
Chapter 5 - We Define God - part III, page 109

[p. 109]


God decentrates His electric thinking to imagine idea. He then concentrates to form a moving body-image of idea.

Mind-decentration and electrical-depolarization are one. Mind-concentration and electrical-compression are, likewise, one. Genero-activity, compression and polarization are also one. They constitute the life principle. Radioactivity, expansion and depolarization are one. They constitute the death principle.

Man's Mind and God's Mind are ONE. Man's thinking and God's thinking are ONE.

Man decentrates to conceive idea and concentrates to create a body in the image of his idea, exactly as God does.

God's thinking is electrically expressed by extension from a


point of rest in space to a compressed point of rest in matter. It then electrically expands to a point of rest in space to disappear into its Source. This is God's way of dividing rest with action. It is also man's way during all of his brief cycles - but when the rest interval for the longest cycle comes he calls it death and the end, for man does not yet know that God's ways, and man's, are ONE. Nor does he yet know that he cannot die.

Man charges his batteries that way to give them life. He discharges them to void their life - then recharges them. All bodies are batteries. Growing bodies are charging batteries. Nature's bodies are charged batteries. Discharging batteries are dying batteries. Discharged batteries are like unto dead bodies. There is no life in them because there is no motion. Nature forever recharges her bodies - beginning her charging in their seed and discharging back to seed.

Life is motion. Death is rest. Each is fulcrum of the other. There is no death in Nature, save man's belief in death.

God's Magnetic Light is eternal life. God's thinking is eternal life in action, divided by rest. Life in matter is but a pulsing simulation of eternal Life in God - the ONE.

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