[p. 251]
We again say these words were not written as a text book for the unfolding of new worlds of knowledge which lie ahead, unless such knowledge is distinctly relative to the one purpose for which it is written. We feel, however, that a few paragraphs of explanation might help open the doors to new light for the researchers who are now finding a "somethingness" in that supposedly "nothingness" from which "matter emerges only to be swallowed up by it."
What researchers are now discovering is that there are two ends of the creating units of matter. One end is the zero fulcrum end which projects dimensionless Mind-imagined patterns in pairs of bodies, and the other end is the enlarged pattern in motion. Their relation to each other is in the shape of a cone.
[p. 252]
The "anti-matter" end is the apex, and the projected "pro-matter" end is the base of the cone. To restate it in electrical terms, the apex end is the cathode and the base end is the anode pair. As the anode pair always move as separate units of a pair, until they become united as one, so, likewise, do their apice projecting fulcrums seem to move to control their balance in space. Naturally the zero universe is motionless, and no movement takes place at the zero fulcrum, for movement does not begin until division of electric thinking projects a two-way wave-lever from the fulcrum to manifest its energy and its Idea. It is the wave-lever which moves, however, and not the fulcrum, and when balance moves in two directions it is always centered by one, no matter how it moves. See figures 17 to 29. This is too long a story to amplify here, but it is sufficiently relevant to our purpose to print seven diagrams here which will begin the clarification of the method the Creator uses in thus projecting His imaginings into the forms of His imagining upon the three-dimensional screen of space, which seems so real to us. The day will come in man's unfolding Intelligence and innersensory perception when he can clearly see that there is no real material universe, nor is there dimension. There is an illusion, however, which stands for the reality of the substance it simulates, and that simulation is interpreted by our senses as motion. When man can comprehend that he will then know that what he thinks of as motion is, in itself, but simulation, for motion, likewise, is but illusion.
The seven diagrams will also help give more meaning to the new idea of anti-matter, which has just entered the scientific world, as well as to open the door to the coming of the new science of Space Geometry.
In Fig. 62 you will note a centering point marked zero. That is the beginning point in the Mind-universe which marks the eternal Identity of one unit of a multiple repeated Idea. Your Identity begins and ends there. Likewise, the Identity of every creating thing in the universe begins and ends there. It emerges from that point millions of times, and returns to it millions of times complexed by union with other Identities, which become a part of its purpose. That zero point is the Soul-seed of the oak,
[p. 253]

The eight corner projectors of the Universal radar broadcasting stations.
God's end of the cosmic
Bridge where motion begins
Its projection into space
To simulate mind-idea.
Matter begins by division of stillness in the inert gases and its projection by two-way motion into pairs of octave wave tones, which we call elements. The principle of projection is the same that man uses in projecting the concept of his idea into the moving form of the idea. It is the dual radar principle of Nature. Reduced to its ultimate simplicity, Nature is a series of echoes. [Russell, Atomic Suicide - Fig 62]
See Also
Matter begins by division of stillness in the inert gases and its projection by two-way motion into pairs of octave wave tones, which we call elements. The principle of projection is the same that man uses in projecting the concept of his idea into the moving form of the idea. It is the dual radar principle of Nature. Reduced to its ultimate simplicity, Nature is a series of echoes.
[p. 254]

The eight radar corner receivers of thought
messages projected from inert gases.
Man's end of the
Cosmic Bridge where
Motion reaches maximum.
The cube projector, shown in Fig. 62, is repeated in the cube receiver, shown herein. Motion which has been divided into pairs and thrown out into space by the projector, is multiplied in the vortices of the receiver, which corresponds to the corner reflectors of radar. Forms and sounds which are born in space are thus echoed back into space.
See Also
The cube projector, shown in Fig. 62, is repeated in the cube receiver, shown herein. Motion which has been divided into pairs and thrown out into space by the projector, is multiplied in the vortices of the receiver, which corresponds to the corner reflectors of radar. Forms and sounds which are born in space are thus echoed back to space.
[p. 255]

See Also
Every form of matter which is projected into space has its anti-matter image within space, which ultimately voids it and reborns it. Anti-matter concepts have their own balancing relation to their material images in space geometry.
or of a corpuscle in your blood. You, and it, and all things else, are the formed-images which simulate the Creator's imagining. You, and the oak, and all things else, are thinking God's imagining. That zero point is you. In it is all-knowledge and all-power to extend to as you desire it, and are aware of it within that "kingdom of heaven" within you. You must someday learn
[p. 256]
that. You must in time learn that the eternal YOU is on the other end of your projected body. If, at present, you are limited to body-awareness, it is only because you do not know of your divine centering Source. Many people in the world have hardly any awareness of the God which centers them. Science is at last beginning to realize that there is an anti-proton, and an anti-meson and is searching for anti-other things. That is the most wonderful thing that has happened to the intellectual world in thousands of years. It has not yet become aware, however, that the anti-matter universe is God's universe.
Fig. 62 is the seed. When it is ready to extend - or to be reborn as an oak, or man, or carbon atom, it divides and becomes the fulcrum of itself. The Mind-projection mirrors then provide a cube wave-field for projecting idea into measured form of idea. By studying figures 62-63 - and 64 - you will also see why nature can never pass beyond the sphere in form. That is the end of its journey. The reversal of polarization begins there. The charge then becomes discharge. Spheres then oblate by throwing off rings. In ordinary language life is maximum there and death must take over. Life and death are born in the same cradle but they meet at that point as equals. That is the basis of the radar principle. The end of the journey of sound, as of all things else, is in one of the eight corners of the cube wave-field. Sound must return from that focal point. It is "reflected" from there. Electrical and radar engineers recognize that fact. They have even coined the name of "corner reflector" for it.
In Fig. 62 you will see eight sections of a cube wave-field, which constitute the four pairs in every octave. Each of these pairs is a radar corner reflector in reverse. The reverse is a corner projector. The corner reflector of radar is a mirrored image of the corner projector. The four pairs constitute a cube wave-field. The cube projector never appears with the seed until it "germinates," which means that the conditions for its rebirth are normal for that rebirth. If it never again germinates on this earth it still is and maintains its one plane existence eternally. It cannot be destroyed for it is Mind-Idea of Mind-thinking, and that is what constitutes all Nature.
[p. 257]

[p. 258]

Fig. 63 is the body end of the cosmic bridge. It is that which is projected. It is motion compressed into a spherical image of the transient form that is eternally recorded in the hole which is within the four rings of the seed. That sphere is also composed of eight parts, and is centered by the zero of its Source.
To more fully comprehend this omnipresent radar universe of reflecting light mirrors and lenses, take one of the eight reflectors out of a cube, or make one composed of three mirrors placed the way they are shown in the corner of Fig. 62. If you analyze
[p. 259]

this shape you will see that it is half a cube cut through its diagonals. If you now slowly insert an object on the end of a long needle, toward the apex of that pyramid you will see it reflected three times, and those reflections will grow ever closer as your object nears that apex. That illustrates the multiplication, or compressive power of Nature. It also symbolizes centripetal force and higher potential. It also represents three of the octave elements on the red or blue side of the whole octave, of which the three mates are in the reverse corner reflector.
The fourth of the octave pairs is the sphere itself. These four pairs, and their inert gas recorder, constitutes the whole octave wave-field principle. It shows how matter is constructed. The balancing dark images in figures 64 and 65 show how the zero universe balances every movement in the universe by centering every unit of matter with its accumulated potentials at a zero point within it, which we call gravity, and with another equal zero point at balanced focal points between each pair.
In Fig. 62 you see God's end of the bridge between the Creator and His Creation. In Fig. 63 you see man's end of it. In Fig. 64 you see how both ends are united by the electric wave, and in Fig. 67 by the electric current. In Fig. 67 a nebula has

[p. 261]
been placed in the position in which a loop of force would occur in the electric current, and where a carbon atom would be found in the elements of matter.
These drawings should clearly demonstrate how the Intelligence of the invisible zero universe absolutely controls the visible universe of motion as dynamically as the operator in the cinema controls his visible idea in motion. This control of the visible universe by the invisible will become dynamically applicable in man's laboratories, and his creative efforts in discovery and invention, in the ratio in which he comprehends the geometry of space. That in itself, is an exhaustive study, a practically new science which could never be fitted into the old concept of matter, but can readily be fitted into a universe based upon nine octaves of mathematically rhythmic cube-based tones.
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