Astrology is composed of two parts: the astronomical or mathematics and geometry which few can argue with since people such as NASA use the mathematics to locate the planets well enough to send satellites and probes to them. The other part is interpretation (opinion) of what the geometry means. While it has been demonstrated the relative positions of planets do have effects on biological systems on the earth I'm not sure those effects have been well enough studied to insure the interpretations are accurate.
"The strongest power in the destiny of man is the Sun, first; then the closer planets, or those that are coming in ascendency at the time of the birth of the individual..." [Cayce 254-2]
"The greater influences from any (planet) is from whatever one from which the soul-and-spirit return, to bring the individual force to the earth. As the spirit is breathed into the body, whence did it come? That is the influence; not the revolution-ideas given by those who study those planetary influences." [Cayce (3744)]
"The inclinations of man are ruled by the planets under which he is born, for the destiny of man lies within the sphere or scope of the planets ... but let there be understood here - no action of any planet, or the phases of the sun, the moon, or any of the heavenly bodies, surpasses the rule of man's willpower." [Cayce (3744-3)]
"Then all of these astrological influences (as known or called) from without, bear witness - or are as innate influences upon our activity, our sojourn through any given experience. Not because we were born with the sun in this sign or that, nor because Jupiter or Mercury or Saturn or Uranus or Mars was rising or setting, but rather:
"Because we were made for the purpose of being companions with Him, a little lower than the angels who behold His face ever yet as heirs, as joint heirs with Him who is the Savior, the Way, then we have brought these about because of our activities through our experiences in those realms! Hence they bear witness by being in certain positions - because of our activity, our sojourn in those environs, in relationships to the universal forces of activity.
"Hence they bear witness of certain urges in us, not beyond our will but controlled by our will!" [Cayce (1567-2)]
"Each planetary influence vibrates at a different rate of vibration. An entity entering that influence enters that vibration: (it is) not necessary that he change, but it is the grace of God that he may! It is part of the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS, the Universal Law." [Cayce (281-55)]
"Astrological urges are not existent because of the position of the sun, moon or any planet at the time of birth, but rather because the individual soul is a part of the Universal Consciousness and has lived in those environments." [Cayce 2132-1]
"Rather, then, than the stars ruling the life, the life should rule the stars - for man was created a little bit higher than all the rest of the whole universe, and is capable of harnessing, directing, enforcing, the laws of the universe." [Cayce (5-2)]
"From Jupiter we find, while this entity's experience will deal with the masses or groups, it will be individual in its nature or activity; that is, the individual work or service, the individual activity will influence a great many individuals - whether it is done as in a secretarial position or as in the home or in travel. For ALL are changed by contacting the entity. Hence it behooves the entity to realize the influence it has upon those even it meets in passing." [Cayce (1669-1)]
Walter Russell said, "What relationship can people and planets have with each other? What possible relation can a planet so far away as Neptune have to do with an emotion occurring within us, or a decision which we make for ourselves? How can this far planet affect our lives?
Neptune is not so very far away from us. It is part of our own solar system. The universe is made up of interlocking electric systems within each other. Every part of every system is directly connected with every other system. Relatively, the planets are as close together in the solar system as are the parts of any atomic system. Every microscopic electron in every star and galaxy is connected electrically by an intercommunicating flux. There are no two separate things in the universe. Everything in the universe is indissolubly tied to every other thing.
(For anyone to say that the planets around us do not exert forces, albeit subtle, is like saying that the seasons do not affect the clothes that we wear or the foods that we crave. It would be like claiming that our moon has nothing to do with ocean’s tides or that the orbital distribution of electrons within an atom does not influence its nucleus. Viewing astrology only through the blinders of a sciential point of view, instead of through the point of view of what is being observed, is paralogical.
To differentiate my assessment of astrology from a relative perspective, consider Bode’s law. If the earth were one measure from the Sun, then Mars would be 1.5, the asteroid belt 2.5, Jupiter 5, and Saturn 9.5, relationships less in relative distance than the particles within the volumes of many atoms.)
Russell said, the whole universe is just a series of quantitative material records of universe thought, placed there in potential relations one with another, in systems within systems. They have been gathered together in what we call "inanimate nature" or "inanimate life". There is no inanimate life in the universe. Everything in the universe lives. Everything in the universe breathes the breath of life and pulses with the universe, each in its own potential and its own rhythm.
Every person born into a material form has a rhythm of their own which is normal to them and them only. Each person's rhythm is determined at their birth moment. At that moment the countless billions of electric vibrations of the sun and all its planets are setting a rhythmic gauge upon the life of everyone who comes into material existence. Each person's rhythmic measure has as automatic an effect upon him as the pressing of any electric button has upon a bell. It is automatic. We cannot help it.
Let us get to the root of the effect upon our emotions and lives which the masses of material matter which we call "planets" can cause. How can Jupiter or Neptune have any effect upon one's life or emotions? Many people think it is ridiculous but, on the contrary, it is the truest of truths. The reason is that planets are huge masses of light in motion, for all masses are light, even though they are not exhibiting a perceived incandescence. Any change of rhythm anywhere affects the whole electrodynamic universe." Walter Russell, The Electric Nature of the Universe (June 1936)
Biological Effects of Solar (Celestial) Radiation - "This long-term study examined relationships between solar and magnetic factors and the time course and lags of autonomic nervous system (ANS) responses to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity. Heart rate variability (HRV) was recorded for 72 consecutive hours each week over a five-month period in 16 participants in order to examine ANS responses during normal background environmental periods. HRV measures were correlated with solar and geomagnetic variables using multivariate linear regression analysis with Bonferroni corrections for multiple comparisons after removing circadian influences from both datasets. Overall, the study confirms that daily ANS activity responds to changes in geomagnetic and solar activity during periods of normal undisturbed activity and it is initiated at different times after the changes in the various environmental factors and persist over varying time periods."
"Each being comes to the point of their own realization (Awakening) in unique ways and by unique combinations of experience and wisdom. The point is often approached and rejected many times before the actual crossover acceptance happens. It requires a great deal of courage to crossover to a new and different perspective of the life experience. It requires releasing well-learned lessons and entering into a completely new consciousness of what reality truly is. For those who are on the planet Earth now, the deceptions are of such magnitude and the truth of what each being is, so well hidden, that the acceptance of the truth by the masses is such a gigantic leap in consciousness that it appears to be impossible that it could possibly happen. Yet, happen it must if this segment of the human race and this jewel of a planet are to survive." Anonymous, Becoming
Uranus in Aries: The Revolution of Consciousness
The greatest revolution in human history begins March 11th, 2011 with the planet Uranus' entrance into the constellation of Aries. This is a pinnacle moment in human history that will come to be known as the Revolution of Consciousness.
Unlike revolutions of old, this revolution will be centered in the hearts and minds of the men, women, and children that inhabit the planet Earth. What is about to unfold is nothing less than the most brilliant period of not only our lifetimes, but of all lifetimes - and it starts in just a few short weeks!
The first 'shot' of this revolution will be a metaphysical one, fired from a Divinely awakened quantum gateway in the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. This gateway will unleash powerful, higher-dimensional energy that has never before been felt on Earth. This radical new energy will totally immerse the planet, affecting an instant evolution of consciousness in the spiritually awakened; a quantum leap of the mind that has never before been experienced on Earth.
This new level of consciousness, sourced from God, is of course universal in nature. As such, it will provide the foundation for the acceptance of extraterrestrial life, which brings us to a major aspect of what the upcoming Uranus transit entails: mainstream acceptance of extraterrestrial life. Humanity will soon become intimately aware that not only does extraterrestrial life exist, but it has been influencing events on Earth for quite some time. This singular aspect of the coming Uranus transit alone is enough to exact an instant, global, paradigm shift, and that is exactly the nature of this transit's energy: instant paradigm shift.
Mainstream acceptance of extraterrestrial life will instantly shatter paradigms of the past and create a new way of thinking and feeling in us all. We will no longer accept the artificially-maintained status quo that we have for so long. Exotic new technologies will begin to go public as if a science fiction movie had become reality. Free energy technology will be a major part of this, as well as revolutionary advances in medicine, agriculture, communications, computer sciences, optics, magnetics, and terraforming. This technology will transform the way we live and interact with one another forever.
The coming explosion in technology and innovation will spur levels of humanitarianism the world has never seen. A tremendous global movement to eradicate poverty, uplift the nations, and heal the ecosystems of the world will begin to manifest. Hundreds of millions of passionate, altruistic, like-minded souls will begin to connect, collaborate, and push projects to success that in years past would have never come to fruition. Imagine dormant neurons in a brain, flashing into life and connecting billions of times over until the entire mind is illuminated, totally beaming with light - that is where we are going as a civilization.
I must warn that this astrological movement also signals the beginning of the greatest amount of political and economic turmoil the world has ever known. As a revolutionary spirit inflames the globe, we will experience wide-spread instability, manifesting in a variety of ways. The newly awakened society will begin to revolt in such massive ways that they will absolutely cripple 'the system.' First World nations will be swept with peaceful protests, sit-ins, and demonstrations while Third World nations will erupt with war-like violence. The world over, corrupt government agendas will come to a screeching halt by the will of the people.
Within the first year of this transit as people begin to awaken, it will become understood that the extraterrestrial elements that have been embedded deep in human society haven't been playing a positive role in our evolution as a civilization. This understanding will kindle a united, warrior-like attitude among global citizens that will serve as the most important driving factor in the coming revolution. Make no mistake that the power structure of Earth is currently 'operating from the shadows', but that the time of their authority has expired by Divine Decree and in perfect timing with Cosmic Order.
Intervention has and will continue to happen in strategic, surgical strikes that will ultimately lead to their defeat. This battle will be most intense during the summer months of 2012 as the planet Uranus squares the planet Pluto. By winter of 2012, it will become clear that humanity is free, After December 21st, 2012, as many of the world's most infamous prophecies come to a crossroads, mankind's Golden Age will finally commence.
An aspect of astrology that I find absolutely beautiful is that as events happen on a global or macrocosmic level, they also happen on a personal, microcosmic level - in exact synchronicity. This upcoming Uranus transit is no different, and soon we will all be going through our own personal revolutions, albeit in unique ways, all in accordance with God's Divine Plan for each of us. This is where the Sacred Science of Astrology can enlighten so brilliantly; it can identify the source and the expression of the coming revolutions in our lives, with mind-boggling accuracy.
On a cultural level people will start to openly embrace and seek out the profound wisdom of the Occult Sciences, which are rooted in the higher dimensional nature of existence. People will realize that there is a hidden, perfect order to creation. In times of great change, they will increasingly want to understand, at the deepest levels, exactly what their role is in this perfect symphony that they may navigate through the coming changes and manifest the highest outcomes. The best way to create personal security and abundance during the coming times will be identifying, accepting, and properly expressing one's personal revolutionary energy.
This personal revolution, which will manifest for many as the development of extraordinary, even Biblical-level spiritual and metaphysical gifts, will be the answer to all our present and future problems. It is up to each of us to totally embrace the shocking changes in order to fulfill our destinies in the coming global revolution. Those who succumb to fear and resist these changes will do so at their own peril. Those who embrace the changes will skyrocket to prominence and success. This can be a very frightening thought to entertain, which brings me to the significance of Uranus being in the constellation of Aries, the archetype of the warrior.
Attunement to archetypal energies is an extremely important concept to understand and integrate. In simplistic terms, one must 'vibe' with the virtues of the sign to manifest the greatest outcomes of the transit or placement. With Uranus being in Aries, we can manifest magnificence in our lives by cultivating and expressing bravery, confidence, fearlessness, independence, and novelty in the area of our life (and natal chart) where Aries energy lies. This is a time where a warrior will be born in all of us, though it's up to us to decide what to do with this new energy.
As this fiery, Uranian energy blasts through the collective consciousness, the values of people will be changed and elevated in an instant. The lust for the trivial will be transmuted into the yearning for spiritual and metaphysical talents. Materialism will be replaced by spiritualism. The so-called celebrities of today will fade into obscurity as a new breed of celebrities, deriving their power from spiritual development and humanitarian passion will be catapulted into the limelight. These will be the heroes and heroines of the New Age that is being birthed before our eyes. (source unknown)
See Also
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth tells what it is and how to attain it.
coming race
Faith by Science - The Dawn of a New Order of Things
I Am
New Age
New Era of Consciousness
Self Realization
See Also
Chakra System
Endocrine System
Figure 18.01 - Chart of Chakras Shown as Levels of Consciousness
New Era of Consciousness
stages of consciousness
Stages of Soul Development
Sun Spots