"The result may better be pictured by the tornado which every action in Nature emulates. All electrical motion in the octave wave turns spirally around centering, still Magnetic shafts, just as cyclones do. All electrical compression begins by violent expansion to create a condition which borns its opposite, as all opposites in Nature do. This effect is the answer to the electrical engineer's question which asks WHY his electric current is only at the surface of his wires and cables, and not all through them except at the points where loops of force count his impulse frequencies for him. If it were possible for him to slice an electrical current into sections he would find that each section would be a ring whirling around a still center, except at points where collisions occur between the two lights of the spectrum, which are so forcibly projected from cathode zeros." [Atomic Suicide, page 122-125]
The raw materials out of which this fine matter arises under very specific preconditions, consist of the naturalesquely interred earthly remnants of former life. On no account are they senselessly and purposelessly reduced to dust and ashes, but once again, under particular preconditions, they develop into the 'peculiar' axis in the form of the formative and levitative current mentioned earlier. This spiritualising and uplifting current, which inwinds, upwardly impels and whirls around like a tornado, is partially condensed by the above heat-forms and can be readily measured and generated in any quantity and quality almost without cost. By means of this formative and levitative current all growth can be increased and qualitatively improved almost at will, and any weight can be lifted or moved indirectly at any desired speed rotationally and / or vertically with a power that increases by the square. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
See Also
cycloid motion
cycloid motive impulse
Figure 3.6 - Tornado Vacuums up Everything for Redistribution
Figure 3.6.1 - Tornadoes also have a Down Draft caused by its vacuous center
Figure 13.19a - Hurricane
Figure 13.20a - Hurricane Polarities - Polarization and Differentiation at root of Rotation