
Was Keely a Fraud

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." [Jonathan Swift 1667-1745]

"What has a man to contend with who undertakes to establish a new science? He has the opposition of all the former opinions of the world in regard to it, and all their influence. He will be misunderstood by fools and misrepresented by knaves, for his science will tear down their fortress or belief and they will use all their skill and deception to defeat their enemy. Their weapon is their tongue, and the tongue of a hypocrite is of all weapons the most deadly to truth: for it can assume the voice form of an angel while it is sapping your very life's blood from your soul. Its life and happiness are its own torment. Ever since the world began, science has had this enemy to contend with, and some very hard battles have been fought before error would leave the field." [Dr. P. P. Quimby]

"Condemnation before investigation is the height of ignorance." [William Paley]

"I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud." [Carl Jung, Psychologist]

"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." [Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from 121-180 A.D. and Stoic philosopher]


"I've pretty much said everything I can say about this false fraud allegation. People who wrote those earlier articles did not have access to much Keely information so their deductions were flawed at best. Couple that with everyone's fear of standing up for something not honored by the non-thinking PC crowd. Now with so much Keely material gathered and wiki'd in one place it is easier to study out these issues and make better informed conclusions. I will say that what has been gathered is a small part of all there is to be gathered. It will take many more years of time and effort to bring it all together. The sorting of it all out will be done by scholarly people or at least using scholarly principles and techniques." [Dale Pond, 6/26/18]

Was Keely a Fraud? Absolutely not!

People ask me all the time about the "discovery" of compressed air pipes and tubing in Keely's lab. I get tired of this question. (Does anyone ever do their own research or do they simply defer to the so-called "experts" or whoever is passing themselves off as "experts"?) Beware of the rampant yellow journalism (now called Fake News) of that time period (and of today). There were a number of factors, facts and conjectures playing upon this supposed "discovery". Let's list some of them:

"These instruments are carefully concealed by wise masters from all persons save the few who are already prepared to study their potency with the exclusive end in view of aiding the real scientific progress of humanity; and, furthermore, it may be truly stated that a ferocious sensualist, however powerful his intellect, would be utterly unable to either comprehend or operate one of these marvelous constructions." [Keely, See Dashed Against the Rock]

  • I concur with the idea humanity is not yet ready for SVP. Some bits and pieces, yes, but not the whole of it. Especially not the Mind Force (scalar) implications and applications. Until and unless a more developed mind-set or consciousness pervades all of society this knowledge will simply not be absorbed by Mankind and reflected in his environment and machinery. We see governments devoting large percentages of their people's money into weapons and killing their own populations and neighbors and little into raising up those they claim to represent and serve. This insane state of affairs will only reverse as humanity awakens its consciousness - which on the other hand we do now see just beginning to happen with the advent and use of the internet.
  • Perhaps the reason irresponsible and immature people continue to attack Keely is because he brought God back into the equation thus utterly destroying atheistic materialism.
  • Additional insights to be added later. See [Eye Witness Accounts, Keely Supported by Eminent Men of Science, Law Suit]

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." Albert Einstein

It appears there are certain personality types that believe and promote the false idea Keely was a fraud:

  1. Those too lazy to do their own research.
  2. Those who unquestioningly believe whatever they're told by whatever source.
  3. Those who have fragile egos and cannot admit they don't know everything and there is someone smarter.
  4. Those who go along, with non-controversy, just to get along.
  5. Those who are afraid of controversy.
  6. Those who revel in and love hurting others (bullies and Narcissists).
  7. Those too afraid, unwilling or unable to think for themselves.
  8. Those too afraid, unwilling or unable to do their own research.
  9. Those too afraid, unwilling or unable to look up definitions of new words and terms.
  10. Those who have been taught it is wrong to think for themselves.
  11. Those promoting agendas as in preserving the status quo or some power and control structure.
  12. Small-minded mean people who demonize, vilify, alienate and persecute anyone "different" than they perceive themselves to be.
  13. Those who are jealous, in denial, fear the unknown, hate, ignorant and covetous.
  14. Those who fear peer pressure (opinions of others) more than they love truth.
  15. Those who have been taught to never ever get out of the box.
  16. Those who have been taught it is wrong to get out of the box.
  17. Those who are afraid to get/look outside of the box.

The list can go on and on but you get the picture.

  1. Those suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
  2. Those suffering from Cognitive Dissonance.
  3. Those who worship (afraid to challenge) accepted scientific dogma and doctrine.

Let's not forget such 'respected experts' as Isaac Azimov (and countless others) said Nikola Tesla was a fraud. Can you believe it? Beware of so-called 'experts'.

Law suit brought against Keely:

See Law Suit wherein Keely was sued by Bennett C. Wilson to reveal proprietary information about his work; did so according to original court order; refused to do so when too much was later ordered to be done and revealed; confined for contempt for failing to obey court order; spent one night in jail; released the next day when said commitment was reversed.

Was Keely Imprisoned for stock fraud?

[1] See Gustave Le Bon's The Evolution of Matter wherein Le Bon claims credit for first dissociating atoms in the late 1890s.

ChatGPT reviews the above article: https://chatgpt.com/share/67478a02-7c5c-800d-8d97-a31642ce93d0
ChatGPT analyses of Keely condemned to jail, who was involved, why and his release. 12/16/24: https://chatgpt.com/share/675fbce4-c60c-800d-a951-3078e55afe70
ChatGPT explores the relevancy of Keely’s science and the false accusations of fraud 1/28/25: https://chatgpt.com/share/6798b24f-2e24-800d-923d-0e712062a7a8

See Also

AI Interpretations of SVP
Mrs. Moore on the Keely Motor
19.07 - A Modern Wizard The Keely Motor And Its Inventor
A Visit to Mr Keely - Astounding Performance of the Keely Motor
Aerial Navigation Keely's acoustic levitation, see Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships
Chronology who did what when
Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore a biography
Clarence Bloomfield Moore
Etheric Force or Compressed Air
Eye Witness Accounts
Fake News - see Yellow Journalism
Frequently Asked Questions
Keely - Historical Documents
Keely and His Discoveries
Keely Chronology
Keely in Contempt of Court
Keely in Contempt of Court2
Keely Motor Company
Keely Supported by Eminent Men of Science
Keelys Accomplishments
Keelys Contributions to Science
Keelys Discoveries
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
Keelys Secret Disclosed
Keelys Sunday in Jail
Law Suit
Leidy and Wilcox Visit Keelys Lab
Progressive Science
quantum chronology
Quantum Entanglement
Scientific American
Some Truths about Keely
splitting the atom - Keely
SVP is not a cult
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics vs Quantum Entanglement
The Doom of Steam
The Keely Motor - Feats of Which it is Capable
The Key to the Problems. - Keelys Secrets
The Motor Gets Into Court
Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter
Vibratory Physics - True Science
Was Keely Imprisoned for stock fraud?
Yellow Journalism

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday January 28, 2025 03:45:02 MST by Dale Pond.