

Made or rendered polar; i.e., bi-polar. Charged. Having two poles or seeming opposite conditions.

"''Maxwell's theory is correct that the plane of polarized light is the plane of magnetic force. The sympathetic vibrations associated with polarized light constitute the pure coincident of the plane of magnetism. Therefore, they both tend to the same path, for both are interatomic, assimilating sympathetically in a given time, to continue the race together, although one precedes the other at the time of experimental evolution. The time is approaching when electromagnetic waves with an outreach of two feet will be produced, having an energy equal to that now shown up on the magnet when it is about to kiss its keeper, and showing a radiating force too stupendous for actual measurement.’' ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION - Snell

During early and late frosts experienced farmers protect their blossoming orchards by spraying water onto iron or steel plates through a system of paramagnetic[16] nozzles, which results in an immediate rise in temperature of about (6°C - 10.8°F) in the crown zone. This water cannot mix with the differently charged surrounding air and remains unchanged even under the severest frost. This works incomparably better than artificial smoke generators (smudge pots), which are also known to protect the delicate blooms against freezing. If the above process is carried out with copper nozzles, then a conspicuous cooling occurs in the crown zone, which can be used to safeguard sensitive young shoots and protect them from scorching. This is especially necessary in the case of young light- and heat-sensitive seed-stock, which are often shielded from sunburn with leafy cuttings. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]

In an already higher form as invisible suspensions, these same substances are contained in the carrier of life-substances - water - and can be made free and active with the use of Repulsators. In their relatively highest evolved form these bacteriophagous threshold stocks are to be found in the air. These indifferent elements of intermediate substances can be liberated by means of cycloid-space-curve-motion in so-called Repulsines, resulting in the intimate fusing of the former carrier-substances, which exit from the lower end of the apparatus, and immediately interact with the surrounding difference-matter, namely substances of a highly polarised nature. This leads to the formation of new juvenile air, which strives to displace itself upwards, because this increased, qualitatively-improved, evolutionally-older air cannot mix with the surrounding older air-masses, which have a different potential. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]

The cause of an explosion is the sudden binding by highly charged oxygen, which at +40°C (104°F) becomes free and aggressive, of the sweet substances generally known as carbones, which become increasingly passive (inactive) with pressure and increase in heat. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Explosion and Implosion - Expansion and Impansion]

See Also


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