noun: the act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely)
"I have spoken elsewhere of the almost infinite difficulties of getting into position, to hold hydrogen gas in suspension between soap film a proper period of time, to conduct these experiments. The setting of the other parts of the apparatus is quite easy in comparison. All wave propagations, electromagnetic or otherwise by being thus refracted can be measured in regard to the time of their propagation all of which are introductorily subservient to the luminiferous ether. The theory put forward by "men of science" in regard to electromagnetic forces shows that they are misled by the imperfection of their instruments. They are trying to measure the infinite by the finite, necessitating terms of avoidance, to the instantaneous propagation of nature's sympathetic evolutions, of the same nature as the one advanced in the assertion that a force does not exist in the interstitial embrace of all matter. ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION - Snell
"In this connection attention should be drawn to the salination of many mountain lakes, which is ultimately attributable to the activities of hydraulic and hydro-electric engineers. First of all, through the wanton clearing of forest the rivers were robbed of protection from Sun and heat afforded by the leafy canopy of the trees. In addition water-courses were subsequently subjected to regulation by mechanical means alone. Both events produced higher concentrations of oxygen in the water, which then sought out the coarse and fine carbones in the channel body, dislodging them from both bed and banks. Once this water reaches deeper and cooler lakes where the now-aggressive oxygen is concentrated and if the water is no longer able to retain the quantities of the now- dispersing carbones in suspension, the precipitation of salts then follows and freshwater is transformed into seawater. The reverse process happens at great depths in the sea, where strong concentrations of high-grade, complex carbones can eventuate. There the water is not only fresh, but also develops a highly potent negative charge, which under certain circumstances can trigger off violent electrical disturbances in the depths of the ocean." [Our Senseless Toil, page 37]
Particularly serious mistakes were made through the spreading of blast-furnace slag (so-called artificial fertilisers), whose intensified combustion once again robs the soil of its essential energy concentrates, the congealed oily sweetness, which the de-energised and finely pulverised slag then drags to itself from the surrounding negatively potentiated groundwater. Artificial fertilisers therefore remove the blood of the Earth's formative substances, which it must supply to the plants indirectly for the purposes of further ennoblement. In this way too, those levitational factors were eliminated which triable the specifically heavy groundwater to maintain its precarious suspension on steep slopes. From this it can be seen how dangerous are the influences of fire and the lower-grade, expansively and explosively functioning temperatures that arise from fire-affected masses. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
In an already higher form as invisible suspensions, these same substances are contained in the carrier of life-substances - water - and can be made free and active with the use of Repulsators. In their relatively highest evolved form these bacteriophagous threshold stocks are to be found in the air. These indifferent elements of intermediate substances can be liberated by means of cycloid-space-curve-motion in so-called Repulsines, resulting in the intimate fusing of the former carrier-substances, which exit from the lower end of the apparatus, and immediately interact with the surrounding difference-matter, namely substances of a highly polarised nature. This leads to the formation of new juvenile air, which strives to displace itself upwards, because this increased, qualitatively-improved, evolutionally-older air cannot mix with the surrounding older air-masses, which have a different potential. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
This elongated body suspended at the end, or at one-third from the end, the oscillations are the same. The one-third above the point of suspension so balances the two-thirds below that the oscillations are performed in the same time for both suspensions. When it is [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 92]