"Vacuum tubes for every purpose should be entirely re-designed to conform with the action-reaction mathematics of the cycle, which accelerates and decelerates in cube ratios, as potential is multiplied for one half of the cycle, and divided for the other half." [Atomic Suicide, page 184-185]
See Also
action and reaction sequence
Carnot Cycle
compression-expansion sequence
cycle of appearance and disappearance of mass
Cycle of Temperature
Dynaspheric Force
electric action-reaction
geometry and mathematics of space
giving and regiving
Law of Assimilation
Law of Cycles
master key of wave mechanics and space geometry
Motion Cycle
multiplying and dividing two-way principle
one cycle for each action
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
sympathetic polar accumulator and disperser
The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex
tonal nature of octave waves
two-way compression-expansion sequence
two-way opening and closing universe
Universal Heart Beat
wave cycle
5.8.5 - The complete Contraction Expansion Cycle is as follows
8.23 - Law of Cycles