

Luminiferous Ether

Ultimate Principle of Reality, First Derivative of Brahma. Divine Power as absolute Rest renders itself as Divine Power, as prime causual Movement. Is the Fundamental Urge in the Grand Reality or Brahman to manifest as the manifold of a possible universe of appreciation. Composed of four flows:

  • First: Unveils and opens
  • Second: Operates as a power center prone to become organized
  • Third: SANKALPA - is represnted by the kala aspect of VAK and TAPAS by ARDHAMATRA KAIA evolves RJU (right) and SUSUAMA (symmetrical) phases and forms. That proneness is "forwarded" to a formulation of definite types of organized form and behaviour
  • Fourth: The fourth is fourfold also:

1) Condenses and becomes the Point
2) Expands and becomes the Continuum
3) Evolves segments, phases and aspects and intervals between the two limiting positions according to a Principle of rhythmicity or harmonic measure. [Japasutrum, The Science of Creative Sound]

"From Him (the supreme Self) indeed all the pranas are born. They enter the body and reside there. After death, they leave the body and become one with the Self again."
"This is the truth. As from a blazing fire, sparks, being of the same nature, fly in all directions, even so from this Self, all pranas, all worlds, all gods, all beings spring forth."
"The prana is born from the Atman (Self). As a shadow is cast by a person, so is this prana. By the actions of the mind, it enters into this body."
"As the spokes of a wheel are attached to the hub, so is everything attached to the prana (life force). Prana moves by the actions of the mind."
"Prana is the universal life force that permeates the cosmos. It is the essence that sustains life and connects all beings to the ultimate reality."
"The sun rises, illuminating the entire universe with its light. In the same way, the prana illuminates the body and the senses."
"The prana governs the body and senses, controlling all bodily functions and activities."
"The mind, indeed, is the self; the mind is the world. All this is mind. The mind is Brahman (the ultimate reality)."
"Speech rests in the mind, the mind rests in the intellect, the intellect rests in the cosmic mind, and the cosmic mind rests in the tranquil Self."
"He who knows this imperishable one (the Self), O beloved, knows the world of Brahman, the world of bliss."
"The Self is indeed the one reality, free from duality, ever pure, and indestructible."
"The wise who perceive the Self within their own hearts, see the essence of all beings and realize the oneness of existence." [Prashna Upanishad]

Is what renders the equilibrated trance of the Absolute into a varied theme of universal relatedness. [Japasutrum, The Science of Creative Sound]

“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena.” [Nikola Tesla: “Man’s Greatest Achievement” 1907]

See Also

Life Force

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday June 28, 2024 05:44:02 MDT by Dale Pond.