

Degree of Compaction, attraction, cohesion, negative attraction. For instance, Keely stated "Ether is an atomolic liquid 986,000 times the density of steel." Implying etheric substance, being more compact, are denser than molecules. Thus, coarse less dense molecular matter may be said to be as bubbles in the more dense etheric substance.

Molecular terrestrial masses, composed of the "ultimate ether" bound latent in substance, are sympathetically drawn to the earth's neutral center according to the density of their molecular aggregation, from which must be deducted their celestial sympathetic outreach. In other words, molecular weight consists in the difference between these forces. Either one can be intensified by polar or antipolar vibrations, giving either one predominance. If the celestial (repulsive) predominates, the mass will rise, its velocity proportionate to the concentration of the dominant or the "negative thirds of its mass chords" inducing high neutral radiation together with "celestial attraction." The "terrestrial propulsive" and "celestial attractive" cause ascension and the "celestial propulsive" and "terrestrial attractive" cause descension or increased weight. [GRAVITY - Snell]

"Reception and dispersion are kept up on the atmospheric envelope of the earth by the atomic and interatomic conflict as "between the dominant and the enharmonic". This is brought about by the reception and dispersion of sympathetic streams, the ruling mode of whose vibration is the dominant, and the density of the coarser grades of matter, whose ruling vibratory mode is the enharmonic.

As every mass consists of vibrations in thirds, balanced in harmonic equilibrium without cancellation or diminution of energy, it stands therefore in harmonic relation to every other mass. All forms of matter and of motion are thus interrelated and interchangeable. Through resonance, increasing this sympathy, we can control the states of matter." [Mass Action, Snell Manuscript - the book]

"All molecular masses of terrestrial matter are composed of the ultimate ether from which all things originally emanated. They are sympathetically drawn towards the earth's center, as according to the density of their molecular aggregation. In other words, the celestial flow as controlling terrestrial physical organisms.

''"The sympathetic outflow from the celestial streams reaches the infinite depths of all the diversified forms of matter. Thus it is seen that the celestial flow which permeates, to its atomic depths, the terrestrial convolutions of all matter, forms the exact sympathetic parallel to the human brain-flow and the physical organism, a perfect connective link of controlling sympathy or sympathetic control. Under certain orders of sympathetic vibration, polar and antipolar, the attractive sympathies of either stream can be intensified, so as to give the predominance to the celestial or to the terrestrial.’' [THEORY OF VIBRATORY LIFT FOR AIRSHIPS]

Through the indirectly engendered cooling the density increases, whereby the frictional pressure is intensified by the mechanically-induced increase in velocity. The arrangement of the guide-vanes causes a spiral circumvolution, so that the bipolar ingredients, which rub against one another flow all the faster as their volume is reduced by the constant abrasion. Apart from the circumfluent motion another form of motion is also active which causes the bodies of the ingredients to swirl about their own axes and ensures their abrasion on all sides. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

relatively highest evolved state, which is of energetic nature and therefore non-spacial. This water has the relatively highest density and specific gravity, attained through cooling towards the anomaly point, which is marginally less than +4°C (+39.2°F)[18]. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

ChatGPT reviews and summarizes the above with modern physics: https://chatgpt.com/share/67557c17-3550-800d-a3a3-c851654e8933

See Also

AI Interpretations of SVP
Atomic Clusters
Ether Density
Etheric Elements
John Dalton
Law of Supposition
Liquid Ether
pressure condition in motion
6.13 - Density Differentiation

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday December 8, 2024 04:01:53 MST by Dale Pond.