Same as ego, split mind.
"The immortal EGO is an entity of which man can become thoroughly conscious while here on earth, but to arrive at this consciousness necessitates the entire abandonment of all the petty considerations involved in the transient and subordinate EGO, which is the only self of which the unenlightened man is conscious. Let him who desires to reach this inner consciousness enter his inner sanctuary, wherever that sanctuary may be; it matters not whether it be his own chamber, the open field, the mountain top, the seashore, the stately cathedral, or the humble village chapel. Let him realize fully the transient character of his own personality and contrast therewith his eager longing to know the immortal. Let him concentrate his whole consciousness upon his personality, fully arousing all his personal conditions as a distinct individual; then with all the aspiration of which this personality is capable, let him beseech of the immortal EGO - which is eternal and does not incarnate, but overshadows all incarnations, waiting until one is formed capable of illumination, to whom it may reveal itself - to consider him worthy of illumination, and according to his preparedness to receive illumination will it then be granted. He who asks this, knows not what he asks; for were the prayer answered, life henceforth for such an one would be a weary round, as Hamlet says: "to-morrow and to-morrow and to-morrow brings in this weary round of life"; for, having seen the glory of this immortal EGO, all else seems so base, so commonplace and mean, so inglorious, that oftentimes the personality has utterly collapsed when thrown back from the radiant vision of this glorious immortal entity possessed by all alike, though scarcely dreamed of by any save the very few who, discontented with the ignorance and emptiness of terrene existence, aspire to know the great reality of the supernal. As the incarnations of every entity, passing through certain orders of experience through numerous lives, inevitably culminate in this moment of conscious realization of the immortal entity; the Buddha says: "All shall reach the sunlit snows." [Amplitude of Force]
Dialogue on Awakening
"It is only when you accept that which you call a personality that you develop the fear that your personality lacks something, and in the lacking, you need to shield yourself from the recognition of those around you." [Dialogue on Awakening, page 108]
"From the Heavens come the spiritual and immortal portion of man; from the Earth his material and mortal portion. … and he attains the purposes of his being only when the two natures that are in him are in just equilibrium." [Albert Pike]
"PERSONALITY is certainly something NOT to be paraded or boasted of! Well to have, and necessary! if used properly! WITHOUT INDIVIDUALITY, you are nothing!" [Cayce 257-79]
"Personality is that which ye wish others to think and see. Individuality is the which your soul prays for, hopes for, desires. These (two) need not necessarily be one; but their purpose must be one, even as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one. So must body, mind and soul be one in purpose and in aim." [Cayce (5246)]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"The Law of 'Cause and Effect', 'Reaping and Sowing' is the visible effect of what you call 'electromagnetism', and no one who has any knowledge of science would expect 'God' to set aside the laws of electromagnetism, which are those of 'activity-bonding-rejection'.
'Activity-Bonding-Rejection' or 'Movement-Attraction-Repulsion' are the fundamental IMPULSES of EXISTENCE and of HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS itself, which have brought about your visible forms in life, and are the only 'instruments' or 'tools' of creation. They are responsible for the formation of substance or 'matter' and also for the development of individualised forms and finally of personality itself in all living entities." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Christ Letters - Letter 3, page 1]
"I asked the Creator - 'Universal Consciousness' - why mankind endured so much suffering and evil.
I was then shown very clearly that all the problems experienced by humans arose from the 'central point' of the self, (science now calls this the 'ego').
It manifested itself in the 'personality'
as a DRIVING NEED to defend the self from criticism or emotional/physical attack
and a similar DRIVING NEED to push aside other people, in order to arrive first in the race of life.
It also manifested itself in the 'personality'
as a DRIVING NEED to take all that was best for the self, despite the opposition of others and a similar DRIVING NEED to hold on to personal possessions, be they relatives, friends, material goods or achievements, despite any opposition.
I was also made to understand that without these TWO fundamental, eternal, undeviating 'impulses of creative being' there would be no creation.
This is the secret of creation - and the secret of existence and of 'individual being'." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 5, page 24]
"By working together as a team, separately but inseparable, in the visible world, these twin impulses were the means by which the substance of 'matter' itself has been created out of the sublime 'UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS'.
One impulse of creativity is: the 'I'ness of ACTIVITY.
This impulse of activity is universal and stems from only one source.
'Activity' is a movement in CONSCIOUSNESS, and CONSCIOUSNESS in movement.
The other creative impulse possesses (figuratively speaking) two faces looking in opposite directions.
They are:
Pull towards>>>>>>>> the self<<<<<<<< Push away
otherwise known as
Attract>>>>>>>> to - THE SELF - from <<<<<<<< Repel
These are the ONLY means by which earthly existence has been achieved.
The entire universe is a manifestation of the 'Creative Power' active within these Twin Impulses of PHYSICAL BEING - creating 'matter' and individual form.
This is one of the fundamental 'secrets' of the universe.
I saw that the 'core' of the 'Personality' or 'ego' as it is now called, had been created
and was irresistibly imprinted with the magnetic impulse to ensure
For the protection of the individual 'I'ness
This was accomplished by using the two faces of the second Impulse of Being
BONDING - REJECTION to secure individuality.
See Also
human consciousness