

""DESTINY is what a soul does with ITS will as in relationship to the Creative Forces." [Cayce 391-6]

"Then, what thy destiny is depends upon what ye will do with thyself in relationship to thy ideal." [Cayce 2021-1]

"The inclinations of man are ruled by the planets under which he is born, for the destiny of man lies within the sphere or scope of the planets ... but let there be understood here – no action of any planet, or the phases of the sun, the moon, or any of the heavenly bodies, surpasses the rule of man's willpower." [Cayce (3744-3)]

"What is destiny? The sooner a soul seeks it, the sooner a soul finds it; the soul who practices every day that which is known can sooner connect itself to that which IS hope and peace and happiness and love and joy on earth." [Cayce 262-77)]

(Q) Each soul is a free-will agent in a material world, with the choice before it in its own life. Are there not times when the will is overruled by higher forces? May this information be given?
(A) Yes. It is overruled. Through destiny, which you must learn - but take the first steps first. Learn what you have to learn, then it may be given." [Cayce (262-70)]

"Find self in shaping self's destinies; not fates, but destinies - for ‘the fates are kind’ to those who love goodness for Goodness' sake, and not for payment's sake or that self may be exalted." [Cayce 349-13]

See Also

Sun Spots

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday July 28, 2024 15:41:51 MDT by Dale Pond.