When two bar magnets are joined end to end the Neutral Line will move to the center of the new composite bar magnet. The poles will migrate to the ends. Demonstrating magnetism is NOT part of iron but of the Magnetic Flow passing through the iron.
"Naturally the desire for equilibrium through attempted depolarization will shorten the electric line of opposition in the direction of its length and thus draw south and north together bent on mutual destruction just as chemical affinities depolarize each other by contact. One becomes an extension of the other just as a piece of polarized steel added to another one depolarizes both at the point of contact and extends their signs to opposite ends of the bar. If one polarized pith ball comes into contact with another, this is what happens." [Genero-Radiative Concept]

Thus demonstrating magnetism is an energy flow or stream and not an inherent parameter of particles.
![]() Two bar magnets becoming one magnet (click to enlarge) |
![]() Two bar magnets becoming one magnet (click to enlarge) |
"The continuous flow of the magnet is merely a diversion of that portion of the terrestrial envelope. The third current of the triune stream. The velocity of the vibration governing the flow of the magnetic stream, comes under the head of the first interatomic, and ranges from 300,000 to 780,000 vibrations per second; the first order above odor permeating the molecules. The course of this sympathetic flow is governed by the full harmonic chord; and, consequently, moves in straight line; thus transmitting its sympathy free of molecular interferences." [Keely and His Discoveries]
See Also
Part 10 - What Sympathy Is
Part 14 - Keelys Mysterious Thirds Sixths and Ninths
2.22 - Voiding - an Effect of Desire and Will Force
Figure 3.24 - Non-synchronized Voiding at Plane of Inertia is Regenerative
3.7 - Non-synchronized Voiding at Plane of Inertia