
14.25 - Dominant is Light of Electrical Spark

"The Dominant current of the electrical stream is the electricity luminous." Keely, Keely and His Discoveries

"They (polarized currents) achieve association only near the "junction of terrestrial interference". [PoL - Chapter 9]

This particular point that the luminosity seen during an electric spark is or represents the dominant may be indicative of the power hidden in the spark gap eluded to by researchers. Light is one of the many forms of plasma. See Electron where particles made of light (leptons) are discussed.

"There appears to be a common thread shared between several alternative energy devices. It is the pre-glow discharge.

  • The report on the Hans Coler device released by the British Government indicates that there is excess energy released when electrical contacts are opened and closed.
  • The Lester Hendershot device utilized a buzzer circuit that opened and closed its electrical contacts.

In the Alfred Hubbard coil pre-glow discharge flowed through electrical contacts, a distributor cap and radium soaked spark plug.

  • The Joseph Newman motor used a sparking commutator.
  • Thomas Moray invented a glowing, cold cathode discharge tube that was the heart of his radiant energy generator.
  • Hermann Plauson was granted U.S. Patent No. 1,540,998 that used spark gaps to convert atmospheric energy.
  • Frank Wyatt Prentice was granted Canadian Patent No. 253,765 that detailed his invention, which lighted 50 sixty-watt carbon lamps with an input of only 500 watts. His invention utilized a spark gap driven high frequency tuned resonant system.
  • Chancy Britten used pre-glow ion valves constructed with a central wire that was surround by a coil of wire which is described in his US Patent No. 1,826,727. Britten's valve was said to have lit up his home in the 1930's according to a local newspaper article of that time period.
  • Alexander Chernetski experimented with what appears to have been a type of ion-valve that was filled with hydrogen gas. It is said that he got up to five times more energy out of his device than what he put into it.
  • Edwin Gray was granted U.S. Patent No. 3,890,548 for his efficient spark gap driven capacitive-discharge motor. He improved on this patent by replacing the spark gap with a pre-glow discharge switching tube. His U.S. Patents No. 4,595,975 and No. 4,661,747 describes this tube in detail. Gray's patents claim to conserve battery power by sending unused energy back to the supply batteries. Gray thought that counter-electromotive force was solely responsible for recharging the batteries in his system. Radiant energy was generated during the pre-glow discharge cycle that also contributed to recharging the batteries.
  • Paulo N. Correa and Alexander N. Correa obtained patents to their pre-glow discharge system that recovered energy and recharged a battery." (Bruce Perreault, 03/25/03)

Nikola Tesla
When working with currents discharging disruptively, the element chiefly to be considered is not the frequency, as a student might be apt to believe, but the rate of change per unit of time....

Frequency alone in reality does not mean anything, except when an undisturbed harmonic oscillation is considered. [Nikola Tesla]

Tesla Spark Gap

Here it is. The most mysterious patent in history. This one idea that promised to change humanity’s energy production from oil, coal, and now nuclear, to a completely new way of harnessing the physical world, no pollution, or toxicity at all associated with this new way of harnessing energy. There is one problem;
No one understands the foundational concepts that Tesla was trying to communicate. Those are key in unlocking unlimited energy. Every one calls it free energy.
It all looks simple enough, easy to replicate. We have a small conductive plate pointed into the earth’s atmosphere, a capacitor, a spark gap, and a transformer. Let’s get that thing rolling!…….um, hold up, why is there a spark gap again?
Let’s go over the concepts of radiant energy to understand how this circuit works.
Tesla said electrons are emitting small spheres of matter that have an exceptional charge, he called those little spheres radiant matter. He believed them to be primary, that is, they cannot be broken into smaller parts, this is as small as these particles get. He said the reason the charges of these little spheres he called radiant matter do not interact with humans, the earth, the cosmos, and each other, is that the charge these little radiant matter spheres carry are held separate from one another by a insulating fluid. When that insulating fluid breaks down fast, very violent events occur, lightning, for example.
It was Tesla’s conviction that one can unlock the energy in each of those tiny spheres of energy, by breaking down the insulating fluid that keeps their charges from combining.
To that end, Tesla discovered the insulating fluid only responds to longitudinal perturbances, compressional waves. He also discovered the background energy we call static electricity has a resonance of about 1 million per second.
Have you ever seen a bridge when it’s resonant frequency is hit? old footage of bridges hitting their resonance show them falling apart rather fast.
Every hear the story of the levites with the ark walking around Jericho for 7 days before they finally played “their trumpets” and brought Jericho down?
Resonant frequencies will take apart anything, nothing is immune to a resonant frequency.
Back to the background static electricity. If the insulating layer around these packets of exceptional charge has a frequency of 1 million per second, and one is able to achieve that frequency, it would be expected the insulating qualities would break down and the spheres of radiant matter would be able to combine into ever larger charges.
That is what this spark gap in the radiant patent is for, and no one understands.
I will keep bringing this up, until so many people understand, the idiots who think they are in control will not be able to stop decentralized energy production.
The Westinghouse bankruptcy proceedings are key to understanding Tesla’s concepts. Still, he doesn’t lay them out simply, it is hidden in his language, he was careful, as so many of his ideas had already been stolen.
Little did he know, the bankers would never allow his longitudinal earth delivery system, and most of humanity can’t comprehend his thoughts on how that system works….. [Don Best]

See Also

2.20 - Let there be Light
7.4 - Preponderant Sequentially
7B.09 - Luminiferous Ether or Light
11.13 - Dominant Conditions are Mated Opposing Pairs as Fifths
14.16 - Dominant
14.17 - Dominant is a Catalyst
14.19 - Dominant is Light
14.20 - Dominant is Light of Mind or Thought or Idea
14.22 - Dominant is the High Neutral
14.24 - Dominant causes Magnetism
14.25 - Dominant is Light of Electrical Spark
14.26 - Dominant is Light of Mind
14.27 - Mind being Dominant is Creative
14.30 - Effect of Preponderance
14.31 - Preponderance Russell
14.33 - Mind Force - Light - Etheric Subdivision
15.23 - Water is Predominantly Diamagnetic
16.25 - Magnetic Attraction caused by Dominant Current of Electrical Stream
Compound Interetheric
Dominant Current
Etheric Elements
Figure 14.05 - The Dominant is the Light of the Mind of Diety
Figure 16.07 - Magnetism is Radiant while Electricity is Concentrative or Assimilative
gas-filled tube
Law of the Dominant
Luminiferous Ether
Philosophers Stone
Spark Gap
Triune Polar Flows
Whole Mind

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday March 2, 2025 03:32:37 MST by Dale Pond.