kinds of electricity two kinds of motion two lights of the spectrum two opposed electric forces two points of stillness two poles two poles of assimilation two prime conductors two-dimensional thought-ring universe two-thirds of one-third two-way compression-expansion sequence two-way divided effects of motion two-way effect two-way extension of a point in space two-way motion two-way opening and closing universe two-way universe two-way universe of motion zero curvature 1.7 - The two great divisions 11.16 - Indig Numbers and the Power of the Powers of Two 2.18 - One Becomes Two 3.05 - Two Principles 4.4 - Idle Wheels on Natures Machinery