(from Symbolism or Mystic Masonry by J. D. Buck, MD)
(click to enlarge)
Helena Pertrova Blavatsky
"Fohat traces spiral lines to unite the Sixth to the Seventh - the Crown. An Army of the Sons of Light stands at each angle; the Lipika, in the Middle Wheel. They say: "This is good". The first Divine World is ready; the First, the Second. Then the "Divine Arûpa " reflects itself in Chhâyâ Loka, the first Garment of Anupâdaka." [The Stanzas of Dyzan, Helena Pertrova Blavatsky]
"This something, at present unknown to Western speculation, is called by the occultists Fohat. It is the “bridge” by which the "Ideas” existing in the "Divine Thought” are impressed on Cosmic substance as the "laws of Nature.” Fohat is thus the dynamic energy of Cosmic Ideation; or, regarded from the other side, it is the intelligent medium, the guiding power of all manifestation, the "Thought Divine" transmitted and made manifest through the Dhyan Chohans, the Architects of the visible World. Thus from Spirit, or Cosmic Ideation, comes our consciousness; from Cosmic substance the several vehicles in which that consciousness is individualized and attains to self — or reflective — consciousness; while Fohat, in its various manifestations, is the mysterious link between Mind and Matter, the animating principle electrifying every atom into life." [Blavatsky]
4.1 The main verbal root foh is a Tibetan-Mongolian word which could be translated as Buddha-life or Buddha-vitality. Fohat is a philosophical term, having the general meaning of cosmic life or cosmic vitality, ever guided by cosmic mind or intelligence. Why did the Mongolians use this term? Because they refused to see in the wonderful, symmetrical, mathematical and harmonic structure of the Universe, a play of blind and soulless forces on dead matter such as has been the dominating way of scientific thinking in the West for so many years. They gave it the name Fohat because their consciousness conceived of the cosmic vitality under its proper meaning – Buddha-life:
- the intelligent buddhic foundation of the manifested universe;
- the cosmic life, conveyed by universal consciousness, universal wisdom, and therefore correctly understood to be universal life, embodying and directed by universal intelligence.
In the Secret Doctrine I (p. 107-8) this is expressed as follows:
Fohat is the steed: the Cosmic Thought is the rider.
The source of Fohat is Cosmic kama or desire in the Cosmic Thought. In a specific meaning it is identical with the old mystic Greek word Eros. In the Symposium of The Dialogues of Plato Socrates discusses with his friends the characteristics of the god Eros. They conclude that Eros can neither be beautiful or good, because you only desire what you don’t possess yet. Subsequently Socrates speaks of the lessons he learned from a wise lady called Diotima who described Eros generally as the desire (the love) of the everlasting possession of the good ..... and that, through this desire, man seeks immortality [4]. From this we may conclude that Fohat or Eros is the desire, the driving force, to bring a being from its present - relative - disharmonious state into a state of balance, of harmony. This force is expressed as a delta, a difference in “voltage,” “pressure,” “height,” etc.
So we can say that on the human plane Fohat corresponds to desire or passion. In another way, we also might call it kama-prana or prana-kama; desire combined with vitality. Those two are inseparable, because there is vitality in every one of the human principles. Fohat is the incessantly operating, ever moving driving force in Nature. It is incessant action and is both constructive and destructive. For through the incessant operation endless transitions take place from one phase of manifested existence to another. Fohat is operating both at macrocosmic and microcosmic level: between the suns of the Milky Way and between the electrons of an atom and between the atoms.
4.2 What is the role of Fohat in the process of Emanation?
What is exactly the relation between Emanation and Fohat?
As human beings, we can say it means that we are living in the emanated force-field, the life-sphere, the fohatic sphere, the pranic sphere, of the divinity of our solar system. In a similar way the cells and atoms of our physical body are living in the emanated force-field, the life-sphere, the fohatic sphere, the pranic sphere, of the divinity of our human constitution. In The Secret Doctrine I p. 16 Madame Blavatsky describes the essential character of Fohat as: the "bridge" by which the "Ideas" existing in the "Divine Thought" are impressed on Cosmic substance as the "laws of Nature." Fohat being the cosmic life in the sense of the vital flow in a universe, is divisible into seven or ten principles or elements. Each one of them is a vitality with its own svabhava or characteristic, and their unity forming the generalized Fohat of which Madame Blavatsky wrote in the Secret Doctrine I p. 143: "Each world has its Fohat, who is omnipresent in his own sphere of action. But there are as many Fohats as there are worlds, each varying in power and degree of manifestations.”
In The Secret Doctrine, it is revealed that the "Sons of Fohat" are the personified forces known as motion, sound, heat, light, cohesion, electricity, and magnetism.
Every impulse or vibration of a physical object producing a certain vibration of the air - that is, causing the collision of physical particles, the sound of which can affect the ear - produces, at the same time, a corresponding flash of light, which will assume some particular colour. An audible sound is but a subjective color, and a perceptible color is but an inaudible sound.
Both proceed from the same potential, plastic substance, which is invisible space. Every human passion, every thought and quality, is indicated in the aura by corresponding colours and shades of color, and certain of these are sensed and felt rather than perceived. As a string vibrates and gives forth an audible note, so the nerves of the human body vibrate and thrill in correspondence with various emotions under the general impulse of the circulating vitality of prana, thus producing undulations in the psychic aura of the person that result in chromatic effects. The human nervous system may be regarded as an Aeolian harp, responding to the impact of the dynamic vital force and manifesting the subtlest shades of the individual character in color phenomena.
Blavatsky continues to elucidate the Eastern ideas concerning the original elements and ethers in The Secret Doctrine and leads the reader to the Being of Fohat, that Fohat may be the most important being in cosmology and holds the secrets to human spiritual evolution. At first, Fohat seems to be the source that akasha, the primal ether, originated from. Fohat is at once an unmanifest force that creates all forces, the forces themselves, the effects on the mediums the force acts within, and the consciousness of both the divine and human affected by Fohat. Fohat even seems to be the image of what a human being was created to become. Fohat is our past our present, and our future, simultaneously.
Fohat is cosmic electricity, primordial light, the ever-present electrical energy, the universal propelling vital force, the ceaseless destructive and formative power, the synthesis of the many forms of electrical phenomena.
Blavatsky writes in The Secret Doctrine:
In the manifested Universe, there is 'That' which links spirit to matter, subject to object. This something, at present unknown to Western speculation, is called by the occultists "Fohat." It is the bridge by which the Ideas existing in the Divine Thought are impressed on Cosmic substance as the laws of Nature. Fohat is thus the dynamic energy of Cosmic Ideation; or, regarded from the other side, it is the intelligent medium, the guiding power of all manifestation, the Thought Divine transmitted and made manifest through the Angel Hosts, the divine architects of the visible world.
Thus, from Spirit, or Cosmic Ideation, comes our consciousness; from Cosmic Substance the several vehicles in which that consciousness is individualised and attains to self - or relative - consciousness. Fohat, in its various manifestations, is the mysterious link between Mind and Matter, the animating principle electrifying every atom of life."
From The Eternal Ethers: A Theory of Everything
Douglas Gabriel
Fohat - Electric Plasma Currents Pervade Space
“The Central Sun causes Fohat to collect primordial dust in the form of balls, to impel them to move in converging lines and finally to approach each other and aggregate.” (Book of Dzyan). . . . . “Being scattered in Space, without order or system, the world-germs come into frequent collision until their final aggregation, after which they become wanderers (Comets). Then the battles and struggles begin. The older (bodies) attract the younger, while others repel them. Many perish, devoured by their stronger companions. Those that escape become worlds.” (SD I:201)hpb
"Fohat is a generic term and used in many senses. He is the light (Daiviprakriti) of all the three logoi—the personified symbols of the three spiritual stages of Evolution. Fohat is the aggregate of all the spiritual creative ideations above, and of all the electro-dynamic and creative forces below, in Heaven and on Earth. There seems to be great confusion and misunderstanding concerning the First and Second Logos. The first is the already present yet still unmanifested potentiality in the bosom of Father-Mother; the Second is the abstract collectivity of creators called “Demiurgi” by the Greeks or the Builders of the Universe. The third logos is the ultimate differentiation of the Second and the individualization of Cosmic Forces, of which Fohat is the chief; for Fohat is the synthesis of the Seven Creative Rays or Dhyan Chohans which proceed from the third Logos."
M. Sufilight says:
Therefore I find that I will call Fohat and Daiviprakriti nothing else but HEARTFLOW or compassion - LIFE and Life-force in its essence. The fiery power which resides as a Kundalini-Shakti in the innermost chamber of the spiritual Heart of each Seeker after Truth, inside each Sky-Walker. Yet, there are several aspects of Fohat (Daiviprakriti) - as Force in itself - something which can be observed in the reference to The Secret Doctrine Vol. I, p. 292-293 in the above.
In the Egyptian as in the Indian theogony there was a concealed deity, the ONE, and the creative, androgynous god. Thus Shoo is the god of creation and Osiris is, in his original primary form, the "god whose name is unknown."
The identity of "Father-Mother" with primordial AEther or Akasa, (Astral Light)*; and (b) its homogeneity before the evolution of the "Son," cosmically Fohat, for it is Cosmic Electricity.
"Fohat hardens and scatters the seven brothers" (Book III. Dzyan); which means that the primordial Electric Entity -- for the Eastern Occultists insist that Electricity is an Entity -- electrifies into life, and separates primordial stuff or pregenetic matter into atoms, themselves the source of all life and consciousness. "There exists an universal agent unique of all forms and of life, that is called Od,** Ob, and Aour, active and passive, positive and negative, like day and night: it is the first light in Creation" (Eliphas Levi's Kabala): - the first Light of the primordial Elohim the Adam, "male and female" -- or (scientifically) ELECTRICITY AND LIFE. (c)
The ancients represented it by a serpent, for "Fohat hisses as he glides hither and thither" (in zigzags). The Kabala figures it with the Hebrew letter Teth , whose symbol is the serpent which played such a prominent part in the Mysteries. Its universal value is nine, for it is the ninth letter of the alphabet and the ninth door of the fifty portals or gateways that lead to the concealed mysteries of being. It is the magical agent par excellence, and designates in Hermetic philosophy "Life infused into primordial matter," the essence that composes all things, and the spirit that determines their form. But there are two secret Hermetical operations, one spiritual, the other material-correlative, and for ever united. "Thou shalt separate the earth from the fire, the subtile from the solid . . . that which ascends from earth to heaven and descends again from heaven to earth. It (the subtile light), is the strong force of every force, for it conquers every subtile thing and penetrates into every solid. Thus was the world formed" (Hermes). [The Secret Doctrine]
H.P. Blavatsky
"Fohat, being one of the most, if not the most important character in esoteric Cosmogony, should be minutely described. As in the oldest Grecian Cosmogony, differing widely from the later mythology, Eros is the third person in the primeval trinity: Chaos, Gaea, Eros. This answers to the Kabalistic En-Soph (for Chaos is SPACE, (chaino), "void") — the Boundless ALL, Shekinah, and the Ancient of Days, or the Holy Ghost. So, Fohat is one thing in the yet-unmanifested Universe and another in the phenomenal and Cosmic World.
In the latter, he is that occult, electric, vital power which, under the Will of the Creative Logos, unites and brings together all forms, giving them the first impulse, which becomes, in time, law. But in the unmanifested Universe, Fohat is no more this than Eros is the later brilliant winged Cupid, or LOVE. Fohat has naught to do with Kosmos yet, since Kosmos is not born, and the gods still sleep in the bosom of "Father-Mother." He is an abstract philosophical idea. He produces nothing yet by himself; he is simply that potential creative power, in virtue of whose action the NOUMENON of all future phenomena divides, so to speak, but to reunite in a mystic, supersensuous act, and emit the creative ray.
When the "Divine Son" breaks forth, Fohat becomes the propelling force, the active power which causes the ONE to become TWO and THREE — on the Cosmic plane of manifestation. The triple One differentiates into the many, and then Fohat is transformed into that force which brings together the elemental atoms and makes them aggregate and combine.
We find an echo of this primeval teaching in early Greek mythology. Erebos and Nux are born out of Chaos, and, under the action of Eros, give birth, in their turn, to Ether and Hemera — the light of the superior and the light of the inferior or terrestrial regions. Darkness generates light. See, in the Puranas, Brahma's "Will" or desire to create, and, in the Phoenician Cosmogony of Sanchoniathon, the doctrine that Desire, (pothos), is the principle of creation." [Cosmogenesis by H.P. Blavatsky]
According to the “Secret Doctrine” of E. Blavatsky, Fohat is the fundamental force with the help of which the Universe is built, the only instrument through which the Logos, or, more precisely, the Second Logos, the Son or Christ, creatively acts. Fohat causes the development of 7 states of life. Fohat is, according to Blavatsky, the “Son of the Son,” the androgynous energy emanating from this “Light of the Logos,” which manifests on the plane of the objective universe as latent and manifest electricity as the “Son of the Son,” the androgynous energy emanating from this “light of the Logos,” which manifests itself on the plane of the objective universe as both latent and manifest electricity, which is life. T. Subba Row says: Evolution begins through the intellectual energy of the Logos... not only because of the possibilities of action contained in Mulaprakriti. This light of the Logos is the connecting link... between objective matter and the subjective thinking of Ishvara (or Logos). In various Buddhist books it is called Fohat. This is the only tool with which Logos works." (Lit.: The Secret Doctrine, p. 161)
And he continues: “Fohat, as has already been shown, has different meanings. He is called the "builder of builders" because the power he represents has formed our sevenfold chain. He is one and seven, and is on the cosmic plane behind all such manifestations as light, heat, sound, cohesion, etc., etc., and is the “spirit” of electricity, which is the life of the Universe. As an abstraction we will call it the One Life; as an objective and obvious reality as a sevenfold scale of revelation, which begins at the highest level with the One Unknowable Causality and ends with the omnipresent intelligence and life immanent in every atom of matter. Thus, while science speaks of its evolution through insensible matter, blind force and senseless movement, the occultists point to intelligent law and sensible life and add that Fohat is the guiding spirit of all this. However, He under no circumstances not a personal God, but an emanation of those other forces behind Him, which Christians call the "emissaries" of their God (in reality the Elohim, or rather one of the Seven Creators, who are called Elohim), and we call the emissaries of the original sons of life and light . (Lit.: The Secret Doctrine, p. 163)
See Also
Anthro Wiki - https://anthrowiki.at/Fohat
cosmic bridge
invisible bridge between heaven and earth
Figure 3.16 - Idea Preceeds Manifestation in Material Form using Cubes and Cones
How Idea Becomes Matter or Disease
Idea of Creation
Masonic G
record Idea
The Coming Force Keely and Fohat
11.06 - Something from Idea and Will
11.07 - Idea plus Will plus Spirit - Manifestation
14.20 - Dominant is Light of Mind or Thought or Idea
Vril Force
vril staff
Vril, The Power of the Coming Race