
suctional component

This is to be compared with the tragic error in motion made by today's technologists, hydraulicists and dynamicists inasmuch as they produced the reversed motive impulse in all machines, whether for systems of conveyance or for the generation of light and temperature. In place of the invigorating suctional component they allowed the pressural component to prevail and predominate, which has a fatiguing effect on the moved mass. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

Precisely the opposite dissociation is inaugurated when the suctional component prevails or is dominant. This is because suction, which produces higher-grade coolness, increases in proportion to the centripetating rotational velocity. This invigorating (quality-enhancing) suctional effect can only be created when a tripolar mass of water or air is radially->axially rotated at high speed about its own axis. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

To put it briefly and simply: We have been taught to wind up the ur-works like a clock, i.e. axially->radially. However, the ur-works that maintain the clock-springs of hunger and love in constant motion must be wound up radially->axially, because only thus is it possible to enable the suctional components to prevail, which produce levitism = upwardly streaming magnetism. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

See Also

atomic pressural or suctional force
Suction-Turbine Rotor
suctional force
upsuctional force
water-inwinding suctional force

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday September 5, 2022 05:34:19 MDT by Dale Pond.