
social revolution

Undoubtedly known to the high-priests of ancient cultures, these concentrates of noble matter (ethericities) are responsible for the legendary near-absolute abundance of food and the freedom of movement associated with it. Incidentally, these concentrates were also ultimately responsible for the disaster of Atlantis, referred to as the Flood by a circumspect Church, which was the result of the careless control of these elemental levitative energies. In this respect the Church was quite right, because the negatively potentiated mother-water (amniotic fluid), the physically first-born, will be precipitated out by these formative and levitative energies (there is exact proof of this). It is in this ennobled carrier-substance, however, that the latent higher-grade atomic energies reside, which make naturally ordained locomotion possible. These energies, however, can be transformed into the most developmentally harmful forms of atomic energy if, for example, a cyclotron-like centrifugating device is employed as the supposedly correct means for producing energy. Hitherto it has not been known that vitamins, the concentrates of noble matter (perfectly developed fat-formations fermented under the exclusion of light and heat, which are known to solidify at death) can be degraded through inferior (expansively-acting) influences of heat and light and are gradually transformed into the atomic ptomaine radiation mentioned at the beginning. Only recently has so-called vacuum-distillation been applied to obtaining high-grade fat-concentrates from essential oils. For this, however, only atmospheric-gas-rarefying devices, air-suction or air-pressure pumps are used, which can never emulate the processes that wise Nature employs for specifically densifying these highest-grade concentrates of ennobled matter. This is the 'Organic' vacuum. Created by a centripetence-machine, it densifies noble matter through the co-active influences of higher-grade motion and contractile stimuli. That is to say, the moved (accelerated) mass approaches the temperatureless and feverless anomaly state (+4°C - +39.2°F), which is only possible through mass-acceleration on the longitudinal axis. Nor can the resistance to motion mentioned earlier evolve during this process for the simple reason that this 'original' system of mass motion and acceleration, the dissociative, structure-loosening, positive temperature influences are missing, which would otherwise induce an increase in dangerous wall-pressures. It should be noted that it is entirely immaterial whether a molecular interaction between basic elements is initiated by a physical or metaphysical motion-excitation combination. In the same way that social revolutions arise from psychological stimuli, so too can a beneficial fever and thus the healing of a supposedly incurable disease be provoked by a strong inner stimulus, or conversely, sudden death through a so-called stroke, caused by an abrupt alteration of the inner interaction between basic substances. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

Manly Palmer Hall
"As the philosopher ponders about all the possibilities the future might hold for the human race, he will, at some point, stumble upon one of the greatest problems that our civilization is currently facing; the gradual decay of the human race.
For hundreds of years dogmatic religions have poisoned mens souls. Like a bird whose wings have been clipped, so for two thousand years the dominant religious institutions have clipped the minds of men. And like the bird who is not able to fly, so the human being is not able to properly apply his mental energies. As a result the human being has descended into materialism - he has been led astray from that which he is in truth.
As we look into the world it becomes evident that those best fitted to reproduce do not, while those least fitted to reproduce consummate the world with human beings of such low quality that they simply cannot exist in the natural dimensions of existence.
As a result of this oblique ratio our planet is slowly but certainly being taken over by inferior minds. If the human race wishes not only to simply survive, but strives to achieve the highest echelon our civilization can possibly attain, it is ineluctable that drastic measurements have to be taken." [Manly Palmer Hall]

Sri Aurobindo
“Look at all that is and has been happening in human history – the eye of the Yogin [spiritual adept] sees not only the outward events and persons and causes but the enormous forces which precipitate them into action.
If the men who fought were instruments in the hands of rulers and financiers, these, in turn, were mere puppets in the clutch of those [hyperdimensional occult] forces.
The apparent freedom and self-assertion of our personal being to which we are so profoundly attached conceal a most pitiable subjection to a thousand suggestions, impulsions, and forces.
Our ego, boasting of freedom, is at every moment the slave, toy, and puppet of countless beings, powers, forces, and influences in universal Nature.
When one is habituated to see the things behind, one is no longer prone to be touched by the outward aspects – or to expect any remedy from political, institutional, or social changes; the only way out is through the descent of a [Divine] consciousness which is not the puppet of these forces but is greater than they are.” [Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday January 29, 2025 11:07:22 MST by Dale Pond.