If we examine the line last quoted by the laws of life which regulate the foregoing scheme, we may compare it with the fundamental threefold chord of the scale of C and its relative colours,
C | E | G | C red rises
RED. | BLUE. |
from the fountain key-note which contains in itself all tones. "Him first," the Son of God proceeding from the Almighty, and yet in Himself the Trinity in Unity. E, yellow or light. E is the root of B, ultra indigo, or black. "Him midst," the Almighty Father, the Fountain of life, light gradually rising and dispelling darkness. G, blue, "Him last," the Holy Spirit, proceeding from the Father and the Son, Trinity in Unity. The Son of God and the Holy Spirit are the complemental working pair throughout the universe; each containing "the seven spirits of life." Red and blue contain all colours in each. C and G are a complemental pair, C rising from the fountain key-note which contains in itself all tones, and C and G combine all tones in each. In Chapter III. it is explained that all varieties of tones and colours may be condensed into this pair, rising from and falling again into the fountain. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme2, page 44]
"Christ - the true esoteric SAVIOUR [sic] - is no man, but the DIVINE PRINCIPLE in every human being. He who strives to resurrect the Spirit crucified in him by his own terrestrial passions, and buried deep in the 'sepulchre' of his sinful flesh; he who has the strength to roll back the stone of matter from the door of his own inner sanctuary, he has the risen Christ in him. The 'Son of Man' is no child of the bond-woman - flesh, but verily of the free-woman - Spirit, the child of man's own deeds, and the fruit of his own spiritual labour." [Blavatsky, Collected Writings, 8:173]
"In the ideas of the Christians, Christ is but another name for Jesus. The philosophy of the Gnostics, the initiates, and hierophants understood it otherwise. The word Christos, Xristos, like all Greek words, must be sought in its philological origin - the Sanskrit. In this latter language Kris means sacred, and the Hindu deity was named Chris-na (the pure or the sacred) from that. On the other hand, the Greek Christos bears several meanings, as anointed (pure oil, chrism) and others. In all languages, though the synonym of the word means pure or sacred essence, it is the first emanation of the invisible Godhead, manifesting itself tangibly in spirit. The Greek Logos, the Hebrew Messiah, the Latin Verbum, and the Hindu Viradj (the son) are identically the same; they represent an idea of collective entities - of flames detached from the one eternal centre of light."
"Thus, Christos, as a unity, is but an abstraction: a general idea representing the collective aggregation of the numberless spirit-entities, which are the direct emanations of the infinite, invisible, incomprehensible FIRST CAUSE - the individual spirits of men, erroneously called the souls. They are the divine sons of God, of which some only overshadow mortal men - but this the majority - some remain forever planetary spirits, and some - the smaller and rare minority - unite themselves during life with some men. Such God-like beings as Gautama-Buddha, Jesus, Tissoo, Christna, and a few others had united themselves with their spirits permanently - hence, they became gods on earth." [Isis Unveiled, Vol. I, pp. 158-159]
Father, Son and Holy Ghost
"I will make the one living and true man: the father, the son and the Holy Ghost. The scientific or wisdom is the father; the idea man or matter the son, or flesh and blood; the explanation of the unity is the Holy Ghost or wisdom. These three make the one living and true man. The father or wisdom will reign through the son or matter by the word or Holy Ghost till all enemies are explained through the son. Then the son shall become subject to the father or science and wisdom shall reign all in all. In the days of old, this wisdom spake through the prophets. At last, it spake through science or a wiser medium, but it has never spoken to the sick in prison. But ancient and modern philosophy has looked for the true Messiah or Wisdom that shall open the prison doors, burst the bolts and bars, break the chains of superstition and set the captive free. When this comes, there shall be a time such as was never seen before, when the priests and doctors shall hide their faces from the people to keep from being ridiculed for their superstition and ignorance. They will be set down on a level with the old Salem witchcraft. Their power shall be taken away from them and they shall be turned out to eat the fruits of their own labor. Then to be religious is to show the world that you can correct some of the diseases that have been invented by these blind guides. As man knows himself, he learns that all he is, is his life, and his senses are in his life, that opinions are mind subject to his life. His life embraces all his faculties and his happiness is in knowing that he is no part of what is seen by the eye of opinion. The world is the shadow of wisdom's amusement. All that is seen by the natural man is mind reduced to a state called matter." [Quimby, October 1861]
"Personality is that which ye wish others to think and see. Individuality is the which your soul prays for, hopes for, desires. These (two) need not necessarily be one; but their purpose must be one, even as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one. So must body, mind and soul be one in purpose and in aim." [Cayce (5246)]
Tom Carpenter
"A most amazing experience this morning. I am reviewing (ACIM) lesson 137, (I Cannot Be Healed Alone) focusing on the line “Healing is the decision to be one again. . .” I realize Oneness has always been an intellectual concept for me. I have never been able to feel / experience what oneness actually means. I am sure I have asked before, but today I ask again, and today I hear: “In the past you have been preoccupied with asking the question and hearing an answer from the perceptual awareness of the ego which has tied you to the limitations of what I might call “physical” joining. Today I ask you to think in the abstract. Think of the reality of yourself as spirit, and then, symbolically, envision spirit as light. Recognize that this Light symbolizes the Truth of you. Now sit back and watch as the lights that are the Truth of everyone come to join their Light with yours. As you have accepted the Truth of you, the light is seen and accepted by them as well and so becomes available to be given and received everywhere. This is the natural function of our Oneness when it is recognized. Notice how easily and naturally other Lights come into your awareness. Feel the joy and freedom as your Lights merge and seem than to move on, yet to return again.” (They never seem to go beyond where I can see them.) “This Light that seems so easily to come can never quite leave for Truth is never separated from It’s Source. This is God’s one Son.” [Tom Carpenter]
See Also
Connecting Link
Divine Trinity
Son of God