"Long ago Mr. Keely said: "Science must hold the helm before the commercial value of my discoveries can be made known and comprehended." The speculative management prevailing has seized the reins of guidance so often that it has now become necessary to place the helm beyond its reach, in order that this richly freighted barque may not again be diverted from its proper course. Mr. Keely has been accused of refusing to teach his processes, but until within five years he had nothing to teach. It was Nature's secrets that he was doing battle with and daily risking his life to conquer.
"Since 1892 he has held himself in readiness to instruct Professor Dewar (the resident physicist of the Royal Institution of Great Britain) in his process of dissociation; one of our best known American physicists having refused to receive this instruction, simply because of the "stock-booming" operations that have invariably followed upon all efforts of men of science (or of capital) to acquaint themselves with the merits of the claims made by others for Keely.
"The article prepared in 1893, by the Rev. Dr. Plumb of Boston, in its description of what he called "a subsidiary engine," brought fresh discredit on Keely in the opinion of educated and able men, and avalanches of ridicule from the ordinary journalists. The wheel described by Dr. Plumb was not an engine in any sense of the word. It was a machine that is a marvel of construction, entirely independent of centrifugal action, for diverting the polar current of apergy to do its work on its mechanical harness.
"The Philadelphia Inquirer gave out, in printing this paper, that it had been written by an eminent scientist of Boston. The statements made therein were sufficient to establish in the minds of men of science the conviction that Keely, whom they held responsible for them all, was the "perpetual motion crank" he had been called, and too darkly ignorant of the simplest canons of orthodox physics to know the blunders he was making in his statements.
"W. L. S., a Boston man of science, resenting this assertion of the Inquirer, undertook to reply in behalf of his maligned associates, succeeding - so well that all men unacquainted with the system of vibratory physics considered Keely completely annihilated and thought he would never be heard from again. Said W. L. S.: "Take the description of the seventy-two pound wheel, with eight spokes and a hollow hub, but no rim, running at a speed so fast that the camera could not catch it and obtain a sharp image. If we estimate, from this and the description, the probable speed and then allow twenty-five per cent for safety, and figure out the centrifugal tension in the spokes, assuming both spokes and hub made of the best wrought iron, we find it would come out something like one hundred and fifty times the breaking strength of the iron; so it seems to me it would be exceedingly dangerous to stay long within range of that wheel . . . . . I will end by calling Dr. Plumb's attention to the fact that there is in Boston, not half a mile from the post office, a perpetual motion machine now on exhibition; where the unwary are invited to enter, examine and subscribe. It is a waste of time to go to Philadelphia." - W. L. S., Jan. 17th, 1894.
"It is no matter of surprise that, after such an apparent exposure of Keely's ignorance, New England journals which had up to that time printed articles defending Keely, refused them afterwards. A brief mention of the helpers on this underground road, which Keely had so long been traveling without gaining a ray of light, should be of interest, now that the labyrinth is lighted with the effulgence of "The Dawn," in his discovery of the current of apergy.
"About fifteen years ago H. O. Ward became interested in Keely's discoveries by hearing two Englishmen on board of a steamship discussing the nature of the mysterious force which they had been sent over by the English Government to investigate. Possessing certain eccentricities of character, such as persistency of purpose and a determination to reach the root of things before adopting the opinions of others regarding them, a visit was made in time to Keely's workshop, which eventually led to the forming of a conjecture that Keely might have dissociated hydrogen. Upon suggesting this possibility to him, he replied: "Perhaps so, I do not know," but the suggestion fell on pregnant soil and started Keely into making efforts to vibrate hydrogen, with such results that his field of experiment was greatly widened. The same possibility named to Lord Rayleigh brought this answer: "I will bet you ten thousand pounds he has not; hydrogen is an element." "I know it is classed with the elements," was the answer, "but science, starting with three only, now has over seventy. Why may not more compounds be found?" Lord Rayleigh a few years later refused to repeat his bet.
"In 1884, Macvicar's "A Sketch of a Philosophy" was brought to the notice of H. O. Ward (by Dr. Andrew of King's College Belfast), who compiled from it "Ether, The True Protoplasm."
"The late Robert Browning, before reading the monograph, remarked to its writer that the word "protoplasm" was not a suitable one to employ in connection with the ether. The writer replied: "I am hoping to convince the world of science that ether is matter."[1] Dr. Richard Garnett, the learned librarian of the British Museum, sent the manuscript to the late Dr. Chapman, then editor of the The Westminster, who gave his opinion that it was fifty years too soon for its publication. The Home Journal of New York then became one of the helpers on the road and published it entire.
"Those who constitute the vanguard of science are now ready to receive many of Dr. Macvicar's views, which were not appreciated in his lifetime. Keely at once understood them, and knew that he had imprisoned the ether; though making the error of thinking that it was the force itself, instead of the always necessary medium of its manifestation in our atmosphere.
"This was four years before the distinguished Henri Hertz, late professor of physics in Bonn University, announced in the Revue Scientifique that all our electro-magnetic engines held the ether fast bound without this fact having been so much as suspected. Then, one of the best-known British physicists said; "If we have done this, why is it not possible that Keely has done the same?"
"A copy of "Ether the True Protoplasm," published in 1884, in galley-proof slips, was sent, in 1885, to Professor Rueker, of the Kensington School of Science, who paid no attention to it, much to the disappointment of its writer at the time; but in 1889, in an address delivered at Cardiff before the Royal Association, he remarked that men of science were then investigating the structure of the ether, which might prove to be the source of all matter, and which might yet be used and controlled as we now use and control steam.
"Prof. Dewar sent a copy of this paper to H. O. Ward, who replied with a request that the professor would inform the learned physicist that Keely had spent years of his life in vain attempts to use and control it in engines only to find that this can never be accomplished.
"The next helper on the road was the late Mrs. F. J. Hughes, a grand-niece of Erastus Darwin, whose book on "Harmonies of Tones and Colours - Developed by Evolution," Mr. Keely says saved him years of research in the realm of inaudible sounds.
"Yet, with all this assistance, which seemed to come by chance, the goal of Keely's stupendous efforts would never have been reached, so dark was the labyrinth in which be was wandering, had not one of the books of our late townsman, Dr. Seth Pancoast, been brought it to his notice. It was on a page of this record of the wisdom of the ancients that Keely learned he had captured one of the currents of a triune polar stream of force; and from that hour be abandoned all efforts to imprison the ether in a metallic structure; devoting his days, and often his nights, to the gaining of a knowledge of the operations of apergy in nature. In 1893 he succeeded in demonstrating to his own satisfaction that he had fastened his machinery to the very wheelworks of the universe.[2]
"Until this time he held this "secret of nature" locked within his own breast; for never once, in his nearly quarter of a century of research, has Mr. Keely broached a theory until he has proved it by demonstration.
"The position taken at the last stockholders' meeting gives evidence that Keely's magnanimity of character has never been appreciated by those who have taken advantage of it in their business transactions with him. But he cannot be forced into further concessions nor into further delay. The ultimatum is reached. The risk of the loss of these discoveries to the world is too great to admit of giving one thought to mistaken and short-sighted counsels. Science must not be robbed of her birthright to satisfy the greed of Mammon.
"There are from twenty to thirty instruments to be patented in Keely's system of sympathetic vibratory physics. Months of valuable time are lost, which might have been occupied in preparations for the taking out of patents, had Keely's generous proposition been accepted as promptly as it deserved to be. The spiro-vibrophonic system alone requires eight or ten patents; the resonating five or six more; the vitalizing six, which must be preceded by the setting up of a vibratory dynamo that would take weeks to construct and graduate. The sympathetic transmitting system will require months, with its adjuncts, to get into a patentable condition; and the sympathetic governor of course must be patented if the other instruments are.
"Mr. Keely will not again yield his judgment to the wishes of others, as he did in this instance to his co-worker; for both have seen the folly of it. From the first he has maintained his convictions that no physicist will be able to stand by him until his work is completed; owing to the manipulations in stock that have followed any consent from distinguished men of science to witness his processes, each time H. O. Ward has announced that they were going to do so within the last seven years. Keely's systems will now be brought out on royalties for the benefit of the shareholders and of the world, instead of for monopolies.
"A New York journalist recently, in an article headed "Keely's Motor and its Future," tells his readers that "Keely finally settled" in Philadelphia. Born in this city, he has steadfastly abided here, using a stable as his workshop.
"In conclusion, it may be stated that the force named in this paper Apergy, known to the ancients, and rediscovered by Keely, will hereafter be given the appropriate title of Keel, after the name of its latest discoverer.
[1] In vibratory physics spirit is matter.
[2] See a work by Prof. Kedzie, of Chicago, on "Solar Heat, Gravitation and Sun Spots," showing how this everlasting and important "etheric vibration" is manifested in nature.
See Also
Apergy - Power Without Cost
Keely Chronology
Keely - Cure of Disease
Keely - Historical Documents
Keely and His Discoveries
Keely messages
Keely Motor
Keely Motor Company
Keelys Discoveries
Keelys Etheric Generator or Liberator
Keelys Forty Laws
Keelys Lost Books
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
Keelys Three Systems
Newton of the Mind - Keely's Air-ship Described
Part 14 - Keelys Mysterious Thirds Sixths and Ninths
Part 25 - Keelys Wonderful Charts of Vibratory Etheric Science
Part 28 - Keelys Amazing Machines
The Keely Motor Secret