The pineal exerts control over light reaction, of pigment, brain growth and sex ripening. [Kapp, Glands Our Invisible Guardians]
"Keep the pineal gland operating and you won't grow old." Cayce (294-141)
"The pineal has been and is the extenuation of the first cause." Cayce (281-47)
"There are centers, areas, conditions in which there evidently must be that contact between the physical, the mental and the spiritual.
"The spiritual contact is through the glandular forces of Creative Energies, not encased only within the lyden gland of reproduction, for this is ever - so long as life exists - in contact with the brain cells through which there is the constant reaction through the pineal." Cayce (263-13)
"Ye have gained that the first movement of same physically reaches out and becomes the brain, through which the pineal in its activity brings its physical development; and that it is related to the mind of the body and the environs of the body supplying physical activities to that developing physical entity. Ye know that it reverts then to the brain of the nervous system, to the solar plexus center, and then reflexes through its own MENTAL activity to the physical forces of the still developing body. Ye know that when such a body has developed, when gestation has been completed and it becomes an entity in itself, - because of its center through which all physical and mental impulse has passed, - it is then cut asunder - and yet functions on. Why? How?" [Cayce, 281-57]
Manly Palmer Hall
"The pineal gland plays the role of the sun." [Manly Palmer Hall]
Bianca-Jade Brown
Fibonacci Numbers Pine Cone and Vatican, Occult wisdom that predates Rome. Photo from my trip to Rome in 2018.
Fibonacci discovered a series of numbers that seemed to have magical predictive powers. The formula is extremely simple. Start with zero, add the next number, and you have the next number in the series. Continue the progression and you get 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55.... and so on. Not surprisingly, the sequence became known as the Fibonacci Sequence or Fibonacci Ratios.
The great thing about this series is that if you divide any number in it by the next one, you get a product that has become known as the “Golden Ratio.” This number is 1:1.618, or 0.618 to one. Fibonacci’s original application for this number was that it could be used to predict the growth rate of a population of breeding rabbits. I guess that was a valuable skill back then.
Pine cones themselves being the seed of pine trees, exhibit the Fibonacci sequence when looked at from the bottom, exhibiting sacred geometry.
The pineal gland is a raisin sized, pine cone (hence the name) shaped gland located between the eyes and in the center of your brain
The symbol of the pineal gland is the pine cone. It is so revered by the Vatican that a special Vatican court was built called the Court of the Pine Cone where the worlds largest pineal gland symbol is on display! The symbol is also found on the Egyptian god Osiris.
Renee Descartes called the pineal gland “the seat of consciousness” and it is the gateway to spirituality; being, higher realms of consciousness and tuning into higher frequencies beyond those available through the 5 senses. By awakening the pineal gland, we can speed up our learning and our memory, enhance wisdom, intuition and creativity, and even awaken our psychic abilities.
Next to the Vatican Museums is a large courtyard designed by Bramante, called the Courtyard of the Pine because of the enormous bronze pine cone situated in it. It isn't a statue. Apparently it dates from around the 1st century BC and was likely to have been used as a fountain in the baths of Agrippa which stood just behind the Pantheon. It was moved in the early Middle Ages and placed in front of the original Basilica of St. Peter built by the Emperor Constantine where it was used as a fountain. The bronze pine cone is one of only a handful of spolis preserved from the original St. Peter's..
The colossal bronze pine cone was cast in the 1st or 2nd century by Publius Cincius Salvius who left his name on the base. This was way before the Catholic Church was given the property upon which Vatican City sits. There is much pre-Christian and non-Christian art in the Vatican and its museums. [Updated 8 Feb 2020, 10:48]

See Also
Chakra System
Endocrine system
Fibonacci spiral
Figure 18.01 - Chart of Chakras Shown as Levels of Consciousness
Law of Correspondence
Table of Correspondences
Table of Glands and Correspondences