T0281-051 * TEXT OF READING 281-51
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 15th day of January, 1941, in accordance with request made by those present.
Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Florence Edmonds, Ruth LeNoir, Helen Ellington, Francis Y. Morrow, Louise B. Chisholm, Esther Wynne, Sallie Jones, Helen Godfrey, Hannah Miller and Mae Verhoeven.
Time of Reading 3:30 to 4:10 P. M.
1. HLC: You will have before the Glad Helpers Prayer Group, members of which are present in this room, and their study of the endocrine system in the human body. You will continue with the discourse on this subject.
2. EC: Yes, we have the group as gathered here; as a group, as individuals; and the information which has been indicated through this channel. In continuing with the subject, and as we come to the application of that which has been indicated, let that which is given here and now NOT become confusing. For, it will require deep meditation upon such, that ye may get the correct insight; which ye will not be able to put into words at first, and will KNOW when ye know, but by the experience of coordinating physical, mental and spiritual attributes into one.
3. For, as given, few have conceived of - or attempted to analyze - the effect created in a physical body through the MENTAL impressions received, or conceded that there is an activity spiritually that may go on in active force within the human body.
4. For, so oft we see contradictory effects produced in the activities of the individuality and personality of persons.
5. Also it has been and is hard for individuals to conceive of Adam sinning in a material world, - as a man, a son, made by the hands of God.
6. Neither is it easy to understand the illustrations used from the life of Kish, who conceived through righteous desire a son, a channel chosen for a manifestation of material power in a material world; given through the choice of the Maker Himself, and yet the INDIVIDUAL in his personal relationships defied even that which had been prophesied by himself!
7. Few can conceive of the body through which the Prince of Peace manifested - the Son, the first and the last Adam - as having been a channel for material desire, when considered as a body so purified as to bear that perfect One.
8. Yet, all of these facts are demonstrated in the life of each individual.
9. There has long been sought, by a few, the interpretation of the seven centers; and many have in various stages of awareness, or development, placed the association or connection between physical, mental and spiritual in varied portions of the body. Some have interpreted as of the mind, motivated by impulse; and thus called the center from which mind acts.
10. This is only relatively so, as will be understood by those who analyze those conditions presented through these interpretations; for in fact the body, the mind and the soul are ONE, in the material manifestation. Yet in analyzing them, as given through the Revelation by John, they are active in the various influences that are a part of each living organism conceived in the forces making up that known as man; that power able to conceive - in mind - of God, and to demonstrate same in relationships to others; that in mind able to conceive of manners for the destruction of its fellow man, little realizing that it is SELF being destroyed by that very activity!
11. Then, why are there such contradictions within those very influences? As is said, in the heart love finds its way. Love is conceived as of God, as of all pleasant, as all giving; given in that great expression - indicating to what power it may arise - "God so loved the world as to give His only begotten son; that through Him we might have eternal life."
12. Yet the other side, or the reverse of love, is suffering, hate, malice, injustice. It is the reverse. Why?
13. What is that about man's activity in body, as an individual, that causes such?
14. This has been indicated through those patterns which have been used as illustrations of what took place in the UNION of bodies that through desire, hope, conceived or prepared in conception a channel through which ALL this contradiction might be made manifest.
15. Is the First Cause, then, that the separation of God is the desire for companionship with Himself, that as created or brought into a material manifestation the reverse of love, of hope, of patience, of all the attributes that are the spirit of activity, the moving influence or force?
16. This we see manifested in a physical body through the glandular system, - as the activity of conception, the dividing of the activity of the gland itself, that brings conception.
17. Thus, this is the first of the centers from which arises all that is movement, to bring into being both the face and the preface - or the back, or the reverse - in the experience. It carries with it, what? That MIND! For, remember, ever, the pattern is ever the same - Mind the Builder!
18. Conceived, then the first movement is along that center or gland which either fades or becomes a channel along which there may move the power and might to find expression through the very activities of the organs of the body itself. (Leydig?)
19. Then the next is the pineal, through which the brain forces make manifest, - either in its determining factor there of becoming mighty in stature physically or dwarfed; as may be understood by the face, as may be said, that is held to by the INDIVIDUAL separation and COMBINATION of the activity of the glands in that period of conception. Hence there arises the race condition or contour, or the figure of that beheld by that choice in its activity as it has separated itself from the first cause, or first premise; by the very will of the Father-God in the beginning.
20. Then there is the third, that is ever of the feeding or building nature, - or the basic cord through which during the period of gestation there is fed the imaginations, as well as the latent response of the body to those conditions external, - or that center from which there is drawn the growth in the physical.
21. Then there becomes the first indication of individuality being established in that movement which has come about in its growth, its evolvement; or the gland of the solar plexus, or that YE misinterpret and call the adrenals - as they act with the emotions and the growth and unfoldment of the body itself.
22. There begins then the gland - the heart - through which courses begin to flow; and then the gland - the liver - its counterpart; and then the spleen (as a balance); the thyroid - as the outer individual begins to show activities for self-protection, or the first laws of nature as would be made manifest in the material associations.
23. Then there are the general, or the whole of the activities through the system, as in the thymus, (See Source File Key) of the centers of activity through which spirit first moves from the lyden (Leydigian?) - the center of the spiritual forces; the brain, or the highest force individually or personally; then the others in their order as they control themselves.
24. Then within each of the organs themselves (though they each are, in the main, glands) the functioning is stimulated by the activity of each organ's ability to assimilate that needed from the environs, as well as from that upon which it is fed, to grow INTO that direction given BY the mental purpose, the mental desire of the PERSONALITY - AS it, as an individual, makes itself manifest in a material environ.
25. Hence we find - as has been interpreted for those who would interpret - the seven centers, the seven churches, the seven activities to which an individual physical activity is prompted.
26. We would rest for the present.