All Nature, everywhere, cries out its protest to such an unnatural and impossible condition as the nucleal atom. Nature is cellular and cells are rings in sections. Also every cell in Nature is a product of the union of four pairs of rings. Nature also cries out its protest against such a concept as that of a cosmic "glue" of some mysterious nature, which supposedly holds the atom together from within a nucleus. Atoms are held together only by pressure from the outside and sealed from the outside by cold. The inside of every atomic mass is a heat generator and heat consumer. Atomic units have cold centers, but combined atomic masses have relatively hot centers, according to their purpose and position. Its cells must be electrically conditioned to maintain that heat, but no matter what the temperature is in any cell it tends to expand it - not hold it together. Instead of being a glue it is an explosive." [Atomic Suicide, page 145]
"The foregoing chapters have gradually prepared you to comprehend that the Rutherford-Bohr atom, which is symbolized in Fig. 58, has no place in Nature." [Atomic Suicide, page 217]
"With that knowledge you will better comprehend why Nature will not tolerate such intersecting orbital planes of motion as the theory of the nucleal atom demands, as shown in Fig. 58." [Atomic Suicide, page 223]
"When you have done this you will no longer accept the possibility of such an effect in Nature as the nucleal atom such as shown in Fig. 58." [Atomic Suicide, page 225]
See Also
atomic rings
atomic systems
atomic theory
Chapter 10 - The Material Nucleus of the Atom - I, page 217
nucleal center
Rutherford-Bohr atom
Vector model of the atom
9.18 - Atoms as Sympathetic Centers