The liberation of heat, light and aliquot substance from molecular mass. Flame or fire is a partial molecular dissociation to atomic and etheric entropic states. The flame of fire is a combination of different plasmas or what used to be called ether. Flame is plasma (gases) of differing tenuities. It's light is the emission of photons. Flame simultaneously takes in (molecular and atomic matter) and throws off (gas, plasma, light and heat). Therefore "burning" is molecular dissociation to smaller aliquot parts.
"Like fire, which is a spiritual order of vibration, spirit is latent in all matter. One might as well try to operate a steam-engine without its boiler as to give motion to matter against the conditions imposed by nature, or to propose a new method of controlling the action of our physical organisms (other than through the sympathetic transfer of our mental forces) as an improvement on the one instituted by the Almighty." [Newton of the Mind]
"From now on we must talk very much about FLAME, in respect to radioactivity and death. Flame is the ultimate of Creation. It is both maximum life and maximum death. Its radiation will beget life but its body will consume it. The maturity of all Creation itself is expressed in flaming suns. Suns are incandescent carbon. Carbon is frozen flame. Flame is one point of pressure beyond the maximum compression which a body will stand. Flame is the effect of the explosion which releases the compression at that ultimate point. Compression heats. Flame is maximum heat." [Atomic Suicide, page 13]
"Flame is caused by maximum compression. Flame is the ultimate consumer of all bodies." [Atomic Suicide, page 14]
"Fix in your mind the primary fact that flame and radioactivity are one. Flame is quick death always. Coal dies slowly by slow loss of heat while in the ground. It takes thousands of years to radiate itself away, while flame does it in an hour. If you multiply the frequencies of flame you are, likewise, multiplying its power to quicken the death of anything. A sulphur match will not produce a hot flame. It will burn wood slowly but it will not set iron on fire. The hotter flame of the acetylene torch will set iron on fire, however, but it will not set granite or concrete on fire. If you multiply the radioactive power of flame still more, by making an oxyacetylene flame, you can then electrocute granite or concrete. It will burst into flame and slowly disappear." [Atomic Suicide, page 24]
"Each of the billions of nebulae and suns in the heavens is one of those giant cataclysms which must divide itself and die a heat death. They split up into other fireballs which, in turn die a heat death. All matter dies a centrifugally dividing heat death, but it also lives a centripetally multiplying heat life. Heat is a condition which is necessary to the creation of life in inorganic matter and organic as well. But heat is also necessary to create death. Matter would never disappear if it could be kept cold enough. Matter can die and disappear only by accumulating enough heat to consume itself. The cathode beginning of matter is an immeasurable low degree of heat. The anode ending of matter is an immeasurably high degree of heat. Flame is the maximum consumer of matter. All matter is self-consuming but its creation is an effort of its Creator. The Creator gives, but that which He gives must be regiven. That is law, and law must be fulfilled. Fulfillment is automatic, however. It is self-motivated by explosion from within itself. Flame is self-explosive but the heat which created the flame is a compressive effort. [Atomic Suicide, page 155-156] [anode ending of matter]
Candle Flame Being Blown Out (click to enlarge)
If the horizontally emitted current is first accumulated in a Leyden jar and conducted thence into petrol, then a tongue of flame is produced and the higher the accumulated charge, the longer the flame. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
Gazing at a flame for extended periods of time stimulates the third eye. This was known and practiced in ancient India due to the knowledge that the pineal gland feeds on light. This is one of the reasons why we are mesmerized when staring at a fire. Over time, this can increase intuition, alertness, psychic abilities, creativity and improve sleep. [anon]
See Also
Atomic Clusters
cold fire
Etheric Elements
Formation of Atomic Clusters
Luminiferous Ether
Molecular Dissociation
white hot flame
7B.09 - Luminiferous Ether or Light
15.14 - Dissociation Liberates Spontaneous Energy