
invisible bridge between heaven and earth

invisible bridge between heaven (mind) and earth (matter).

God's End of the Cosmic Bridge

The eight corner projectors of the Universal radar broadcasting stations.

God's end of the cosmic
Bridge where motion begins
Its projection into space
To simulate mind-idea.

Matter begins by division of stillness in the inert gases and its projection by two-way motion into pairs of octave wave tones, which we call elements. The principle of projection is the same that man uses in projecting the concept of his idea into the moving form of the idea. It is the dual radar principle of Nature. Reduced to its ultimate simplicity, Nature is a series of echoes. [Russell, Atomic Suicide - Fig 62]

See Also


"Chapter XI will more fully describe the inert gases as bridges between man and God." [Atomic Suicide, page 163]

"We must become more familiar with the office, purpose and construction of the inert gases in order to have a more definite knowledge as to our own immortal identity in that omnipresent heaven. To acquire that knowledge and comprehension the very first step toward it is full comprehension of the invisible bridge between heaven and earth, and the visible entrances and exits to it through the nine inert gases. Full comprehension of the interrelation of figures 6 and 7 is a necessary prerequisite to comprehension of further stages of God's ways and processes in this respect. Next in import is to become thoroughly familiar with the nine stringed instrument upon which the symphony of Creation is perpetually being played. Fig. 5 has been prepared for just that purpose. At the beginning and end of each string is an inert gas." [Atomic Suicide, page 236]

"If you have followed these steps with even partial understanding you will comprehend the description we have given you of the bridge between man and God which the inert gases provide, and the further description we will now add to it." [Atomic Suicide, page 241]

"In Fig. 62 you see God's end of the bridge between the Creator and His Creation." [Atomic Suicide, page 259]

The Eight Corner Receivers of Thought

The eight radar corner receivers of thought
messages projected from inert gases.

Man's end of the
Cosmic Bridge where
Motion reaches maximum.

The cube projector, shown in Fig. 62, is repeated in the cube receiver, shown herein. Motion which has been divided into pairs and thrown out into space by the projector, is multiplied in the vortices of the receiver, which corresponds to the corner reflectors of radar. Forms and sounds which are born in space are thus echoed back into space.

Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"Fifthly, I have come expressly to help science bridge the gulf between UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS and the appearance of electrical particles. Without this bridge between the Unseen Spiritual Dimension and the Seen world of 'matter', science will remain rooted in old ideas and concepts instead of moving forward into new realms of spiritual/scientific research for the betterment of mankind." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 5]

"(Q) Would I do well to continue with my music?
(A) It is that which spans the distance between the sublime and the ridiculous, between the finite and the infinite. Keep the music, for it is often a help to you to quell the storms of life." [Cayce 3179-1]

Pir Zia
"Between the physical world and the spiritual world there is a middle world. The philosophers call it the World of the Image. Spiritual realities become images there before manifesting as bodies, and bodies become images there while ascending toward spirit. The World of the Image has an earth and a heaven. The Heaven of the World of the Image is a place of awe and wonder. The mystics call it Hurqalya." [Pir Zia]

See Also

05 - Chart Showing the Conditions Governing the Transmittive Link of Sympathy
16.08 - Polar Link in Thirds
5.9 - Vortices Form Linked Atoms
Atomic Suicide - Fig 63
Connect Link
connecting link
cosmic bridge
Figure 10.04 - Polar Mind of Man Connecting to Depolar Mind of Deity
Figure 9.1 - Sympathy Connecting Neutral Centers
Hamiltonian Mechanics
inter-sympathetic vibratory molecular link
invisible bridge between heaven and earth
mors janua vitae
nine magnetic mirrors
nine zeros
progressive link
The Coming Force
The Connecting Link Between Mind and Matter - Keelys Progress - Part 2
transmissive link of sympathy
triple connective links
uniform molecular link
Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter
Zero Stillness

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday June 30, 2024 05:07:22 MDT by Dale Pond.