The product of this event is the mysterious upcurrent, the naturalesquely ordained resurrection marvel. Springing forth from 'higher' temperatures, it rationally and truthfully explains the increase of what is corpuscular and its qualitative improvement - in a word, the transmutation and perfection of all that is raw material - the process of self-renewal, or to put it briefly, evolution and all growth, its coming into being and passing away. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
See Also
dualistic formative, levitative and life-affirming force
formative and levitative current
formative and levitative force
levitative current
levitative energy
levitative force
levitative power
levitative substance
upward flowing
upward tendency
upwardly impelling dynagen flow
upwardly impelling function
upwardly radiating