
Chapter 9 - The Mind Nucleus of the Atom - VII, page 206

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We Examplify the Mind-Nuceal Principle

So radically different a conception of atomic structure demands much exemplification to replace the old with the new. For this reason we must cite many examples to demonstrate that every creating, growing, living and dying thing in Nature is just a multiplicity of slow and fast moving light-rings surrounding dark holes of low electric potential, centered by a zero point of absolute stillness and unlimited Mind-potential. The new concept is a challenge to the old which must be met by such convincing proof that the new concept is undebatable.

Let us preface the following examples by these text-book statements of facts known to science:

1. "An electric current sent through a wire is confined to its surface. There is no current at its center." Quoted in essence from Tesla, Faraday, Pupin, Millikan and others.

2. "Living cells show a difference in electrical potential between their interior and the surrounding medium." Dr. Louis M. Katz - University of Chicago.

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Figure 49 demonstrates this fact in an electric current. To emulate a section of a living cell we will put a salt solution within a ring of conductive material. By placing two insulated wires, with bared electrodes, close together in the center of that ring and connecting the wires with batteries we emulate the charged condition of the living body, which the cell is a part of.

By turning on the current it will be found that the spot between the two electrodes is of zero potential, and that many lines of radiation extend from that center and cause a moving electric current to spin around the zero fulcrum center where the ring is located. Not only that but an electrode placed in contact with the ring, will convey current away from it. This effect of electric current extending from a still center to convey its power to the ring, and other outside conductive matter, is identical with the mental example quoted in Fig. 48.

Anyone who may question this fact may not only prove it by this simple experiment but can also move the two electrodes away from the center of the rim so that their centering zero occupies an eccentric position, as the human heart does in relation to the chest, and as the zero center of the heart itself is eccentrically placed in relation to its mass. A different wave pattern will result but the electric qualities will remain the same. There is always a point of stillness which centers the birth point of any action. Motion spins around that still point, but there is no motion at that center.

Consider your body itself, and every part of your body, even to its last microscopic cell. Every part of it is a moving ring in section which spins around a hole, centered by stillness.

Now consider every part of your body, one at a time. Every horizontal section cut through your head is a ring of flesh and bone around a centering hole, where the Magnetic Light of your Mind is located. The space between is filled with a material quite unlike the flesh of your body. That material is the broadcasting and receiving station for conveying messages to every last microscopic part of your body.

Consider your spinal cord. It also is a ring in every tubular section of it, which is not only centered by a hole for itself but is

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confined in a ring of bone which is your spinal column. Both of these are shafts made up of rings, but it must be remembered that every shaft in the body, as well as every artery and vein tube, is but a continuous extension of rings. Even the center itself is a continuous shaft of zero electric potential surrounded by thought-rings of varying potential. The center itself is omni-Magnetic-potential, for that point is where you sit with God, as ONE.

Your heart is an electric thought-ring of motion centered by a hole, where your invisible Mind is located. From that center it sends its complex messages out to the very wonderful mechanism, which your heart is, to command its every part to function true to its purpose.

Your lungs and your chest are rings of thought-recordings which are, likewise, centered by four holes, for the carrying of four different qualities of messages from your Mind to the thought-rings which compose your whole body. We will refer to these again in this chapter.

Now examine your fingers and toes, and your arms and legs. Each of these are centered by zero potential holes around which are rings of bone and flesh of varied potential.

Before completing our brief analysis of Mind-relation to the human body, let us step out into the forest and cut practically any growing flower stem, shrub, sapling or tree. All of them are rings in sections of either tubes or seemingly solid shafts. Even the leaf of the tree is centered by a tube from which countless tubes extend to center the countless millions of thought-rings being created by the Magnetic Light which centers every one of them.

If you cut a section of a new-born oak, you will find that it is tube-centered, but if you cut a section of an old oak, you will find that it has seemingly "squeezed" the hole out to attain density in accordance with the same principle of compression which gives density to a sun. Examine it, however, and you will see a series of rings surrounding its center.

If you now examine the chemical elements, such as oxygen, fluorine, helium, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorous, sodium or potassium, you will find that their nuclei consists of varying sized

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holes surrounded by rings of varying sizes and numbers. Helium has four rings with a very large hole within them. Helium divides into four pairs and becomes a solid sphere, which has squeezed the hole outside of it. Fluorine and lithium have one ring with a centering hole smaller than helium. Oxygen and beryllium have two rings with still smaller holes. Nitrogen and boron have three rings with almost no holes. These male and female equal pairs unite in marriage and become two hemispheres, the red and blue halves being divided by an equator.

Chemists and physicists have recognized something of this mathematical orderliness and have given it the name of "valence." They say that oxygen has a valence of two, carbon four, etc., etc., and they balance and vary their mixtures in the ratios of valence by putting two atoms, which have a valence of two, with one which has a valence of four, to equalize their potentials. This they have always done, but their text books give no adequate explanation for doing so.

The real reason is that spinning rings which get closer to their Mind-centers in the Mind-nucleus of every atom, gain more and more power in the ratio of that closeness.

Before returning to the Mind and body relation in man we must make it clear to you that the chemical elements must be considered in a very different way than man is considered. All have a Mind and body relation but minerals and gases constitute the first stage of Creation only. They exist as compressed matter before water is created by combination with two of them, and air by a combination of another two. The next stage is a combination of these elements with water and air to create the vegetable kingdom. The simplicity of the mineral kingdom is then complexed by the addition of water and air and more "conduits" are arranged in these combinations for the placement within its creations for the zero centers of Mind-control. The vegetable kingdom has very little free will choice of decision regarding its welfare or destiny. It has some, however.

Next in order of complex combination is the animal kingdom. This third stage includes both mineral and vegetable matter, in combination with water. The animal body is a complex pattern

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of variously arranged mineral and vegetable life, so must continually be replenished with all three stages of creation as its various parts "die." For this reason very much more space is given to the body for Mind-control, and for the creation of very different forms of matter of high conductivity to carry the messages concerned in body "manufacture" and body survival. Directional messages, such as instinct, have a very different reflex toward matter than those which may be called automatic reflexes, which are very much more keen in animal than in vegetable life.

The fourth - and last - stage is the human. Man's body is also a combination of all three stages, but Mind-awareness only begins in the human stage. The animal has much intelligence but is not aware of it as a quality within him.

Man, the human, was first controlled by instinct. For millions of years he had no Mind-awareness. He had no creative ability, whatsoever, and not even enough sense of rhythm to desire to beat a drum. The desire of the savage to beat a drum is the first evidence of spiritual unfolding in man.

Man - the human - began at the dawn of Consciousness a few thousands of years ago. He became slightly aware of a creative force outside of himself, then more fully so, through the drumbeat stage to the more extensive recognition of universal rhythm in the four stringed lyre up to a comprehension of the diatonic scale in the 15th century. A sense of beauty, as seen through the eyes, had developed much earlier than that, but the jungle sense of cruelty, brutality and blood-pleasure still remained in man-in-the-mass even while his culture was unfolding, and still remains with a very large percentage of the race. Marauding tribes have become marauding nations and man-killing by man is still done on such a large scale for greed and power only, that the human race has no justification, whatsoever, for thinking its present civilization, as a whole, to be in any other than an early barbarian stage. Many, however, have arrived at a very high intellectual point, and a few have reached almost to its summit. It is through these few that thousands of others are being awakened to that Light of their own Oneness with the Source, and

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it is through these that the race will finally achieve such intensive God-awareness that the man-killing stage of today will have become impossible.

A more comprehensive and expanded explanation of man's early unfolding can be found in "God Will Work With You But Not For You." The above is cited solely for the reason that the new knowledge given in this chapter will give every man a better comprehension of how he can lift himself above the present stage. Having thus explained the reason for this interlude, we will now return to the climax of the knowledge for which this chapter has been written.

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday May 8, 2018 03:46:48 MDT by Dale Pond.