"These two opposing actions and reactions constitute the electro-magnetic oscillations, or compression-expansion sequences, which are present in every mass and which constitute the mechanistic or life principle of the universe. These sequences have a periodicity of preponderances which are first preponderantly generative and then preponderantly degenerative, which we know of as the phenomena of growth." [Russell to NYT - 1930 November 2]
See Also
action and reaction sequence
action of compression
Atomic Cluster Expansion
beginning of expansion
bondage of compression
center of high compression pressure
compression pressure force
compression stroke of the universal pump
compression-expansion pump
Dynaspheric Force
Electric compression
electric expansion
electrical compression
expansion of the field
expansion pressure
expansion pressure force
expansion stroke of the universal pump
gravitative compression pressure
Hydrodynamic Expansion
Law of Diffusion or Expansion
omnipresent expansion
speed of compression
two-way compression-expansion sequence
Universal Heart Beat