"The law operates between two poles of assimilation - entirely dissimilar - and by two processes simultaneously, analysis and synthesis, which are each opposite." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"The DIVINE INTENTION of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS was to express ITs own wholeness through creation by individualising, in physical form, each of the two equally balanced aspects of ITSELF and then bringing them together again in physical form, to experience the unity and wholeness of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS from which they originally took their individuality.
As they come together in love and unity of spirit and body, they discover the joy and ecstasy of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS in equilibrium.
(This entire process is clearly set out in Letters 5 and 7.) Therefore, the combination of the masculinity of the man and the femininity of the woman is essential to make a 'whole' drawn from the SOURCE of BEING. Out of this combination is formed a whole child." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 4, page 17]
See Also
Law of Assimilation
Magnetic poles of gravity
Poles in Harmonies
three poles
two dividing poles
two poles