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The Material Nucleus of the Atom
The foregoing chapters have gradually prepared you to comprehend that the Rutherford-Bohr atom, which is symbolized in Fig. 58, has no place in Nature. This chapter is to tell why not one single fact of Nature supports it in structure, nor justifies it in principle. We have stated before that this electric universe has been constructed entirely by the electric wave, therefore, any theory of motion or matter, which is outside of electric wave mechanics and construction, is invalid.
If human reasoning by the greatest of the world's thinkers built this impossible concept, there must be something very basically lacking in knowledge of our universe to make it possible for thinking people to form such a concept. And there is something basic, many things in fact, which sense-observation alone can never tell to man. We will enumerate these also, step by step:
1. Nowhere in Nature does motion, in any three dimensional mass, revolve around a common center. All mass is made up of pairs of ring units, which are joined together in parallel planes to create hemispheres. Each ring has its gravity center and each mass has its dividing equator. Adjoining rings which form spherical masses cause gravity centers of these rings to seemingly become gravity shafts. All motion, in every hemispherical mass, spins in parallel planes which are 90 degrees from the gravity shaft of that mass. This means that all motion in any spherical mass spins around its gravity shaft in parallel planes and not around a common center of gravity, which supposedly controls the whole mass, but actually controls motion in the plane of the
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equator only. See Fig. 59. This also means that Nature is bilateral and not radial.
All mass is divided by an equator, and the four pairs of rings which constitute that mass, are arranged in plane layers on either side of that equator. All pairs are sex conditioned by the divided spectrum, which place the red units of each pair in one hemisphere, and the blue units in the other hemisphere. The red units of a mass do not revolve across a common center of gravity and spin through the blue side to complete its orbit, as the
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units of the Rutherford-Bohr atom do, as shown in Fig. 58 - nor do the blue units spin through the red. That would be as much against nature as it would be for humans to change their sex during every daily cycle.

(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy) (click to enlarge)
The invisible universe is based upon the cube in relation to its control of motion. The stillness of gravity, therefore, when its points are extended to appear as a shaft, is always at an angle of ninety degrees from its electric thought-ring extensions. Never anywhere in Nature does any electric effect reach over to another center than its own. The three inner intersecting planes of the cube will not allow of such a crossing. If you examine the cleavages of a cube crystal you will not find them radiating from a center. The senses have been too much affected by the symmetry of light radiations from a star, or from the hexagonal radiating arms of a snow crystal, and many similar effects, which the senses too readily accept. It is time that we at least begin to doubt the evidences of our senses in making hasty obvious conclusions.
Another cause of confusion by the senses in this respect is the fact that all planets in a system, revolve around a common center
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of gravity. These are rings of motion, however, which spin around holes in which their controlling center is located. Every part of the mass of every planet, however, spins around its own center which is on the gravity shaft, and always in parallel planes, not intersecting ones, which would be necessary if all parts moved around a common center.
2. If you look at an electric current in a vacuum tube you will see parallel rings extending from the cathode to the anode, like buttons strung upon a thread. See Fig. 60. Each of these rings is controlled by its own center of gravity in its own plane. Each ring is a unit of a cycle and it is necessary for pairs of cycles to unite to form a mass, or for four pairs to unite to form a sphere. When a sphere is thus formed it is as bilateral as all things else in Nature are bilateral. It extends its right arm and its left one to form a shaft. Each point of gravity in that shaft is also the fulcrum of a lever, which its ring is. The fulcrum is still, and in it is all the power which its spinning lever-ring expresses, but the energy thus expressed is not in the moving ring, it is in the fulcrum of gravity which centers it.

Electricity records Mind-thought in rings of light which spin around a Magnetic center of still, invisible light. All motion in all the universe spins around Mind-centers which become shafts as motion extends.
If you now look at the wave with this thought in your mind you will, likewise, see pairs of rings strung on the wave shaft of gravity which extends, as thought-rings of motion extend, to cen-
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ter and control the motion of each ring from that center, and to become a shaft of gravity for each mass which is formed by the amalgamation of ring pairs. See figures 9 to 29.
By a careful examination of the construction of an electric current, and an electric wave, there is no part of it in which orbits of units intersect the planes of the orbits of other units, or of masses which are formed by the union of pairs, nor do any of them share their gravity centers with other units. As there is no precedent in the electric current or wave of Nature to justify the multiplane concepts shown in Fig. 58, and as there is no precedent in the electric current or wave to justify the presence of material nuclei in the atomic units which constitute mass, such an impossible and unnatural concept should be expunged from human thinking.
3. Let us now apply this principle to the copper wire which carries a current. The wire is still. It does not move. Motion spins around its surface in rings, which are centered by holes where gravity sits and rules each ring. The wire is horizontal but motion is vertical in the plane of its spinning. The wire is a series of gravity centers which make of it a seeming shaft. The wire-shaft does not move yet it performs the tremendous work of lifting thousands of tons, and driving thousands of engines and other machines. And it could easily kill a man if motion, which encircled the wire, collided with the man.
Our senses very plainly, and truthfully, tell us that the wire is not moving, but if a speeding bullet traveled along the path occupied by the wire, our senses untruthfully tell us that the speed of the horizontally moving bullet killed the man, instead of the vertically spinning motion. It may be a long time in man's unfolding before he can differentiate between what his Mind knows and his senses believe they know, but new thinking must someday come to man which is based upon Mind-knowing instead of body-sensing.
4. Let us now bend the copper wire into a semi-circle to symbolize a wave, and send a current through it. We have now curved our gravity shaft and our planes of motion, which spin around it at angles of ninety degrees, and are no longer parallel.
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They all point in the direction of the center of a circle and our senses tell us that that center is the common center of gravity for all of those converging radial lines. That is another misleading illusion which our senses believe in implicitly, but is not true to Nature. We must give space enough to very briefly tell what the Mind knows in respect to the curvature of gravity, which the senses cannot sense.
To help visualize this let us first disturb the horizontal plane of calm water and bend it into a semi-circular wave, as we bent the wire. The electric compression pressure registered fifteen pounds per square inch before the water was disturbed. It now registers less above the surface and more in the trough of the next wave. The gravity shaft curves as electric pressures curve. Our senses tell us that the wave shaft is moving up and down. Also they tell us that they are moving right and left. We speak of the speed in which light waves travel, which is proof that we believe that they do travel, when they but move up and down. Light waves reproduce at great speed, but light does not travel at any speed.
These are the things our senses tell us but our Mind knows that the only direction of motion is the electric direction of circles, which spin around gravity shafts to cause effects which our senses thoroughly believe in but which are not factual. Light does not travel. It only appears to, and that appearance is limited to the boundaries of its own electric wave field. We do not yet know the universal radar principle which repeats every happening anywhere to everywhere. Our senses are mightily confused between zero cause and dual effect.
5. The greatest, and most visibly evident proof of the fact that the universe of suns and earths is made up of pairs of rings, and that they disintegrate by throwing off pairs of rings, is to look at the greatly magnified pictures of such planets as Jupiter and Saturn, and such ring nebulae as Lyra and the others on that same page. The great telescopes very clearly show the parallel wrinkles on Jupiter, which make its surface look like heavy corduroy.
The fact that all such planets and suns oblate proves that the
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rings expand in their own planes and not radially. If a planet expanded radially it would still be a sphere, no matter how large it grew, but all through the heavens you can see planets and suns expanding in planes which are parallel to their equators. This they continue to do until great holes are bored right through them where their gravity shafts exist to still control them until their motion ceases entirely. The Dumbbell Nebula is an excellent example of a sun thus expanded until a very large hole has bored right through it as it slowly explodes. In all probability part of it will regenerate a new sun in its center as the Lyra Ring Nebula, and countless others have done.
6. It now remains to explain why gravity does not express itself in radial lines from the surface to the center of a sun or planet, as diagrammed in Fig. 59. With that knowledge you will better comprehend why Nature will not tolerate such intersecting orbital planes of motion as the theory of the nucleal atom demands, as shown in Fig. 58.
There are only two spots upon the surface of a true spherical sun where a stone, dropped upon it, will continue its electric journey to its very center. Those two spots are the two "magnetic poles," which are the ends of the gravity shaft upon which the whole mass turns. Likewise, there is but one plane, where a stone, dropped anywhere upon it around the entire sun, would continue its electric journey to the sun's center. That plane is the equator which divides the two hemispheres. Do not lose sight of the fact that suns are made up of pairs of rings which parallel their equators, and also do not lose sight of the fact that each ring is an effect which is centered by its own controlling cause. Likewise, bear in Mind that gravity is omnipresent and does not move.
With these warnings we are now ready to drop a stone on the earth a thousand miles from the equator. (We will ignore, for the purposes of this demonstration, that the earth is not now a true sphere as it once was, and, for that reason, the gravity poles do not coincide with the pole of rotation.) The stone now curves toward the pole as it is dropped, and its direction toward its centering gravity shaft still continues to curve away from the
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earth's gravity center, instead of directly toward it as our senses have long told us it would do. See Fig. 61. (This oblate earth actually has two gravity centers, but we will ignore that also.) We drop another stone another thousand miles farther north, and still another with the same result. Each ring plane owes its allegiance to its own center of gravity in its own plane, but as there are countless billions of rings within rings between the surface and the gravity shaft, the line of gravity control will forever curve, until the last stone cast will be nearer the north pole than the earth's center, toward which it was originally headed, and where our senses told us it would go. We print Fig. 61 here to illustrate this fact of the curvature of electric potential pressures, which gives the impression that gravity itself is curving.
You are probably familiar with the bar magnet experiments with iron filings which curve from pole to pole. These curved lines are known as magnetic lines of force. You may also be familiar with the curved lines from the earth's equator to its poles, which the text books call the earth's magnetic field. These
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curved lines are in no way related to magnetism. They are but lines and planes of electric pressures.
Fig. 61 will graphically diagram this effect but figures 17 to 29 will help to clarify them still farther by closely studying them all, especially figures 17 and 18, and comparing one with another. When you have done this you will no longer accept the possibility of such an effect in Nature as the nucleal atom such as shown in Fig. 58. Also you will more clearly comprehend the marvels of the advance in electronics, which is making such marvelous strides against the resistance of sense-believing in things which the Mind knows to be otherwise.
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