"Electricity is the result of three differentiated sympathetic flows, brought together by combining the celestial flow with the terrestrial flow through a certain degree of "negative attractive assimilation". Electricity is one of Nature's efforts toward restoring "attractive differentiation" for it has the highest degree of assimilative affinity."
"All electrical action of any character is born sympathetically of the "polar harmonic current" by the "intervention" of the dominant (celestial) as all sympathetic flows are triune. They achieve association only near the "junction of terrestrial interference". The great vacuous flow between the planetary ranges (orbits) holds this portion of the Etheric flow free from all antagonism until the associative point is reached, when instant electric evolution occurs as the dominant seeks its terrestrial negative attractive center. "This intervention" I call "atomic, intermolecular and molecular density". When the triune Sympathetic Stream combines with the same medium light and heat are evolved as the resultant of these "corpuscular conflictions" with the "sympathetic celestial" and "the focalized terrestrial centers" of "neutral radiation". Light is an Etheric evolution propagated by "sympathetic conflict" between the "terrestrial" and "celestial" outflows - terrestrial condensation against solar tensions. True luminosity is induced in no other way. The solution of the mystery of light and heat, which are interchangeable and in a certain sense one and the same, is that the sympathetic Etheric stream bombards the dense portion of the molecular in seeking the sympathetic concordant focalized neutral center of the mass, whether it be planetary or molecular. Light and heat can only be accounted for by considering Sympathetic Streams under high velocity as being interchangeable both to and from the focalized negative attractive centers." [PoL - Chapter 6, Sympathetic Stream]
To me the above Keely quotes sound a lot like Bearden's descriptions of scalar-to-electric-current phenomena. In pondering these ideas one is led from the concept 'set Cause in motion by creating Polarity' and goes back to Russell's Opti Dynamo Generator. This Keely called Disturbance of Equilibrium of the Neutral Center or (Cause). To prevent reversion of polarity (regaging) the two poles are preserved within two Leyden jars (capacitors). These two poles, according to Russell, are Amperage (positive or syntropy) and Voltage (negative or entropy). [See Proticity, DISTURBANCE OF EQUILIBRIUM - Snell]
"Unstable equilibrium, like gravity, is a condition born in each neutral center at the time of birth, and thus designed by the Architect as the connective link between the "dispersing positive" and the "attractive negative." The action inducing this "link" I call "sympathetic planetary oscillation". [underline added]
"The enharmonic portion of the electric current carries the power of propulsion that induces disturbance of negative equilibrium.
"In his Keely's experiments of aqueous disintegration disturbance of equilibrium was brought about by using mediums of differential gravity in the disintegrator, air as one, water as the other.“ The Snell Manuscript