upsurging bio-magnetic rotary synthesising current

For this reason the suction-turbine must also be braked by heavy operating loads, otherwise it would also over-accelerate and levitate. In this case, in lieu of the familiar resistances to motion, additional rotation and levitational forces evolve through the upsurging bio-magnetic rotary synthesising current. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

There is insufficient space here to explain the nature of biomagnetic and bioelectric currents or their origin and purpose in more detail. They always come into being and operate simultaneously, because everything is bipolar, i.e. in every man the feminine also exists, and in every woman the masculine. Here too it is merely a question of which type of molecular motion took place first, thus giving precedence to processes of oxidation or reduction. All it takes therefore is a small starting impulse to determine the fate of all living things and whether they are dispatched on a downward or upward path. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

No law of energy conservation, nor any heat or other equivalence exists and hence no insuperable law of gravity, for all that is necessary is merely to accelerate a mass of ordinary water or air naturalesquely in order to generate upwardly flowing magnetism. This is the colossal force that maintains the whole Earth-ball in unstable equilibrium and whose revolution in cycloid-spiral-space-curves is caused and sustained by the above rotary (torque-producing) levitating current. By means of magnetolytic dissociative processes, this motion ur-produces the enlivening and originally moving (form-creating) retro-influent energy out of deceased fatty-matter; an energy that gives rise to the hitherto mysterious processes of genesis and increase, and the qualitative improvement (ennoblement) of what has been naturalesquely increased. In other words, it is responsible for the natural self-renewal and evolvement of everything that crawls and flies on this Earth. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

See Also

Additive and Subtractive Synthesis
bio-dynamic form
bio-ecological age
bio-electric current
Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures
Law of Atomolic Synthesis of Chemical Elements
Law of Molecular Synthesis and Combination - Organic
levitative current
progressive synthesis
synthetic process
upsurging bio-magnetic rotary synthesising current

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday October 4, 2022 04:54:54 MDT by Dale Pond.